Thursday, February 26, 2015 - The IFP - H alton H ills - Real Estate Leader - Page R E5 • Located in Aberfoyle, 5 min South of Guelph • Just 4 minutes to HWY 401 • Only 25 minutes to Mississauga • 35 minutes to Oakville • Close to city conveniences • View floorplans & learn more online ESTATE HOMES One Acre Country NEXT DOOR TO GUELPH E.&O.E. Rendering is artist's concept. Million Dollar Custom Bungalows & 2 Storey Estate Homes SALES CENTRE HOURS: Sat & Sun 12pm - 5pm, Mon - Wed 1pm - 5pm, Thu & Fri By Appointment 401 Wellington Rd 34 G u e lp h L in e V ic to ri a R d S W e lli n g to n R d 4 6 B ro c k R d Side Rd 20 Model Home N MISSISSAUGA BURLINGTON GUELPH Follow us! 519-823-1900 TAKE EXIT 299 BROCK RD S NORTH TO GUELPH GOOGLE ADDRESS: 4512 VICTORIA RD. SOUTH, GUELPH, N0B 2J0 TOUR OUR MODEL HOME Taxes are extra. One coupon per order. Valid until November 31, 2014. See store for complete details. Tired of the same old local restaurant or pub? Try something new and unique - try Tartan Toorie! At Tartan Toorie we focus on providing you with a unique dining and entertainment experience. We serve homemade Scottish pub food, and sport the best fish and chips and steak pie in the city. We also carry a host of refreshing and distinctive beers that are rarely found at other pubs and restaurants. You may have experienced the British and Irish pubs the city of Hamilton has to offer, but Tartan Toorie is the ONLY SCOTTISH PUB in all of Hamilton! All-day Sunday Breakfast from 10am-6pm Our Products & Services include: Authentic Scottish Pub Food Unique Beers Live Music Thursday Night Open Jam night with Hank and the Boys. Italian inspired creations infused with a modern flare in the heart of Carlisle Good food shared with good company is always an occasion to be savoured. Regrettably, for most the harried lifestyles of today don't always allow for this luxury. In an ideal world all your meals would be joyful events; your taste buds teased and spoilt for choice with an abundance of local ingredients, served fresh in a warm, inviting atmosphere. Fortunately for the community of Carlisle (just a few minutes north of Waterdown) and the surrounding area, local resident Angela Checchia, dreamed of creating a community based, Italian inspired bistro reminiscent of old world ideals and philosophies. Related Stories Cascata Bistro Born to an Italian family and raised in the restaurant industry, Angela (mother, wife, triathlete and entrepreneur) instinctively knew that the 100 year old landmark building on the four corners of Carlisle was destined for greater heights. One day, whilst eating ice-cream with her 3 year old and watching the cars go by, it occurred to her that the cars going by could be stopping at her bistro. It wasn't long before numbers were negotiated, permits issued and Cascata Bistro was born. Following the farm to table philosophy which supports local farmers by using locally grown seasonal produce when available, all of the menu items at the award winning Cascata Bistro are handmade, ensuring only fresh quality ingredients are used. Together Angela and the bistro's chef continuously strive to create new, delicious and enticing combinations -often using herbs and vegetables from the bistro's own kitchen garden. Special events hosted include wine pairing dinners, specialty brunches and weekly live entertainment. For contests and more information, visit Cascata Bistro on Facebook. Fresh local ingredients mixed with the traditional flavours of authentic Italian cuisine are a winning combination. Especially when paired with friendly