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Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 9 Apr 2015, Real Estate, p. 14

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Pa ge R E1 4 T hu rs da y, A pr il 9, 2 01 5 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - R ea l E st at e Le ad er - w w w .th ei fp .c a Monica Darabos Sales Representative Bill Gardiner Sales Representative Evan DeBrincat Broker of Record Chris Gonchar Sales Representative Lee Gonchar Sales Representative Samantha Read Sales Representative Natalie Braun Sales Representative Peter Guzzo Sales Representative Janice Rumley Sales Representative Jackie Eagles Sales Representative 78 Main St. S., Georgetown L7G 3G3 | www.FieldstoneRealty.ca |905-877-2630 154-158 main st. 3 nEW CUstOm HOmEs tO BE BUiLt On main stREEt, DOWntOWn GEORGEtOWn. CaLL EVan FOR mORE inFORmatiOn. CONSUMER FOCUS INNOVATION TRUST To be the trusted source of innovative real estate solutions, creating exceptional experiences for all we help, to become your Family Realtors® for Life. 78 Main St. S., Georgetown L7G 3G3 www.FieldstoneRealty.ca 905-877-2630 15 stanDisH st, GEORGEtOWn $689,000 stUnninG 4 BEDROOm GEORGEtOWn sOUtH HOmE. DaRk, HanD sCRapED HaRDWOOD, tWO stORy FOyER, pOts LiGHts, LaRGE yaRD, FinisHED BasEmEnt. tHE List GOEs On anD On. 689k. pLEasE CaLL mOniCa FOR DEtaiLs. 24 GaRRisOn sq, GEORGEtOWn - $589,900 spaCiOUs RaRELy OFFERED ExECUtiVE HOmE, 2 BEDROOm, 2 GaRaGE WitH pRiVatE BaCkyaRD! - CaLL EVan FOR mORE inFORmatiOn 78 main stREEt s., GEORGEtOWn 1 BEDROOm BaCHELOR apaRtmEnt - $850+UtiLitEs - CaLL EVan 33 EatOn stREEt, GEORGEtOWn - $589,000 2 stORy 4 BEDROOm HOmE 2400sV. CaLL CHRis FOR mORE DEtaiLs 905-873-3862. FOR REnt OFFiCE spaCE 1000 sq Ft aLL inCLUsiVE On main stREEt WitH BOaRDROOm aLL inCLUsiVE $1750 LOt 105 FOxtaiL COURt, HaLtOn HiLLs nEW BUiLD. BEaUtiFULLy appOintED 4 BEDROOm "stERLinG mODEL" in tHE pREstiGiOUs mystiqUE COmmUnity By DOUBLE Oak HOmEs - WaitinG FOR yOUR pERsOnaL tOUCH- CaLL EVan tO BOOk a sHOWinG! 3 ROBina aVE., GEORGEtOWn - $639,900 pRiDE OF OWnERsHip ExCEptiOnaLLy WELL maintainED RaisED 3 BEDROOm BUnGaLOW WitH FULLy FinisHED BasEmEnt in GEORGEtOWn sOUtH 344 BaRtLEy BULL pkWy, BRamptOn - $484,900 LaRGE 4 BEDROOm HOmE WitH in-LaW sUitE, 2 kitCHEns/nEW FLOORs/nEW BatHROOms. CLOsE tO stEELEs 52 ERinDaLE DRiVE, ERin ExCELLEnt FamiLy HOmE in niCE qUiEt stR in ERin - FinisHED Bsmt - CaLL EVan FOR mORE inFORmatiOn ExCL UsiVE 84 ROyaL VaLLEy DRiVE, CaLEDOn - $649,000 appR 3100 sq Ft, Fin tOp tO BOttOm, DEsiRaBLE mayFiELD sCHOOL DistRiCt www.RealEstatethatmovesyou.ca 6 mOULtREy CREs GEORGEtOWn - $439,000 CHaRminG FamiLy HOmE On qUiEt FamiLy FRiEnDLy stREEt a sHORt WaLk FROm sCHOOLs & sHOppinG. 3 LEVEL siDE-spLit WitH pRistinE HaRDWOOD FLOORs On main & sECOnD LEVELs inCLUDinG aLL BEDROOms. nEWLy UpDatED sECOnD FLOOR BatH anD kitCHEn BaCkspLasH anD COUntER tOps. intERiOR FREsHLy paintED tHROUGHOUt in an ELEGant mODERn COLOUR. HUGE FULLy FEnCED BaCkyaRD WitH LaRGE attRaCtiVE GaRDEn stORaGE sHED. spOtLEssLy CLEan & WELL maintainED. Your Family Realtors®….For Life! ExC LUs iVE sOLD sOLD sOLD sOLD OpEn HOUsE sat & sUn 2-4 pm OpEn HOUsE sat & sUn 2-4 pm OpEn HOUsE sUnDay 2-4 pm Just a quick note in case you hear someone talking about selling their house this Spring. The buyers are starting to get Spring Fever now, and many of them are just waiting for the right house to come up. If you hear someone talking about selling their house, give us a quick call at (905) 877-2630 or email us at info@fieldstonerealty.ca and let us know because we may already have a buyer just waiting for their house. PS - Even if they aren't going to sell for six months, it's a good idea to let us know so we can "keep it in mind". Spring Showers Bring May Flowers (And Buyers!) nEW nEW nEW

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