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A joint letter from all Greater Toronto and Hamilton Mayors and Regional Chairs, which was also signed by Bonnette, is being sent to the leaders of the main federal par- ties, and it reads: "Our municipal governments need a fed- eral government that is a strong and reliable partner. We need long-term, sustainable, predictable and reliable federal funding which flows year in and year out and will al- low us to eliminate our infrastructure deficit within a generation." The letter, which is endorsed by elected municipal officials representing some six million people in this region, also contains an expression of profound concern the mu- nicipal leaders have over the current infra- structure deficit in the region and the need for a new fiscal partnership with the federal government to help eliminate the deficit. "The current funding system which is project/application based, simply does not do an adequate job of funding infrastructure projects," said Bonnette. "We need a system that will provide funding assistance on an ongoing and reliable manner, so that we can make the investments required to keep our economy moving forward." The municipal officials cite the current federal election as an appropriate time to get a new level of commitment for local infra- structure investments from the federal lead- ers. "We are asking the federal government to step up to the plate and be a strong and reliable fiscal partner for municipal govern- ments," said Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr. "We need long- term, sustainable and reliable federal fund- ing that will allow us to keep up with the demands of growth, meet the needs of our residents and elimi- nate the infrastructure deficit in our com- munities. Protecting our taxpayers from the financial impacts of growth is a key priority." The letter was agreed to during a joint meeting co-chaired by Toronto Mayor John Tory and Region of Durham Chair Roger An- derson. Mayors from all 30 communities in the GTHA attended Tuesday's meeting and endorsed the letter. In addition to calling for a revamped funding model for infrastructure, the leaders made a joint call for increased federal fund- ing for social housing. "Additionally, lack of adequate federal funding for social housing represents not only a compelling social concern, but an economic one as well," said the letter to the party leaders read. A copy of the letter can be read at Halton. ca/advocacy. Mayor joins call for enhanced federal infrastrucure and social housing funding MAYOR RICK BONNETTE Halton Region sent local federal election candidates a questionnaire that profiles five of the community's growth-related issues and asks how they would address these challenges if elected. The Region asked candidates to com- plete the questionnaire by Oct. 7, allowing residents enough time to review the re- sponses before visiting the polls on Election Day. "To protect tax payers from the cost of growth and maintain our strong financial position, we require support from all levels of government to address the increasing de- mand on our local services and infrastruc- ture," said Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr. "By sharing the candidate responses with residents, we help voters make an informed decision about Halton's future when they visit the polls." The Region asked candidates to out- line their position on the following top five growth-related issues: • meeting our community's infrastruc- ture needs; • adapting and responding to climate change; • creating real and affordable housing solutions; • building a strong economy; and • ensuring adequate, high-quality child care and early learning options. This outreach is part of the Region's on- going advocacy efforts to address the need for increased funding and legislative chang- es in order to meet provincially-mandated growth targets. The issues highlighted in the question- naire, as well as the importance of support from all levels of government, have been identified as priorities by Regional Council. The Region will post candidate respons- es, as they are received, to tion2015. Region asks local candidates about growth