service in an eclectic atmosphere. Whether you are planning an intimate dinner for two or a lively group event, the wonderfully designed Cascata Bistro in Carlisle, is an artisanal delight just waiting to Sponsored Content I brought my parents for lunch. The service was excellent and the waitress was so helpful with settling my parents into their seats. My Mom really enjoyed her liver and onions. Fish and Chips were delicious.Very comfortable atmosphere. We'll be back ! Monday: 11:30 AM-9:00 PM Tuesday: 11:30 AM-9:00 PM Wednesday: 11:30 AM-9:00 PM Thursday: 11:30 AM-12:00 AM Friday: 11:30 AM-12:00 AM Saturday: 11:30 AM-12:00 AM Sunday: 11:30 AM-9:00 PM More Content, More Credibility, More Customers. Contact us today and Get YOUR BUSINESS FOUND! Taxes are extra. One coupon per order. Valid untilTa See store for complete details. Tired of the same old local restaurant or pub? Try somethinggggg new and unique - try Tartan Toorie! At TartanAt Toorie we focus on providing you with a unique dininggg and entertainment experience. We serve homemade Scottish pub food,o and spornddddddnddndddndnnd t the best fish and chips and steak pie in the cittty Wettyy. WWeettyy. WWey also carraalssoo ccaaarrrralsoalso carry a hosthosstyy a hhhosty a host of refreshing and distinctive beers that areaa rarely found at other pubs and restaurants. You mayyyyy have experienced the British and Irish pubs the city of Hammilton hn hoon hnn hhm on hn hnonon hnn hhhon hnn hhhnnn hhhhas to offaaasaaaa er, butuuttuutttututbut, buuuutttter, butuutut,, Tartan Toorie is the ONLY SCOTTISH PPPPPUB in allinin an alllalln aln alnn aallaalaln alaallalall of Hamilof Hamilof Hamof Hamf Hammof Hamiiof Hamaoofo moo Hoooooooof mo ton!on!nn All-day Sunday Breakfast from 10am-6- pmmmmmm Our Products & Services include: Authentic Scottish Pub Food Unique Beers Live Music Thursday Night Open Jam night with HHHannnk and tnk andddd tk and tand td the Boys.he Bhhh B j y y spoilt for choice with an abundance of l l il l il ll iilocal ing dddiredients, served fresh in a warm, inviting atmosphere. Fortunately for the communitymunitcommuun tuuuu tyyyyy of Carlisle (justuustsle (just(juuuussslele (jus(e (jujuuuussstt(((j(jjuuu(((j(jj a few miaaaa feea few maaaa ffffefeeeeewww mmmmmmfew miinutesnnnutn ttteutesnnnn tttesnnnuuuutttteeeeeesssnnuuuuuutttteeeeeessss north ofhhhrthh fth ofthtthhhh fnnnnoooorth oh ooof WaterdownWWWWWWWWW rWWWWWWWWWW )))) and thed h) d h)) ddd hhh) tttt surrosurroundo ing area, local resident Angela Checchia, dreamed of creating a community based, Italian inspired bistro reminisscent of old world id llidd lss ananananideals aaanannd hild hhild philosophilosophilosod philod philosod philosophilosoosophilohilop ReRellated Sated Sed SSed SSSStoriestoriestortoriestoriestoriestoriesriestoriesss Cascatascata Bata Bata Ba BBBta BaCascata BCC istroististstroististstrostroistroist orottro Born toorn to an to an to aao arn to ao aorn to ao aao aaaar ao to n Itn Italiann Italiann Italiann Italiann Italiann Italiann Italiantalianalian Italianalian Italiann ItalianItalianItalianItaliann ItaliantaliaaliaaliaalalianItalianItIttaliaItaliana a family afamily afamily afamily afamily afamilymilymilymily afamily amilmily nd raisend raisend raisedd raisedd raisednd raisiseaisedaisedaisedsedisedndd iaisednd raisedsedseddnd raiseeeedddseeedededededddeddeddda in the rin thein thein thein thein thein thnin tin tin thi thin thein thein the rin the ri thnin thinin tinin thinin thein the rthiin tthhein the rin tiiinnnnin tinin tnnn tn thin the reeeseststestaestaestaurantauranturanturaanturanturantntnnntest