•T h e IF P • H alto n H ills • D ecem ber 24-26, 2013 39 82 Main St. N. Georgetown 905-873-6127To bookan appointment www.bratinauto.com Free Local Shuttle Service 122613 WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR A WONDERFUL 2013! From all of us at Bratin Auto WE WISH YOU A Honest, Reliable Service Since 1989 Bratin Auto Synchro team makes splash at first competition of season Intro and competitive novice swim- mers from Halton Hills Synchro com- peted at their first meet on the Ontario circuit recently hosted by the York club and came back with several podium placements. Local club members also had the op- portunity to meet national team mem- ber Jacqueline Simoneau. Following are the results for the Halton Hills Synchro athletes at the recent York meet: Novice (9 yrs.) Kaia Lapsley-- 1st (5th overall) (10 yrs.) Khloe McKay-- 1st (1st overall) Alyson Leonard-- 2nd (2nd overall) Stella Snow-- 10th (14th overall) (11 yrs.) Emma Hawkins-- 5th (7th overall) Sara Padt-- 15th (26th overall) Estepnia Borrero-- 16th (27th overall) Thea AuCoin-- 22nd (36th overall) Grace Boska-- 23rd (38th overall) Nadia Farragos-- 27th (48th overall) Emily Deschenes-- 30th (53rd overall) (12 yrs.) Meghan Houtby-- 6th (11th overall) Diana Czarnota-- 10th (21st overall) Audrey Vieyra-- 22nd (48th overall) Charlotte Snow-- 23rd (51st overall) (Athletes With Disability) Shannon Leighton-- 2nd (2nd overall) Beginner (13 yrs.) Hannah Jones-- 5th (9th overall) Rachael Vieyra-- 17th (28th overall) Maria Srebernjak-- 18th (30th overall) (15 yrs.) Mackenzie Mehring-- 2nd (14th overall) Advanced (13 yrs.) Olivia Heaton-- 2nd (7th overall) (14 yrs.) Hadley Biehn-- 2nd (5th overall) Cassandra Steffens-- 3rd (10th overall) (15 yrs.) Paige Allen-- 1st (3rd overall) (18 yrs.) Emma Major-- 1st (4th overall) Several members of Halton Hills Synchro fared well at the Fall Novice Figures compe- tition held in York Region. Pictured above (front, from left) are: Sara Padt, Estepnia Borrero, Nadia Farragos, Thea AuCoin, Emma Hawkins, Meghan Houtby, Kaia Lapsley, Khloe McKay, Stella Snow, Alyson Leonard. Back row: Cassandra Steffens, Hadley Biehn, Emma Major, Charlotte Snow, Emily Deschenes, Hannah Jones, Olivia Heaton, Rachel Vieyra, Paige Allen, Diana Czarnota. Submitted photo A 4-1 triumph over Windsor clinched the novice AE division championship for the Halton Hills Thunder at a recent tournament in Belle River. Team members (front, from left) are: Ronan Harrison, Sydney Hood, Josh Cheeseman, Deacon King, Krozly Vassos. Second row: Cameron D'Amico, Lucas Denning, Jaden DeZeeuw, Thomas Harney. Third row: Kyle Targett, Zach VanDamme, Evan Wright, Jack Munday, Jackson Gognavi, Riley Targett, Victoria Price, Chris Cuthbertson. Back row: Assistant trainer Shawn Targett, assistant coach John Bulhoe, head coach Dan King, trainer Dave Hood. Submitted photo Team of the Week: Novice AE Raiders Thunder shook teams from south- western Ontario earlier this month as the Halton Hills novice additional en- try team won all five of its games to take top spot in the Randy Merten/Dan Holland Memorial Hockey Tourna- ment in Belle River. It was the third tournament victory this season in as many tries for the novice AE Thunder and next up is the Regional Silver Stick qualifier in Al- liston Dec. 27-29 to determine which team will advance to the international finals in January in Michigan. A group of athletes from Rampulla's Martial Arts in Georgetown will represent Canada at the inaugural International Goodwill Games later this month in Aruba. Hosted by Oakville-based No Limits Martial Arts, the meet is expected to draw approximately 250 competitors from Canada, the U.S., Aruba, Puerto Rico, Tunisia, Venezuela, Dominican Republic and the Philippines. Ram- pulla's team members (from left) who will be part of the Canadian contingent are: Sensei Tony Rampulla, Michael Krycek, Sensei Christian Rampulla, Kayla Chantler, Chris Doran, Christian Doran, Conor Doran, Dana Pitcher, Graham Smith, Sensei Dylan Rampulla. Submitted photo Rampulla's martial artists to show some Goodwill