Pa ge 2 T hu rs da y, Ju ne 4 , 2 01 5 - H om e an d G ar de n - w w w .th ei fp .c a your new room Wall Bags Reg. $16.99 6"Vegetables, Reg. $5.99 3 fo r $1 5 15"Mixed Planter - many su n & shade mixes. Reg. $44.9 9 $3 4. 99 $1 2. 99 2 fo r $4 0 12" Look At Me Hanging Baskets, Reg. $29.99 ALL UMBRELLAS ON SALE! ALL SEATING CUSHIONS ON SALE! ALLWOOD FIRED OVENS UPTO 30%OFF PATIO SALE!PATIO SALE! 30 % of f 2 fo r $3 0OrnamentalGrasses - 2Gal., Reg. $24.99/ea 16" SizzleHanging Baskets $34.99 Reg. $39.99 SAVE up to 25% All Shade Trees 30% off designer wire basket wth coco liner All Roses are on sale! Reg. from $16.99 OPEN 7 DAYS AWEEK: Mon. - Fri. 8am - 8pm, Sat & Sun. 8am - 6pm Sale period: June 4th - 10th All itemswhile quantities last, subject to availability. Category offers exclude "TERRA Essentials" Burlington (905) 332-3222 ·Milton (905) 876-4000 •Waterdown (905) 689-1999 Vaughan (905) 832-6955 ·Hamilton (905) 692-6900, 340Highway#20 Up pe rC en te nn ial 20 20 56 Rymal Rd E Binbrook NiagaraAncaster Mud StW Highland RdW Fir st Rd E Se co nd Rd E Th ird Rd E TERRAHamilton Over 20 specially priced sets! Free delivery on all patio furniture! See store for details. HOME & GARDEN Tips to plant a great flower garden During the summer months, Cana- dians finally have a chance to relax and enjoy the sun. There is no better way to embrace the warm weather than planting a beautiful flower garden. Not only will it enhance the curb appeal and aesthetics of your front lawn but planting pollinator friendly gardens can act as a great food source for pollinators like hon- ey bees. Tip #1: Planning is everything There are many things to con- sider before you start planting. Think about the space, colour, sunlight and fit. It's important to pick a planting location that achieves the best sun- light for the flowers that you want to plant. Thinking about these factors beforehand will ensure that your flowers have the best possible grow- ing environment to set them up for success. Tip #2: Bee friendly For honey bees, summer means working tirelessly to find food, to sustain themselves and their entire colony before another winter begins. Worker bees spend their days traveling from flower to flower col- lecting as much pollen and nectar as they can. But without a plentiful sup- ply of blooming flowers, honey bees might not get the right nutrition and the cold months can be devastating on a hive. Tip #3: Choose pollinator friendly flowers Planting pollinator-friendly gar- dens are a great way to help hon- ey bees find the food they need. Whether you live in a house or apart- ment building, you can dedicate a small part of your garden, balcony or rooftop to flowers that feed pollina- tors like honey bees. Consider plants like: lance-leaved coreopsis, sneeze- weed, New England asters, dense blazing stars and golden tickseed. Tip #4: Get the right seeds There are pollinator garden pro- grams like Buzzing Gardens, which provides free pollinator-friendly seeds with an online sign-up at