Pa ge 1 2 T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 14 , 2 01 6 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - w w w .th ei fp .c a THE BIG ONE 68%OFFUPTO MULTI-MILLION$ CLEARANCE SALE SAVE $150 $848 #97146 60 Hz • 2 HDMI • 1080p 58" LEDTV 45 MIN Full Bodyworkouts. the PossIBIlItIes are eNdless! BIg BrIght FacIlIty, Full raNge oF equIPMeNt 60 Armstrong Ave. 905.702.0200 | Circuit training (6am start) Cardio KickFit muay thai Kickboxing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Yoga Judo AS SEEN ON FAVORITE FITNESS CENTRE! JOIN THE MOVEMENT. TRY A FREE CLASS TODAY! • Mon-Fri 7-6; Sat 8-4; Closed Sun WHILE SUPPLIES LAST / UNTIL JANUARY 31 29-Pc. Screwdriver Set Specially designed tips reduce stripping. Ratcheting PVC Pipe Cutter SK5 Cutting blade. Aluminum Body. 1/8"-1 5/8" $999REG: $24.99 $999REG:$16.99 12 Amp Sawzall® Reciprocating Saw0-3,000 SPM variable speed trigger. Quik-lokblade clamp for fast, tool-less blade changes. Case included.(4201455)(6509-31) $11499REG: 149.99 WINTER DEALS 32-In. Nifty Nabber Plus Pick up items without bending or touching and reach high shelves without strain. Built in magnet and rotating head.(5735147)(960470) $1299REG:$23.99 COMMUNITY PRESERVING OUR HISTORY: In 2015, Devereaux House, which has resided along Trafalgar Rd. since its construction in the mid-1800s, was placed under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act by the Town of Halton Hills. Recently, Friends of Devereaux House members assembled to unveil the plaque designating the structure under the Ontario Heritage Registry. Those gathering for a photo were: in front, Friends of Devereaux House member Eve Martin, (second row) Karen Bajic, Heritage Halton Hills chair Councillor Ted Brown, Friends of Devereaux House member, and Halton Hills councillor, Ann Lawlor, Facility Administrator, Mayor Rick Bonnette, and Fred Helson. Third row Bert Zonneveld, Carol Devereaux, Anne Allen, Brenda Sisnett and Marilyn Serjeantson. Photo by Kathryn Boyle