ntnts uras urantnturantestauranntnnta testaurantesta i d tiindustryindustryindustrindustryindustryindustryindustryindustryndusindustrindustryindustryustryrindustryindustryyindustryindustrtr , A, An, Angngela,, ((mother, wife, triathlettriathlettriathletiathletriathletathletleathletetete and ente and entand enand ene and entd tndd endd ed ennd end end enenenene and ente and entddd ennddd ennd ene and entandnd ee andn eand eandd tntddd nd repreneurepreneurepreneuepreneurprepreneurrepreneurepreneurepreneurreneurreneureneureneureneururnneurneureururneururururrrur) i) instincinstincinstincinstiinstininstincinstincnstinci tiinstincnstincnstincnstincinstinc) i ti) nstinsstinctincincnc) nstincnnnc) nstinsstinnstinc) in) instincinstininstincnstttii) instinc) inst) instincins iincnnc) instinc) ins) iinsnstnstinststincstincstincstintinc)) iinsinnnnnssstincnc) ins))) inininnn t cc)) tively kntively kntively knively knively knvely knkvely kntively kntively kntivelyvely knktively kntively kntively kntivelyely kntivel kntively kntively kntively kntively kivetively knly kntively ktively kni elyyiveelytivv y knivelyivelyvetively knt vve y kyy ew that tew that tw that tew that tew that tew thathatthaew thew thatthatatatew that tew that tew that tw that tew that tew that thahatew thatatthhataat thaew thatatta ttew at the 100 yehe 100 yehe 100 yehe 100he 100e 1e 100 yee 100 ye100e 100 ye100 yee 1 0 ye 100 ye 10he 1he 1he 1he 11 ar oaar oar oold laaaaar ndmark building on theon the foon the fon the fohe foon the foonon the fofoe ffofour corneur cornerur cornerur cornerur cornerur cornercooornornrorornornornnneur cornerccoooocoornncr cocooo noo nncco nn s ofs ofs of Cs of Cafofofs of Cs of CCaof CaCarCararrlrlof CCararrlllCC rlrlf CCarlCarlararrlCC rlCarlrrllrr is wasisle wasisle wassleeisle wassle waswaseisle wasisle wasisle wasisle wisle wasisle wallsleisle wassle wsle wle waisle wasassle waswase wassle waslslesle wasae wai e wisle wasasle wle waseleeesle asaisle wasi lesleesle wwslisleeee wawasaisssle wslisleee aisssleleee www d ttid ti ddestineddestinedddd ti dtitititidestinedtiti ddd ti ddestinedestinedestinedstineddddestinedtinedtineddestineddestineddestineddestinedestinedestineddestinedttinedestindestindestinedestinedstinedstinedstineddestinedesedest edestidestineddestinedeestinenineeeddestinedestindeestineestsssstineee for greatfor greatfor greatfor greatfor greator greator grer grgreagreatgreatgreagreatgrgreataeator greator greatfoforfor greatgreatgreatgrefofoffoor greator greattfofffoo atfofffooo aatfofofo attf rfoo ttffooo er heighter heigher heighter heighter heier heighthter heighter heighter heiger heier heighe heer heee ghg s. 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For contests and more information, visiii it Ciiit CascatC ttt Bi t oa BistrBBia BistrBBiisssstttrroo on Facebook. Fresh local inngredngredreddddeeeeredreeeeedi ti ti ti tttt it it it iiients mixents mixttients m ed with ted wited wited wited withed withd withd withed with tedddd wwwwwwwiied with the tradithe tradhe traditee tradittraditttrrraaaaaddddiithe tradittional flaional flional flaonal flaonal flaonal flaonal flaonal flannnnaaaallional flaal ff vours ofvoursvoursvoursvours ovours ovours ovours oours ofours ofours ofuurvours ofours ofurs ofrrss authenticccaauautheaauuutttthhhheeeauthee Italian cuisine are a winning coombinatbinatbbbi tiiinatbbii ttbinatatttttttiiionion. Espiion Eiiooonooo Eiiononni ecially when paired with friendlyy sey ssessssesseserrviirvice innn an eclectic atmosphere. 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