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Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 11 Jul 2013, p. 42

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•T he I FP • H al to n H ill s •T hu rs da y, J ul y 11 , 2 01 3 30 Townhouse/Condos for Sale Apartments for Rent Townhouses for Rent Firewood Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking Domestic Help Available Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies Lost & Found Lost & Found Lost & Found Lost & Found Lost & Found B R A N D N E W, n e v e r l i v e d i n t o w n h o u s e , Weavers Mill, George- t o w n . E n d u n i t (2 ,040sq. f t . ) , 3-bed- room, 3-bath. Ready to purchase and close Sep- tember 12th. Open-con- c e p t , $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 p l u s upgrades. $408,000. Call 905-586-0411. Real Estate Misc./ Services CANCEL YOUR TIME- SHARE. NO RISK pro- gram. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consul tat ion. Cal l us N o w. We c a n H e l p ! 1-888-356-5248 Apartments for Rent 1-BEDROOM APART- M E N T c l o s e t o G O . Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. $700/month plus 1/3 util it ies. Available August 1st. First/last and references. 905-877-4967. 2 BEDROOM Apartment in Georgetown, Hard- wood Floors Through- out, Call 647-688-3427/ 905-781-1603 2 BEDROOM , laundry room mainfloor of trip- lex, parking for 2. $925/ month + heat and hydro. No pets. Available Sept 1 905-877-6649 416-795-9437 A C T O N 1 - B E D R O O M basement apar tment . Available immediately. Clean, quiet residential, 1-parking, laundry. No pets/smoking, referenc- es . $775/month in - cludes water, electric, heat. 519-853-5940. A C T O N B A C H E L O R a p a r t m e n t . C e n t r a l location in quiet 8-plex. C o i n l a u n d r y o n premises. $600/month all inclusive. Available i m m e d i a t e l y . C a l l 905-873-3862. B R I G H T S PA C I O U S open concept 1-bed- room+den in quiet build- i n g , G e o r g e t o w n . Available August 1st. Ex- c e l l e n t l o c a t i o n . N o smoking/pets, no excep- tions. $895/month plus heat/hydro, water includ- ed. Call 416-570-6578. CENTRAL ACTON, clean, 1-bedroom apartment. E a t - i n k i t c h e n . $650/month plus elec- tricity. Owner pays water and heat. Available Sep- t e m b e r . 1 s t . C a l l 519-837-0760. BRIGHT, NEWLY reno- vated 1-bedroom apart- ment in a quiet triplex close to GO Station in Georgetown. New appli- ances, air-conditioned, storage, parking, on-site laundry, shared yard. N o p e t s / s m o k i n g . Avai lable August 1st . $ 9 0 0 / m o n t h p l u s h e a t / h y d r o . C a l l 905-702-4627. GEORGETOWN 1-BED- ROOM basement. All ap- pl iances. $850/month u t i l i t i e s i n c l u d e d . Available September 1st. No pets/smoking. Refer- e n c e s . C a l l 905-877-9155. GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM. $960 /month . Prefer couple/single. No pets. First/last required. S e p t e mbe r 1s t . Ca l l 905-877-4194. G E O R G E T O W N 2 - B E D R O O M a d u l t b u i l d i n g , 1 - p a r k i n g . $950 /month u t i l i t i es included. First/last. No pets. August 1st. Reply to email: 18riverview@gmail.com GEORGETOWN 3-BED- ROOM. Mainfloor, huge backyard. Laundry, park- ing for 2. No pets/smok- ing. $1,250/month plus utilities. August 1st. Call 905-873-1883. H U G E 3 - B E D R O O M L o t s o f p a r k i n g . Avai lable August 1st . $ 1 , 2 0 0 / m o n t h p l u s u t i l i t i e s . C a l l V i t o 519-853-3940. L A R G E 2 - B E D R O O M Georgetown. Parking, laundry. No pets/smok- i n g . R e f e r e n c e s . First/last. All inclusive. Available immediately. 905-877-2993. MILTON- BACHELOR, 1 & 2 bedrooms available. From $700/mo. Call Jaz 416-723-4801. Townhouses for Rent 1300 SF townhome with wa lkout basement . 3 bedroom, 1 Ω baths. Family friendly street, walking distance to all amenities. One car gar- age. $1400/month. Call Jackie for more informa- t i o n o r t o v i e w 416-317-3093. Available August 1st 2 BEDROOM Town- h o u s e , 2 P a r k i n g , Laundry, A/C, Hard- wood F loo rs , New Kitchen, Private Back- yard, $1,400. August 1st. Near Superstore/ G O S t a t i o n . 