Pa ge R E6 T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 5, 2 01 5 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - R ea l E st at e Le ad er - w w w .th ei fp .c a Your 'Go To' People "MC Q WIN" Team *Salesperson **Broker Office: 905.877.5211 Bill McKeown** • Janet McKeown* Norm Paget* • Rychard McKeown* Don Campbell* • Sarah Appleby* REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., Brokerage Check out our information videos at email: Direct: 905.873.2437 Visit us at or OPEN HOUSE: SUNDAY 2-4 PM 14 SANDAlwOOD Dr, BAlliNAfAD Kitchen to die for! 4 + 1 Bedroom - 3 wr Executive Estate home in historic Village of Ballinafad on a 1.07 Acre lot MlS# X3027921 $649,900 104 JOSEPH StrEEt, GlEN williAMS rural 'Village' Charm in this 4 Br Bungalow 206 X 52 Corner lot MlS# w3097399 $399,900 167 CONfEDErAtiON St., GlEN williAMS Curb Appeal Galore in this 1900 sq ft Bungalow plus walkout basement on a gorgeous 180 X 269 lot MlS# w2963827 $925,000 76 KiNGHAM rD, ACtON Affordable End Unit 3 Br 3 wr; w/O Bsmt MlS# w3103849 $205,000 19A trAfAlGAr rD.N., HillSBUrGH work and live in this Amazing Showroom 2 Br property. Highway Commercial MlS# X2790699 & X2790712 $739,900 rEtAil/COMMErCiAl/rESiDENtiAl SOLD! SOLD!SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! 49 SHEllEY StrEEt, GEOrGEtOwN Sweet 3 + 1 Br Bungalow 50 X 140 lot Central location MlS# w3096980 $422,900 OPEN HOUSE: SAtUrDAY 2-4 PM 10 GUElPH St COMMErCiAl DC1 ZONiNG 66 X 132 lOt $335,000 MlS# w30190130 CAll NOw to get your home ready for the Spring Market! AND AS AlwAYS StAGiNG iS frEE!