•T he IF P • H al to n H ill s •T hu rs d ay , A p ril 1 8, 2 01 3 30 SALES REPRESENTATIVE 416.524.6530 hottesthomes.ca DIRECT Heather Morison Broker & CLHMS DIRECT: 905 873 4266 OFFICE: 519 853 9924 Did you know . . . ? You can click on . . . www.REresource.ca for all your real estate needs. MARC BASKIN 905-877-5211 Sales Representative GET WHAT YOU'RE ASKIN G O W I T H B A S K I N ... INTEREST FREE LOAN to Help with Home Improvement Repairs When You are Listing with Us! ... FREE Professional Staging and Virtual Tours! ... Cormpilas Team's Seller/Buyer Guarantee & Benefi ts www.RealEstateGeorgetown.com Angie Cormpilas Broker Chris Cormpilas Sales Representative The Cormpilas Team 905-877-3629 Susan Hancock Sales Representative Realty Services Inc., Brokerage when experience counts offi ce: 905-456-1000 direct: 905-866-2994 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DIRECTORYDIRECTORY For advertising info call Amy Sykes 905-873-0301 x237 or email asykes@theifp.ca You could be seen here . . . by 22,800 households! Continued from pg. 26 Sunday, April 21 Comedy in Motion with Bob Cates: coming to Bethel CRC, 365 Queen St. E. (Hwy 7) in Acton at 6:30 p.m. Juggler, physical comedian and new vaudevillian for the entire fam- ily. Free admission, refreshments included, daycare provided for ages 0-2. Info: 519-853-2121 or www.ac- toncrc.com or facebook.com/TheBethelBunch. Bruce Trail hike: Level 1, 8-9 km loop hike. Depart 10 a.m. from the Pear Tree parking lot (15 Sideroad in Spey- side) of the Bruce Trail. We will hike the Al Shaw Side Trail and Hilton Falls Side Trail. This will be a slow-paced hike through variable terrain. Dress for the weather- boots, hats, mittens and icers. Bring water and a snack. Leader: Jamie, 647-588-9054 freemanb@uoguelph.ca Antiques Anyone? Coningsby Women's Institute is hosting an afternoon of appraising small treasures, 1 p.m. at the Arc. building, 10 Thompson Cres. in Erin, behind Tim Hortons. Live auction. Cost: $20 for each item. Re- freshments served in vintage china. Hand crafted items for sale. To register call 519-833-9503 or 519-833-2669. Emotions Anonymous (EA): meets Sundays 7 p.m. at 39 John St. Acton. Info: Debbie, 519-853-8262, gardenlu- ver@hotmail.com. Nordic Pole Walking: 9:30-10:30 a.m. in Glen Wil- liams Park. Meet by the gazebo. Led by Natalie Lidano, certifi ed Nordixx instructor, this free weekly program is designed for the beginner or those who have never Nordic Pole walked and want to learn the basics. Georgetown Runners: club runs every Sunday, 8 a.m. from the BAO Institute for Healthy Living. Info: www. georgetownrunners.ca or call Laura Weihs, 905-873-6420. Monday, April 22 Adult Learning info session: 1:30 p.m. at the Adult Learning Centre, 72 Mill St., Suite 206. Upgrade for col- lege or apprenticeship. Call 905-873-2200 for appoint- ment. Info: www.literacynh.org 22 Minute Makeover: Businesses, institutions and schools are all encouraged to participate in The Halton Hills 22 Minute Makeover. Free bags and gloves at the Town works yard or McDonalds Restaurants. Register by calling 905-873-2601 ext 2603. Spring Craft Show: April 22-25, at the Market Place. Halton Hills Quilters Guild: meets 7 p.m. at St. An- drew's Place (beside St. Andrew's Church). Speaker Wanda Milankov and Sue Bodis from Sew Squared will demon- strate "Square in a Square," an updated method to im- prove the quality and ease of making perfect quilt blocks. New members/guests welcome $5. Halton Hills Toastmasters: meets at St. Alban's Par- ish Hall, 537 Main St., Glen Williams. New members are always welcome. Info: Brenda at hhgal@hotmail.ca Celebrate Recovery: Are you looking for a place to go where you can safely admit that you are struggling with addictions or compulsive habits? Celebrate Recovery is an internationally-recognized, Christ-centred 12-step recov- ery program every Monday night, 7 p.m. at Georgetown Alliance Church. Info: Doug, 