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•T he IFP• H alton H ills, Thursday, O ctober 31, 2013 37 BAZAAR Sat. Nov. 2nd, 8am - 2pm St. Stephen's Anglican Church 14946 Steeles Ave. (Between Winston Churchill Blvd and Trafalgar Rd) Bake, Deli, Candy & Craft Table Plus Tea Room. ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 60 GUELPH STREET Georgetown, Ontario (next to High School) CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Saturday November 2nd, 2013 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Come and enjoy a day with friends! The warmth of handmade mittens, a new decoration for the tree, or the joy on the face of a child with a new toy. Lots of baking, a country kitchen table, new and used books, white elephant, penny sale, and lunch from the kitch- en. Our 'piece de resistance' is our Christmas Cookie trays, two different size trays of homemade fancy cookies to serve or give as a wonderful gift. We look forward to seeing you there! OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 3 1-4 pm 89 Crescent St, Acton Newly Renovated Home 3+ bedroom, 2 bath, main fl oor laundry NEW, NEW, NEW $469,000 Please call 905-462-2225 for further info. Snow Removal Shows & Bazaars Shows & Bazaars SNOW REMOVAL. Resi- dential driveway snow removal. Book for the winter. Extremely re- l i a b l e . C a l l K y l e 647-444-5417. Seniors Services WA N T E D B Y s e n i o r, part-time chauffer. Must h a v e c l e a n d r i v e r s record. Excellent remu- n e r a t i o n . C a l l 905-877-1458. Open Houses Real Estate Misc./ Services CANCEL YOUR TIME- SHARE. NO RISK pro- gram. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consul tat ion. Cal l us N o w. We c a n H e l p ! 1-888-356-5248 Apartments for Rent 1 BEDROOM apartment, close to Georgetown Go train. Available Immedi- ately. $890/ month. In- c l u d e s h e a t & 2 appliances. Just renovat- ed. Call 905-702-3070, 905-877-1010 ACTON, 1-BEDROOM apartment. $700/month plus hydro. First/ last. Fridge/stove included. December 1st. No pets. Call 905-703-0520. Open Houses Apartments for Rent 2 BEDROOM basement apartment. Furnished or unfurnished. New fridge, stove complete renovat- ed, freshly painted, hard- wood floors, Eglinton/ Hurontario. Non-smok- ing/ pets, parking, laun- d r y . f r o m $ 9 9 0 416-937-9948 HIDDEN GEM! Silvercreek Towers Stunning 2 bdrm apts GOING FAST! Util Incl, laundry, secure bldg., pkg, on-site mgmt., EVENTS! Offi ce Open DAILY. Call today for your tour. DON'T MISS OUT! 905-873-8080 realstar.ca Apartments for Rent 2-BEDROOM APART- MENT in Acton. Small yard and ensuite laun- dry. $950/month plus ut i l i t ies. 3-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE in George- t o w n S o u t h . $ 1 , 6 0 0 / m o n t h p l u s utilities. Call Elizabeth Doel l Johnson Asso- ciates 905-877-5165. ACTON 2-BEDROOM, apartments. Avai lable immediately. $960/month utilities in- cluded. Quiet building. No pets. 192 Churchill R o a d , S o u t h . C a l l 519-853-1281. ACTON l a rge 2 -bed - room. Ground l eve l , $875/month plus. No d o g s . C a l l 5 1 9 - 8 5 3 - 5 3 5 2 o r 519-853-5080. APARTMENTS FOR Rent Georgetown 1 to 3 Bed- r o o m s . R e n o v a t e d Suites. Move-In Immedi- a te ly. $800- $1 ,395 . Strategic Property Man- a g e m e n t J e f f : 905-699-8112 Apt two bedroom avail now in Georgetown near the Go. Newly renovated in quiet 4 plex, looking for mature quiet long term tenant with stable income\employment. No pet's $1k plus hydro. C a l l J a s o n 416-200-2143 DOWNTOWN ACTON, one bedroom apartment on ground f loor wi th p a r k i n g a n d f e n c e d patio. $875.00 Utilities, fridge & stove included. N o S m o k i n g / p e t s References. Available: D e c 1 s t C a l l J o h n 519-826-9940 GEORGETOWN 1 Bed- room Apartment. $850/ month. Includes Utilities, 1 P a r k i n g S p o t a n d Laundry. Non-smoking/ Pets. Available Immedi- ately. 