If you suspect you or a love one has a hearing loss, now you're even closer to getting help. Understanding your options is the first step toward better hearing. Visit us today to learn about the latest in hearing aid technology. Don't Miss the Sounds of Spring! For a Limited Time: Complimentary hearing assessment Complimentary consultation Complimentary technology demonstration Complimentary verification of your existing hearing aids! 905.877.8828 Call us today! 360 Guelph St. Unit 44 Georgetown, ON (in the Knolcrest Centre) Guelph St Delrex Blvd Armstrong Ave WE'RE OPEN FOR BETTER HEARING ARE YOU? For over 19 years, we've been helping the hearing impaired improve their hearing - and quality of life by providing personalized,state-of-the-art hearing healthcare services. Constantine Karolidis BA, HIS, Reg. AHIP Hearing Instrument Specialist T he I FP * H al to n H ill s * H E A LT H C A R E - T hu rs d ay , A p ril 1 1, 2 01 3 8