905-873-0249 or CR@togeth- eratgac.com or www.celebraterecovery.ca Nordic Pole Walking: Mondays to Fri- days 10-11 a.m. in Prospect Park, Acton. Also on Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. outside Gel- lert Centre and on Saturdays, 9 a.m. outside Creature Comfort. Info: Ginger Quinn, 905- 691-9122. TOPS-Acton meets Mondays at St. Jo- seph Church, lower level, 64 Church St. E. Weigh-in: 5:30 p.m. with meeting, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23 Halton Hills Concert Band: Brass, woodwind, and percussion players welcome. Weekly rehearsals Tuesdays, 7:15-9:30 p.m. at 17 Guelph St. (Old Ambulance Stn). Info: www.haltonhillsconcertband.com, 905-873-6144. Adult Learning Centre help: Staff from the Adult Learning Centre will be available Tuesday and Wednes- day mornings at Halton Hills Public Library, Georgetown Branch, to help with reading, writing, basic math and ba- sic computer skills. Please call 905-873-2200. Acton Foodshare: is open Tuesdays: Normal hours 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Closed 12-12:30 p.m. for lunch. Info: Ac- ton Foodshare, 519-853-0457, info@actonfoodshare.com or go to www.Actonfoodshare.com Free Employment Services: The Centre for Skills De- velopment & Training Employment Advisors will be at the Acton library on Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. To make an appointment please call The Centre's Milton location at 905-693-8458 ext. 101. Drop-ins are welcome 2-4 p.m. Georgetown Seniors Centre euchre 1st and 3rd Tues- day and bid euchre 2nd and 4th, 7 p.m. Admission $2. TOPS-Georgetown: at St. Andrew's United Church. Weigh-in: 6:30 p.m. Meetings follow at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 24 At Home Alone: for ages 10-14 years, 7-8:30 p.m. at Acton Arena and Community Centre. A free workshop de- signed to help families assess readiness and prepare their children to be home alone safely. Both adult and child must pre-register. Info: www.haltonhills.ca/recandparks or 905-873-2601 ext.2275. Meditation classes: 7-8:30 p.m., April 17 to May 1 at Glen Williams Town Hall with Western Buddhist Monk Kelsang Sangdrub. Cost $10 or donation. Equilibrium-Georgetown meets 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 7 p.m.) at Norval United Church, 486 Guelph St., Norval. This month: John and Susan, who have three adult chil- dren diagnosed with bipolar disorder-- one familiy's story how they navigate the mental health system. Info: CMHA, 905-693-4270 or georgetown@equilibrium-oakville.com Navy League Cadets: welcomes boys and girls, ages 9-12. It's free to join. Meets every Wednesday, 6:45-9 p.m. at the Acton Legion. Info: Lt. (NL) Chris Mulhall, Com- manding Offi cer, 905-460-9525, www.nlccompassrose.ca Free Acoustic Jam: 8 p.m. at The Shepherd's Crook, 86 Main St.(at Mill St.). Info: Frank, 416-356-8847. Glen Seniors Drop-in Group: 12-3 p.m. at St. Alban's Parish Hall, 537 Main St., Glen Williams. Open to all se- niors in the Halton Hills area. Cost is $1/week. Bring a bagged lunch. Info: Angie, 905-877-6678. Job help: Experts from VPI will provide resume assis- tance, interview coaching, help with employment related communications like cover letters, at the Georgetown li- brary Wednesdays. Call 905-873-9816 for appointment. Thursday, April 25 Coffee, Books and Conversation: April 26, 2-3 p.m., or April 25, 7-8 p.m. at Georgetown library. St. Mark Eucharist: 10:30 a.m. at St. Alban the Martyr Anglican Church, 537 Main St., Glen Williams. Blood donor clinic: 5-8 p.m. at Acton Legion, 15 Wright Ave., Acton. For appointment call 1-888-2-DO- NATE (1-888-236-6283). Info: www.blood.ca. Limehouse Memorial Hall euchre: 7:30 p.m. Business After Hours: 5-7 p.m. at Co-operators Insur- ance (Ray Johnson & Associates Inc.), 115 Main St. S. in Georgetown. Registration is required, www.haltonhills- chamber.on.ca or l 905-877-7119. More at www.theifp.ca/whats-on/events Community Calendar