Pa ge 1 8 T hu rs da y, M ar ch 2 6, 2 01 5 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - w w w .th ei fp .c a Easter Arrangementsmake great hostess gifts,and are a colourful way to decorate for spring.Starting from $14.99 All Easter Décor on sale! More than just plants...patio furniture, clothing, décor & more. Bougainvillea - 6.5",Reg. $19.99 Boston Fern Hanging Basket, 10 inch, Reg.$19.99 MarthaWashington Geraniums, Reg. $8.99 Easter Lilies, Reg. $7.99 6 inch Daffodils $2.99 Succulent Arrangement, Reg. $14.99 Hydrangeas, 6 inch, Reg. $24.99 $7 .9 9 $7 .9 9 $5 .9 9 $8 .9 9 $3 .9 9 3 0% of f $1 9. 99 Grand Opening!