289-218-9872 GEORGETOWN NEW 3- bedroom, 2 1/2-bath townhouse. Includes all appliances, AC, window coverings. $1,700/month plus utilities. No smok- ing. Call 905-703-4020. Houses for Rent FOR RENT, 3-bedroom bungalow. Close to Mall. Please contact: steve@ fieldstonerealty.ca or call 905-877-2630 for details. GEORGETOWN, S IN- C L A I R A v e n u e . $ 1 , 4 0 0 / m o n t h p l u s u t i l i t i e s . 3 - b e d r o o m townhouse, new air con- ditioner/furnace. Fridge, stove, dishwasher, mi- crowave, washer, dryer, water softener. New car- pet, finished basement. Clean and close to every- t h i n g . C a l l J o 905-873-2855. Industrial/Commercial for Rent/ Wanted 4796 SQ.FT. of recrea- tional space for lease. Ideal for use as gymnas- tic studio, martial arts studio, athletic gym or training facility. Please contact 905-877-0202 for more information. Articles Wanted LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Q u a l i t y A n t i q u e Furniture, Canadiana, Sterling Silver, Lighting, F i n e C h i n a , G l a s s , M e m o r a b i l i a , a n d Complete Collections. For confidential service call Norm's Antiques at 905-703-1107. Articles for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COV- ERS. Best Price, Best Qual i ty. Al l Shapes & Colors Avai lable. Cal l 1-866-652-6837, www.thecover- guy.com/newspaper HOT TUB (SPA) Covers Best Price, Best Quality. Al l shapes & Colours Available. Call -866-652-6837. www.thecover- guy.com/sale IPAD2 16G, WIFI and cellular, $300. Please call 905-877-9467. S T E E L B U I L D I N G S / METAL BUILDINGS. UP TO 60% OFF! 30x40, 40x60, 50x80, 60x100, 80x100 sell for balance o w e d ! C a l l : 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca 2007 Honda Accord SE V6, 136K, 4 door sedan, Certi�ed E-tested $11,500 416-618-9395 905-453-0739 FIREWOOD Summer prices now in e f fec t on top qua l i ty hardwood in 12" or 16" lengths. www. northernhardwood.ca 519-763-2223 (Georgetown only) Toll Free 1-888-856-8696 Cars 2007 Honda Accord SE, V6, 136K, 4 door sedan, mint condition. C e r t i f i e d E - t e s t e d $11,500 priced to sell. 416-618-9395 905-453-0739 Boats/Motors 1 4 - F O O T S U N S P O T Ca tamaran Sa i l c ra f t . Foam filled, unsinkable hul l wi th s ingle sa i l . Ideal training boat for young sailors. Complete with sail, mast, rudder and trailer. $1,200 obo. C a l l G a r r y 289-891-9439. Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking "A1 CASH" $ 1 9 0 a n d u p . C a r s - Trucks - Trailers. Scrap Tires wanted. Free tow- ing. Flat bed service. 9 0 5 - 8 4 3 - 9 3 3 2 o r 416-356-9430. ALL VEHICLES wanted Dead or Alive. Free Tow- ing Best Prices Paid. We sell quality used parts. Erin Auto Recyclers. 905-459-4741 519-833-9775 FREE FREE FREE Pick up o f a l l i t ems made out of metal or steel. Old appliances, ex- ercise equipment, lawn- mowers, snowmobiles, ATV's, motorcycles, bi- cyc les , BBQ's , scrap metal. We pick for FREE! We also buy old cars, trucks, vans, farm equip- ment - Big or Small! Call T h e J u n k b o y s a t 9 0 5 - 8 7 7 - 7 2 5 7 o r 416-576-5776. Cars Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking TOP PRICE paid for cars, trucks, vans. Free tow- i n g . C a l l S t e v e 519-853-5543 Loca l . 7-Days/Week. $ WANTED $ Truck - Auto Machinery Running or Not! WE PAY YOU $260 and up to $5,000 Fast Free Pick-up Flatbed Carrier We also take old tires. Sell new and used parts. Custom exhaust shop (new cats $240 installed). 519-833-1150 c 647-403-1020 22 years in service Astrology/ Psychics TRUE PSYCHICS For An- swers CALL NOW 24/7 T o l l F R E E 1-877-342-3032 Mobile: #4486 www.truepsychics.ca CLEANERS AVAILABLE for hire" sect ion- not sure which section that would be? Dutch Maid P r o f e s s i o n a l h o m e cleaning: Great Rates. 13 yrs in business. Quality work. (647)231-MAID EUROPEAN CLEANING l ady. Exper i enced in r e s i d e n t i a l h o m e s . E x c e l l e n t s e r v i c e . References avai lable. 