•Th e IF P• H al to n H ill s R EA D ER S' C H O IC E •T hu rs da y, J an ua ry 3 0, 2 01 4 10 "Thank you for voting us Acton's Favourite Jeweller" www.brilliantgoldjewellry.com Georgetown Market Place 280 Guelph St. 905-873-6662 Family Hair Care Salon Marcel HOURS: SUNDAY & MONDAY CLOSED, TUESDAY 8 am to 8 pm,WEDNESDAY 8 am to 8 pm, THURSDAY 8 am to 8 pm, FRIDAY 8 am to 8 pm, SATURDAY 8 am to 3 pm. * Colours * Highlights * Perms * Cuts * Foils, etc. It is a pleasure to serve our loyal clients. NEW CLIENTS ANDWALK-INSWELCOME #1 Hair Salon 14 years in a row! You'veTried the Rest Now Experience the Best! Great Prices, Excellent Service. 71 Mountainview Rd. N., Georgetown 905-873-7960 FAVOURITE HAIRSTYLIST MARCEL 9 YEARS INA ROWMilleMerci a notre clientels de votre beau support Back row L. to R: Stacey, Danielle, Susan, Brenda Front: Marcel, Sasha (greeter), Paula