•T he I FP • H al to n H ill s •T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 1 9, 2 01 3 24 Dr. Keith DaSilva Specialized dentistry for infants, children, teenagers and all patients with special needs. New Patients Welcome! No referral necessary. 13219 15 Sideroad, Georgetown 905-877-0900 Fax 905-877-0500 Coordinated by: Nominations will be accepted until November 30 Contact this newspaper or the Ontario Community Newspapers Association at www.ocna.org/juniorcitizen or 905.639.8720 ext. 221 Inspiring Others One Star ataTime Sponsored by: NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY! Nominations are now being accepted for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards The strength of our community lies in solid citizens. If you know a young person, aged 6 to 17, who is involved in worthwhile community service; a special person who is contributing while living with a limitation; a youth who has performed an act of heroism; or a 'good kid' who shows a commitment to making life better for others, doing more than is normally expected of someone their age - help us recognize their contribution - nominate them today! Halton Hills Concert Band (HHCB) invites the community to our Instru- ments in the Attic & Open House, on Saturday, Sept. 21, 12:30-3 p.m. at The Carter Farm Market, 9880 Winston Churchill Blvd. in Norval. Michael Carter has generously pro- vided his farm for this first for Halton Hills, which features a free profession- al instrument appraisal, an outdoor concert and open band rehearsal for those interested in playing along with the band. Purchase fresh baked goods, sandwiches or ice cream anytime dur- ing the afternoon at The Market's Blue- bird Café. The afternoon kicks off at 12:30 p.m. with a rehearsal and instrument ap- praisal session by Music-Tech Services Inc., whose owner has kindly donat- ed his time in support of this special project, Music for All. Dig out that old woodwind, brass or string instrument and find out its condition or value. From the free evaluation, if you want to get back into playing again, you can choose to have your instrument re- paired later and maybe even join the HHCB. Alternatively, you can donate your instrument or funds to the HHCB Music for All project for children who would like to learn a musical instru- ment but whose family situations make that impossible. Bring your lawn chair or blanket and watch or join in HHCB's open rehearsal of familiar tunes, marches, swing and movie music to prepare for With Glowing Hearts, a tribute to the Armed Forces on Saturday, Nov. 2. Get a copy of the music in advance and play along or chat with friendly, enthusiastic musicians of all ages. HHCB members love to play, improve their skills and support numerous com- munity events throughout the year. A short concert that's sure to have something for everyone will follow the rehearsal. And there's more. Kids can also see farm animals such as the pygmy goats and alpacas or try the corn maze. Parking is available and for inclement weather, there is a covered patio. For more information on this or other coming events, membership and non-playing volunteer opportunities, call Roper Galloway, Halton Hills Con- cert Band President, at 905-873-6144, or visit haltonhillsconcertband.com. Get tickets now for Antique Appraisal Show St. George's Anglican Church is hosting its annual Antiques Ap- praisal Show on September 28, from 1-4:30 p.m. For $20 per item for appraisal, which also includes tea and cakes, you can find out what your valuables are finally worth. (No jewelry please). Come watch the fun for just $5. Preregister by contacting Kyle Jones at 905-873-2073 or pk- jones@cogeco.ca Saturday, Sept. 21 at Carter Farm Market Halton Hills Concert Band hosts Instruments in the Attic event Georgetown Bread Basket needs: peanut butter, cold cereal, canned pasta, canned spaghetti, chili, canned juice, canned fruit, instant coffee, crackers, cookies. Please drop off donations to the local grocery stores including Walmart. Info: www.georgetownbreadbasket.ca to check items most needed.