•T h e IF P • H al to n H ill s •T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 1 2, 2 01 3 32 In a bit of an upset, the Centennial Chargers of Georgetown swept CH Norton of Burlington in the HDSB Tier I boys' volleyball championship in Mil- ton. Team members (front, from left) are: Steven Abrams, Nathan Hughes, Josh Pereira, Blake Arm- strong, Chris Bowen, Kelso Schneider, Nick Klobu- car. Back row: Owen Barlow, Adam Hachey, Steven Fisher, Josh Dors, Ben Watson, Andrew Kroeger, Josh Menheere, coach Patty Hall. Photo by Greg Abrams Team of the week Centennial Middle School Chargers capture Halton Tier I boys' volleyball championship Bantam Twisters ready for shot at ACC game The North Halton Twisters' bantam A girls' hockey team has come a step closer to play- ing a game at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto next month. The Twisters are the lone girls' team of the five entries who have reached the "Third Period" of a promotion spon- sored by the Toronto Maple Leafs and Under Armour after garnering enough votes during an online contest called the "Second Period." The Third Period is a skills competition set for Friday, Dec. 13 at the MasterCard Centre in Etobicoke that is open to the public. Doors open at 6 p.m. The two teams to emerge victorious from the skills com- petition will get to play for the Armour Cup on Jan. 6 at the ACC, which will include expe- riencing game day activities in the home of the Maple Leafs. As well, the bantam A Twist- ers have undertaken a toy/gift drive again this year for the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness. The team will be at the Mold-Masters SportsPlex for a collection on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 15 at the Milton Sports Centre from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Last year, the Twisters col- lected close to $4,000 in goods and donations and would ap- preciate if people could donate unwrapped gifts that children, teens, women and men can benefit from. The North Halton bantam A Twisters have advanced to a five-team skills competition with four boys' bantam and midget teams that will take place this Friday night at the MasterCard Centre in Etobicoke, with the two finalists getting a chance to spend the day and play a game at Toronto's Air Canada Centre on Jan. 6. Twister team mem- bers (front, from left) include: Zoey Westervelt, Amanda Dimascio. Back row: Grace Williams, Meaghan Leblanc, Julia Findlay, Chrisha Parker, Jill Bennett, Madeleine Griffiths, Madison Gardiner, Jordyne Wong, Lyndsey Wilson, Shannon Kranics, Shannon Clark, Holly Bihun. Absent: Briana Campbell, Natalie Brodigan, Anna Kiroplis, coaches Rick McCabe, Dave Yowart, Lesley Ashby, John Brodigan, Anna Campbell, Josh McCabe. Submitted photo Members of the Halton Hills minor peewee A Thunder recently col- lected new and used items in support of Canadian Food for Children. Several car loads of clothing, shoes, food, toiletries, blankets, candles, school & sewing supplies were delivered to the charity's warehouse, which will then be distributed to people in need around the world. The Thunder minor peewee A team had a great response to its drive to collect non-perishable food items and other necessities. Team members (front, from left) are: Goalies Tyler Hoekstra, Josh Emmer- son. Second row: Eric Marrows, Lucas Yurcich, James Hale. Back row: Matt Oram, Tommy Woods, Tyler Jaycocks, Zach Booth, Jordan Reyce, Sammy Myre, Spencer Booth, Ethan Valade, Jack Dool, Eric Cunning- ham, Eamonn McCloskey, Max Mlynarczyk. Photo by Cheri Reyce Thunder lends a helping hand