Pa ge 3 8 T hu rs da y, Ju ne 1 1, 2 01 5 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - w w w .th ei fp .c a SERVICE DIRECTORY To advertise in this Service Directory please call Kelli 905-234-1018 or email VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! AIR, HEATING & FIREPLACEAIR, HEATING & FIREPLACE Over 20 Years Experience Sales • Service Installations • Maintenance 905-877-2877 ALPINE AIR Heating & Cooling Inc. AIR, HEATING & FIREPLACE 905.877.HOME (4663) W W W . G E O R G E T O W N H E A T I N G . C A INSTALLATION, SALES, & SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL HVAC NEEDS. AIR, HEATING, REFRIGERATION Zing Mechanical Inc. Industrial • Commercial • Residential ∙ Heating ∙ Air Conditioning ∙ Refrigeration · Furnace Inspection ∙ Rooftop ∙ Process Equipment ∙ Boilers Serving Georgetown and surrounding area for over 12 years Phone/Fax: 905-338-0069 • Toll Free: 1-866-338-0069 • Georgetown, ON L7G 1L1 SERVICE ∙ INSTALLATION ∙ DESIGN 905-877-3100 AIR,HEATING & FIREPLACE The Pan Am Games are coming to town and if you want to watch some great golf you should make your way to Angus Glen Golf Club July 16-19. Golf will debut in the games ahead of next year's Summer Olympics, including golf again. Canadian women Brooke Hen- derson and Lori Kane have confirmed they will compete in the Games. This week's tip is on alignment and more specifically a drill that you can do that will help you get a feel for where and how you are swinging the club. Take two clubs and lay them down on the ground with your target right in between them. Imagine the clubs and the line you're swinging on form a runway. Set up with your body parallel to the clubs and your target line and make some swings between them. You want to concentrate on letting your arms and hands relax as you swing and keep the clubhead moving back and forth be- tween the clubs. Try this drill and then ask yourself if you are feeling the same relaxed swing when you set up over the ball. If you aren't, you should waggle the club and try and relax more over the golf ball. Cory Gentes is a 14-year PGA of Canada Teaching Professional and the Director of In- struction at The Old Pro Driving Range. By Cory Gentes Special to The IFP From the Ground Up SPORTS Proper golf swing alignment Squirt Hawks ride pink wave to victory This year's Halton Hawks Girls' Fastpitch Association tournament was dedicated to longtime coach Andrew Braun, who lost his battle with cancer this spring. The theme for the 19th-annual event was "Pink the Park" and all teams wore pink or pink-affiliated uniforms. A tree will be plant- ed with a plaque in memory of Braun at the Georgetown Fairgrounds and the remainder of the $1,700 in proceeds will go to Cancer Assistance Services Halton Hills. As a bonus, the squirt Hawks won their division after winning all five of their games, but the final against the Mississauga Tigers was their toughest test. The Hawks trailed Mississauga 11-9 in the bottom of the sixth and final inning with two outs and the bases loaded when Deanna Grahek hit a triple, leading to a 13-11 Hawks' victory. The Halton Hawks captured top spot in the squirt division at the recent tournament at the Georgetown Fairgounds. Team members, front, from left, are: Devyn Spicer, Hailey Simoneau. Second row: Kelsey Lee, Melissa Hahnfeld, Emma Beasley. Third row: Avery Maxin, Courtney Weatherall, Deanna Grahek, Sarah Kent, Olivia Aversa. Back row: Coaches Dave Maxin, Charlie Grahek, Bob Simoneau. Submitted photo