Thursday, January 14, 2016 - The IFP - H alton H ills - Real Estate Leader - Page R E11 166 willow road, guelph Large Home WitH tons of CHaraCter. extra Large garage and WorksHop WitH Huge drive-Way. totaLLy redone and CLose to everytHing. CaLL evan ToTallY reNo'd - SeT oN a douBle loT! aMaZiNg opporTuNiTY To owN Your owN BuSiNeSS 4900 duNdaS ST.w., ToroNTo amazing opportunity to oWn a WeLL estabLisHed, turn-key restaurant LoCated in an upsCaLe busy area and fuLLy equipped. restaurant Has been updated WitH modern deCor. don't deLay amazing opportunity to oWn and operate. 4410 square foot bungaLoft of extra-ordinary WorkmansHip and quaLity - sHort CLosing avaiLabLe. CaLL evan today. New iNVeNTorY hoMe 86 Craig CreSCeNT, georgeTowN great famiLy Home on a quiet street, very CLose to beautifuL parks and sCHooLs, 4 bdrm, 3 batH, inground pooL. CaLL broCk gonCHar opeN houSe SuNdaY 2-4pM 3 CheSTerSoN laNe, guelph fantastiC starter or investment property. LoCated in tHe east end of gueLpH WitH a fabuLous side property running aLong side a smaLL river. CaLL peter for an appointment FaBulouS STarTer or iNVeSTMeNT properTY To be the trusted source of innovative real estate solutions, creating exceptional experiences for all we help, to become your Family Realtors® for Life. 21 lilY laNe, georgeTowN $1,800/Mo beautifuL fernbrook semi-detaCHed dundaLk modeL 1515 sq ft. extremeLy CLean and ready for oCCupanCy. CaLL nataLie braun. greaT properTY For leaSe CONSUMER FOCUS INNOVATION TRUST 16 MaiN ST. S, georgeTowN oFFiCe SpaCe For leaSe - dowNTowN HistoriC buiLding Has been totaLLy renovated WitHout Losing its HistoriC CHarm. main fLoor Has been divided into 2 suites tHat Can be Combined. ideaL for a smaLL professionaL offiCe suCH as a LaW firm, pHysiotHerapist, HomeopatH, aCCountant & etC. CaLL evan 66-68 MaiN ST S, georgeTowN STudio oFFiCe SpaCe doWntoWn georgetoWn. avaiLabLe immediateLy, 700 sq ft WitH Large WindoWs and HigH CeiLings, $900/mo + utiLities, CaLL evan $1,200/MoNTh Two BedrooM reNTal tWo bedroom apartment done up to tHe nines. suitabLe for smaLL famiLy. Has a fuLL basement WitH one area finisHed for guest room, den or gym area. Comes CompLete WitH fridge, stove, miCroWave, parking, Water is inCLuded. $1,200.00/montH. CabLe, utiLities extra. avaiLabLe Jan 1st 2016. CaLL evan. $900/MoNTh 1 BedrooM aparTMeNT doWntoWn georgetoWn Large 1 bdrm apartment avaiLabLe for rent - $900/montH aLL inCLusive CaLL evan Over 100Years of DefiningThe Real Estate Industry 78 Main St. S., Georgetown L7G 3G3 905-877-2630 78 Main St. S., Georgetown L7G 3G3 | |905-877-2630 Your Family Realtors®….For Life! Monica Darabos Sales Representative Natalie Braun Sales Representative Bill Gardiner Sales Representative Jackie Eagles Sales Representative Margaret Ostrander Fleet Sales Representative Bruce Elmslie Broker Linda Elmslie Sales Representative Jennifer Elmslie Broker Lee Gonchar Sales Representative Brock Gonchar Sales Representative Jack Zitman Sales Representative Harald Schubert Sales Representative Chris Gonchar Sales Representative Peter Guzzo Sales Representative Samantha Read Sales Representative Janice Rumley Sales Representative Sylvia Kirkwood Broker ONLYTHE BEST INTHE BUSINESS JOIN OUR BRAND - CALL EVAN Jeanette DiCarlo Sales Representative Evan DeBrincat Broker of Record 158 MaiN ST. S, georgeTowN Custom Home buiLt on main street, doWntoWn georgetoWn. quaLity WorkmansHip, beautifuL finisHes. CaLL evan to vieW. opeN houSe SaTurdaY aNd SuNdaY 2-4pM 52 eriNdale driVe, eriN exCeLLent famiLy Home in niCe quiet street in erin - WitH a finisHed basement. - CaLL evan for more information oNe oF a KiNd greaT STarTer! 119 MouNTaiNView road, uNiT 1 super CLean brigHt 2 bedroom end unit toWnHouse. Large main Living area WitH gas firepLaCe, great "Working kitCHen", fin. basement, updated batHrooms and 2 very Large bedrooms! inCLudes aLL appLianCes. great for Commuters! WaLk to go! asking $270,000.00 CaLL Jennifer eLmsLie SOLD 7 parKView BlVd, georgeTowN great neW priCe for tHis CHaraCter Home in park area.WaLk to goLf Course, fairgrounds & doWntoWn Core offering fine eateries, boutiques & tHeatre. metiCuLousLy maintained, spaCious prinCipaL rms, private pooL sized yard , 1 ½ Car garage. CaLL JaniCe rumLey CharaCTer hoMe iN The parK! SOLD JuST Your SiZe 74 Miller driVe, georgeTowN measured to fit groWing famiLies! tHis expansive 7 bedroom, 4 batHroom residenCe is a mom-n- dad-n-kid pLeaser! georgetoWn soutH LoCation. move in ready! ask for bruCe SOLD iMMaCulaTe hoMe oN raViNe 29 doNaghedY driVe, georgeTowN Luxurious and spaCious exeCutive Home finisHed top to bottom on tHe ravine. 3900 square feet + finisHed basement. CaLL CHris or Lee. SOLD