905-703-4618. GEORGETOWN 2-bed- room apartment. Clean a n d q u i e t . N o pets/smoking. Referenc- e s . S i n g l e / c o u p l e . 1-park ing. November 1 5 t h / D e c e m b e r 1 s t . 905-877-1209. Apartments for Rent G E O R G E T O W N 1 - b e d r o o m i n q u i e t building. $775/month+ hydro. 1 parking. First /last, good credit required. No pets /smoking. Available November 1st & December 1st. 289-924-1041, 416-570-7685. STEWARTTOWN TRIP- LEX ground f loor, 2 bedroom, washer/ dryer, lots of windows, $1200+ u t i l i t i e s . N o v 1 s t . 905-877-0064 Townhouses for Rent N E W 3 B e d r o o m Townhouse in Weav- ers Mill, Georgetown, Laundry, Garage, New Stainless Steel Kitch- en Appliances. $1750 + Utilities. Available Immed ia te l y. Non- s m o k i n g . P e t s . 905-877-5304 Houses for Rent ACTON. BRIGHT Clean 3 bedroom home, r ec . room, 2 bath, ranch, large private property. Close to all amenities. P a r k i n g 5 c a r s . $1575/mnth + utilities. Call 519-853-0336 Retirement Living RETIREMENT APART- MENTS, All Inclusive. Meals, transportation, act iv i t ies dai ly. Short Leases. Monthly Spe- cials! Call 877-210-4130 Industrial/Commercial for Rent/ Wanted 4796 SQ.FT. of recrea- tional space for lease. Ideal for use as gymnas- tic studio, martial arts studio, athletic gym or training facility. Please contact 905-877-0202 for more information. RETAIL / COMMERCIAL SPACE for lease in busy plaza. 960 Sq.Ft. In- c ludes back s to rage area, separate office area private washroom. Land- l o r d o n s i t e . C a l l 905-877-0202 for more information. SMALL SHOP 300sqft, w i th washroom use , share hydro. Perfect for 1 stylist or 1 esthetician, grea t loca t ion , grea t parking. On Hwy 7 at Maple, $1000/mth. Call 289-924-0620 Articles Wanted LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Q u a l i t y A n t i q u e Furniture, Canadiana, Sterling Silver, Lighting, F i n e C h i n a , G l a s s , M e m o r a b i l i a , a n d Complete Collections. For confidential service call Norm's Antiques at 905-703-1107. Articles for Sale 4 SNOW t i res / r ims. 2 2 5 / 4 5 R 1 7 u s e d 4 m o n t h s , $ 6 0 0 / o b o 905-702-8221 A1 RAINBOW, SPECK- LED & BROWN TROUT (8"-10-12") for stocking ($1.49-$2.49). Pond Fountains/aerators, windmills, $999 & up. www.silvercreek p o n d s . c o m E r i n (519) 833 2559 ANTIQUE SEWING ma- chine. Featured at the C h i c a g o Wo r l d F a i r. M a k e a n o f f e r ! C a l l 905-877-1458. BRAND NEW stainless steel Kenmore MD Dish- washer for sale. Asking $350 O.B.O. Call Felicia at 289-891-8999. BUTCHER SUPPLIES, Leather + Craft Supplies a n d A n i m a l C o n t r o l P r o d u c t s . G e t y o u r H a l f o r d s 1 3 6 p a g e F R E E C A T A L O G . 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 5 3 - 7 8 6 4 o r Email: order@halfordhide.com Visit our Web Store: www.halfordsmailorder.com DEHYDRATOR- 5 tray excalibur. Timer. 2 Par- ra f lex sheets . Gent ly u s e d . $ 2 0 0 . 