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Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 29 Oct 2015, Real Estate, p. 14

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Pa ge R E1 4 T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 2 9, 2 01 5 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - R ea l E st at e Le ad er - w w w .th ei fp .c a 78 Main St. S., Georgetown L7G 3G3 www.FieldstoneRealty.ca 905-877-2630 52 ErindalE drivE, Erin $559,000 ExcEllEnt Family HomE in nicE QuiEt StrEEt in Erin - witH a FiniSHEd BaSEmEnt. - call Evan For morE inFormation OnE OF a Kind 138 applEwOOd CrEsCEnt, GuElph PotEntial incomE ProPErty! 4 BEdroomS, 2 BatHS. call Evan dEBrincat GrEat hOmE, GrEat lOCatiOn 158 main st. s, GEOrGEtOwn cuStom HomE Built on main StrEEt, downtown GEorGEtown. Quality workmanSHiP, BEautiFul FiniSHES. call Evan to viEw. OpEn hOusE saturdaY & sundaY 2-4pm 4 munrO CirClE, GEOrGEtOwn ovEr 3,000 SQ Ft oF luxury livinG. 5 BEdroom, 5 BatH HomE in dESiraBlE StrEEt witH FiniSHEd BaSEmEnt. FaBulouS ExtEnSivE landScaPinG. call Evan For morE inFo. luXurY livinG - Built tO imprEss 12918 siXth linE, limEhOusE $764,900 SPrawlinG 4+1Br, 4BatH BunGalow in limEHouSE witH SEParatE 1 BEd, 1 BatH in-law SuitE. 2.5 car GaraGE, FiniSHEd BaSEmEnt, Floor to cEilinG windowS, tHouSandS SPEnt on uPGradES. no nEEd For a cottaGE witH tHiS BEauty! call monica 3000 sQ. Ft. BunGalOw 4410 SQuarE Foot BunGaloFt oF Extra-ordinary workmanSHiP and Quality - SHort cloSinG availaBlE. call Evan today. nEw invEntOrY hOmE OpEn hOusE sundaY 2-4pm 29 dOnaGhEdY drivE, GEOrGEtOwn luxuriouS and SPaciouS ExEcutivE HomE FiniSHEd toP to Bottom on tHE ravinE. 3900 SQuarE FEEt + FiniSHEd BaSEmEnt.call cHriS or lEE. 318 lauriEr avEnuE, #40, miltOn rarE oPPortunity to own a nicEly uPdatEd townHouSE witH truE PridE oF ownErSHiP. rEnovatEd witH walkout BaSEmEnt. call Sam rEad For morE dEtailS. OppOrtunitY KnOCKs! 16 main st. s, GEOrGEtOwn FOr lEasE - dOwntOwn HiStoric BuildinG HaS BEEn totally rEnovatEd witHout loSinG itS HiStoric cHarm. main Floor HaS BEEn dividEd into 2 SuitES tHat can BE comBinEd. idEal For a Small ProFESSional oFFicE SucH aS a law Firm, PHySiotHEraPiSt, HomEoPatH, accountant & Etc. call Evan 10600 winstOn ChurChill Blvd, hh $599,000 lOwEr YOur BlOOd prEssurE! rElaxEd country livinG. SPaciouS BunGalow, Eat-in kitcHEn, 3 BdrmS, 3 BatHS, witH main Floor Family room and douBlE GaraGE. cloSE to town - call BrucE. EXClusivE OpEn hOusE sundaY 2-4pm 24 hEnrY strEEt, GEOrGEtOwn $628,900 BEttEr tHan nEw! BEttEr tHan condo/townHouSE livinG! JuSt movE in & EnJoy comPlEtEly rEnovatEd BunGalow. walk to ParkS, Go, downtown corE! Park arEa. call JanicE rumlEy. handYman spECial 10350 hwY 25, haltOn hills GrEat invEStmEnt PotEntial!! HuGE lot, multiPlE ParkinG SPacES. BEautiFul oPEn viEwS BotH Front and Back and BackinG onto tHE niaGara EScarPmEnt. tonS oF Privacy, call Evan today. SOLD 7 parKviEw Blvd, GEOrGEtOwn $779,000 BiGGEr tHan it lookS! around tHE cornEr From GolF courSE, down tHE StrEEt From Park & a PrEtty walk to downtown corE. Pool SizEd yard, loadS oF uPdatES, GaraGE. Park arEa. call JanicE rumlEy. OpEn hOusE sundaY 2-4pm OpEn hOusE sundaY 2-4pm 74 millEr drivE, GEOrGEtOwn tHat'S BEttEr " morE room HErE, tHErE, EvErywHErE in tHiS vEry livEaBlE 7 BEdroom, 4 BatH all Brick HomE in GEorGEtown SoutH. $679,900 aSk For BrucE. $679,900 11530 sEvEntEEnth sidErOad tHE art oF livinG wEll!! it'S EaSy to lEarn in tHiS SPrawlinG cuStom Built rESidEncE-33.5 acrES witH 12 acrES Hardwood BuSH. SEE 35 milES to tHE cn towEr! StunninG oPEn concEPt, 2 maSSivE GatHErinG roomS witH catHEdral cEilinGS & Floor to cEilinG FirEPlacES. FaBulouS rEno'd kitcHEn witH GranitE, HuGE iSland. 4 BdrmS, 3 BatHS, ovErSizEd 3 car GaraGE, ExtEnSivE dEckinG. call BrucE. viEws OF thE Cn tOwEr SOLD To be the trusted source of innovative real estate solutions, creating exceptional experiences for all we help, to become your Family Realtors® for Life. CONSUMER FOCUS INNOVATION TRUST 78 Main St. S., Georgetown L7G 3G3 | www.FieldstoneRealty.ca |905-877-2630 Your Family Realtors®….For Life! Monica Darabos Sales Representative Natalie Braun Sales Representative Bill Gardiner Sales Representative Jackie Eagles Sales Representative Margaret Ostrander Fleet Sales Representative Bruce Elmslie Broker Linda Elmslie Sales Representative Jennifer Elmslie Broker Lee Gonchar Sales Representative Brock Gonchar Sales Representative Jack Zitman Sales Representative Harald Schubert Sales Representative Chris Gonchar Sales Representative Peter Guzzo Sales Representative Samantha Read Sales Representative Janice Rumley Sales Representative Sylvia Kirkwood Broker ONLYTHE BEST INTHE BUSINESS JOIN OUR BRAND - CALL EVAN Jeanette DiCarlo Sales Representative Evan DeBrincat Broker of Record 99 watEr st. E., ElOra 3 + 1 BEdroom BackSPlit iS 1600+ SQuarE FEEt and HaS a BEautiFully trEEd Backyard witH an in-Ground Pool.1/4 acrE lot. call lEE or cHriS GoncHar wOrth thE drivE! Over 100Years of DefiningThe Real Estate Industry

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