9 0 5 - 2 1 6 - 7 1 7 9 o r 647-262-8177. Health & Home Care CERTIFIED, PSW, senior care g iver specia l is t . L i v e - i n o r o u t . C a l l 905-703-6013. NEW Shiatsu Massage 4 3 G u e l p h S t r e e t Georgetown across from Carpet Barn, Mil l and Gue lph S t ree ts . Ce l l 647-282-7698. Legal Services C R I M I N A L R E CO R D ? D o n ' t l e t y o u r p a s t l i m i t y o u r c a r e e r p l a n s ! S i n c e 1 9 8 9 Confidential, Fast Af- fordable - A+ BBB rat- i n g e m p l o y m e n t & travel freedom call for free info booklet 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366) www.RemoveYourRe- cord.com Handy Person HOUSE MAINTENANCE Eavestrough clean out, window cleaning, deck a n d f e n c e r e p a i r , painting, junk removal, s m a l l m o v e s , t r e e removal and pruning. Now book ing Spr ing Cleanup. FREE Quotes on l awn cu t t ing and trimming. Shaun Hughes 1-647-309-6966 smhughes@hotmail.ca Home Renovations MASTER OF PLASTER Drywall taping, repairs, trim and paint. Basements our specialty. Call Robert 416-669-7616. www. masterofplaster.ca FOUND ORANGE CAT with Blue Eyes in the Delrex Boulevard area (near Holy Cross School). Please call 905-877-2746 LOST YELLOW COCKATIEL In the Delrex Boulevard area (near Holy Cross School). Please call 905-877-2746 S T U D E N T Y A R D M a i n t e n a n c e . G r a s s c u t t i n g / t r i m m i n g . G a r d e n i n g . A n y j o b q u o t e d * Wo r r y f r e e vacation home / lawn c a r e * F r e e a n d reasonable estimates. 905-702-0236. Moving & Storage WWW.ALEKSMOVING.CA Flat rate/ free estimates. Local and long distance. Family owned business. Student and Senior dis- counts. 416-889-5167. Waste Removal A1-JUNK RUBBISH re- moval, old furniture / ap- p l i ances / unwan ted items. Garage/basement clean-outs / renovation and yard waste. We load, we haul. Call The Junk Boys 905-877-7257 or cell 416-576-5776. WE RECYCLE! THE FINDER of my Q10 Blackberry...upon return f r o m v a c a t i o n w a s notified by Bell that you f o u n d m y p h o n e . THANK YOU! I 've not been able to reach you (my phone battery is probably dead) please c a l l m y o f f i c e 416-641-2803 or have Bell get in touch with me to arrange for return. Your kindness is greatly appreciated! Sue DriversDrivers Drivers Drivers Adjustments: Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion/ Credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is limited to the printed space involved. Cancellations must be made by 2 p.m. one business day prior to publication date. Cancellations must be made by telephone. Do not fax or e-mail cancellations. Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9 am - 5 pm Telephone Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Cash & Interac Transactions: 9 am - 5 pm Call 1-855-415-8237 Fax: 1-855-515-4991 280 Guelph St, Unit #29, Georgetown, ON L7G 4B1 www.independentfreepress.com haltonhillsclassads@metroland.com Circulation 905-873-0301 ext 228 Your career is waiting for you. Adjustments: Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion/ Credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is limited to the printed space involved. Cancellations must be made by 2 p.m. one business day prior to publication date. Cancellations must be made by telephone. Do not fax or e-mail cancellations. Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9 am - 5 pm Telephone Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Cash & Interac Transactions: 9 am - 5 pm Call 1-855-415-8237 Fax: 1-855-515-4991 280 Guelph St, Unit #29, Georgetown, ON L7G 4B1 www.independentfreepress.com haltonhillsclassads@metroland.com Circulation 905-873-0301 ext 228 Your career is waiting for you. For inquiries regarding the delivery of the paper please call the Circulation Dept. at 905-873-0301 ext. 228 Classifi ed has a new number! 1-855-415-8237 Fax: 1-855-515-4991 haltonhillsclassads@metroland.com

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