416.726.2639. FOR SALE 1 Share at The Club at North Halton Contact 905-703-1818 Arts and Crafts Articles for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COV- ERS. Best Price, Best Qual i ty. Al l Shapes & Colors Avai lable. Cal l 1-866-652-6837, www.thecover- guy.com/newspaper HOT TUB (SPA) Covers Best Price, Best Quality. Al l shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-652-6837. www.thecover- guy.com/sale S T E E L B U I L D I N G S / METAL BUILDINGS. UP TO 60% OFF! 30x40, 40x60, 50x80, 60x100, 80x100 sell for balance o w e d ! C a l l : 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca Firewood FIREWOOD Fall prices now in effect on top quality hardwood in 12" or 16" lengths. www. northernhardwood.ca 519-763-2223 (Georgetown) Toll Free 1-888-856-8696 FIREWOOD FOR sale. 12" and 16". Please call 905-877-7931. FIREWOOD for sale. Mixed hardwoods. Free d e l i v e r y . C a l l 9 0 5 - 7 0 2 - 1 2 9 8 o r 905-805-0522. Dogs YORKIE PUPPIES. CKC registered, vet checked, f i rst shots. European line, parents show dogs. Ready for Christmas! 9 0 5 - 8 7 7 - 3 4 4 2 o r eliza36@live.ca for pho- tos. Arts and Crafts 2007 Honda Accord SE V6, 136K, 4 door sedan, Certi� ed E-tested $10,500 416-618-9395 905-453-0739 LOST CAT - REWARD! Male , named Bo lek 1 -yea r old, long hair, b l a c k w i t h wh i te on the neck and white tip on the tail. L o s t A u g u s t 7 th . George- t o w n , M o o r Park area. If found, call 647-866-4314. Cars Auctions & Sales HUGE MARINE & REC- REATIONAL AUCTION!!! Saturday November 2nd, 8am, Barrie, ON. Snow- mobiles, Boats/ Trailers, RV'S, Travel-Trai lers, 5 t h - W h e e l s , AT V 's / PWC's. For full listing & p i c t u r e s v i s i t www.aeroauctions.ca Online Bidding available. CONSIGNMENTS WEL- COME! 1-866-375-6109 Cars 2000 NISSAN Altima, 287,000km, power window, power lock, running condition. $550 . as is. 416-996-8744. 2007 Honda Accord SE, Certi� ed E-tested Reduced price $10,500 416-618-9395 905-453-0739 Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking "A1 CASH". $190 and up cars and trucks wanted. Free towing. Flat bed se r v i ce . Sc rap T i r es Wanted. 905-843-9332 or 416-356-9430. ALL VEHICLES wanted Dead or Alive. Free Tow- ing Best Prices Paid. We sell quality used parts. Erin Auto Recyclers. 905-459-4741 519-833-9775 FREE FREE FREE Pick up o f a l l i t ems made out of metal or steel. Old appliances, ex- ercise equipment, lawn- mowers, snowmobiles, ATV's, motorcycles, bi- cyc les , BBQ's , scrap metal. We pick for FREE! We also buy old cars, trucks, vans, farm equip- ment - Big or Small! Call T h e J u n k b o y s a t 9 0 5 - 8 7 7 - 7 2 5 7 o r 416-576-5776. Cars Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking midwestmetals.ca CA$H! For Scrap Vehicles. FREE pick up! 1-705-466-5227, 1-866-586-5685 TURN YOUR RUST INTO GOLD TOP PRICE paid for cars, trucks, vans. Free tow- i n g . C a l l S t e v e 519-853-5543 Loca l . 7-Days/Week. $ WANTED $ Truck - Auto Machinery Running or Not! WE PAY YOU $260 and up to $5,000 Fast Free Pick-up Flatbed Carrier We also take old tires. Sell new and used parts. Custom exhaust shop (new cats $240 installed). 519-833-1150 c 647-403-1020 22 years in service Astrology/ Psychics TRUE PSYCHICS . For Answers , CALL NOW 2 4 / 7 . T o l l F R E E 1-877-342-3032 Mobile: #4486 www.truepsychics.ca Domestic Help Available AN ADDITIONAL Dollar S a v i n g s , E u r o p e a n cleaning lady available. Quality job, reasonable rates. Call: (905)855-8035 CLEANING LADY. Re- l i ab le , hones t house cleaning. Checkable ref- erences. Free estimate. Call 647-530-4445. C L E A N I N G S E R V I C E available. Reliable. Free e s t i m a t e . C a l l 905-702-3764. RESIDENTIAL CLEAN- ING available in George- t ow n a n d a r e a . C a l l E l i z a b e t h a t c e l l 647-216-1111. Health & Home Care NEW Shiatsu Massage 4 3 G u e l p h S t r e e t Georgetown across from Carpet Barn, Mil l and Gue lph S t ree ts . Ce l l 647-282-7698. Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don't let your past limit your career plans! Since 1989 Confidential, Fast Affordable - A+ BBB rat- ing. Employment & Trav- e l F reedom. Ca l l fo r FREE info booklet 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366) www. RemoveYourRecord.com Handy Person FALL LEAF and garden clean-up, junk, garbage, r enova t i on and ya rd waste removal, minor and genera l r epa i rs , eavestrough cleaning, snowblower tune-ups, in the home or office. Rays Property Services since 1994 . Fu l l y i nsured . 905-877-7774 or cel l 905-703-0243 www. rayspropertyservices.ca HOUSE MAINTENANCE. window cleaning, deck a n d f e n c e r e p a i r , painting, junk removal, s m a l l m o v e s , t r e e removal and pruning. FALL SPECIAL ON EAVESTROUGH CLEANOUT!! Call for details. JUNK REMOVAL! WE DO SNOW!! Shaun Hughes 1-647-309-6966 smhughes@hotmail.ca Home Renovations Lowest price, quality work, general con- t r a c t o r . ( F r o m $1500) Washroom renovation, plumb- ing, doors, drywall, tiles, brick, masonry work, flooring, appli- ances & waterproof- i n g . S a m 416-841-1992 Lost & Found Home Renovations MASTER OF PLASTER Drywall taping, repairs, t r i m a n d p a i n t . Basements our specialty. C a l l R o b e r t 416-669-7616. www. masterofplaster.ca Moving & Storage WWW.ALEKSMOVING.CA Flat rate/ free estimates. Local and long distance. Family owned business. Student and Senior dis- counts. 416-889-5167. COURTESY MOVERS . Specializing in offices, residential, apts., con- dos, houses. Local/ long distance. Insured/ bond- ed. Free estimates. Big or smal l moves. Ca l l 647-657-7731, 24/7 USERS SELF STORAGE Serving Acton, George- town, Milton since 1995. Safe/ heated, 24/7 ac- cess, lowest prices in Ontario. Outdoor stor- age- boats, cars, RV's etc. 519-835-9638 Plumbing PLUMBING REPAIRS & instal lat ions. Leaking faucets/ blocked toilets. Dishwasher installations, etc. Reasonable rates. 905-206-1921. Waste Removal A1-JUNK RUBBISH re- moval, old furniture / ap- p l i ances / unwan ted items. Garage/basement clean-outs / renovation and yard waste. We load, we haul. Call The Junk Boys 905-877-7257 or cell 416-576-5776. WE RECYCLE! Lost & Found Adjustments: Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion/ Credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is limited to the printed space involved. Cancellations must be made by 2 p.m. one business day prior to publication date. Cancellations must be made by telephone. Do not fax or e-mail cancellations. Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9 am - 5 pm Telephone Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Cash & Interac Transactions: 9 am - 5 pm Call 1-855-415-8237 Fax: 1-855-515-4991 280 Guelph St, Unit #29, Georgetown, ON L7G 4B1 www.independentfreepress.com haltonhillsclassads@metroland.com Circulation 905-873-0301 ext 228 Your career is waiting for you. Adjustments: Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion/ Credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is limited to the printed space involved. Cancellations must be made by 2 p.m. one business day prior to publication date. Cancellations must be made by telephone. Do not fax or e-mail cancellations. Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9 am - 5 pm Telephone Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Cash & Interac Transactions: 9 am - 5 pm Call 1-855-415-8237 Fax: 1-855-515-4991 280 Guelph St, Unit #29, Georgetown, ON L7G 4B1 www.independentfreepress.com haltonhillsclassads@metroland.com Circulation 905-873-0301 ext 228 Your career is waiting for you. Classi� ed has a new number! 1-855-415-8237 Fax: 1-855-515-4991 haltonhillsclassads@metroland.com TO BOOK YOUR AD CALL 1-855-415-8237

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