Thursday, January 14, 2016 - The IFP - H alton H ills - w w w Page 27 ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE For more details go instore or online COMMUNITY We are settling in quite nicely to our new- ly renovated space. It looks absolutely stunning, bright and cheery. Please drop in for a visit and have a look for yourself. As of this week the Active Living Pro- grams have resumed for their winter ses- sion back in the Centre. Seems like most of the participants are happy about that. I guess it makes the old saying "there's no place like home" true. Thank you to all the members who have renewed their memberships. When you sign in on you will see a general re- minder that membership renewals are due. Don't be upset if you have already paid. If you have not renewed by the end of this week you will find you have been removed from the sign-in page. You will then need to renew in order to have your swipe card reactivated. I understand there are only a few spots left for the Gordon Stuart Watercolour Workshop on Feb. 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If this tweaks your interest, you will need to register and pay at Reception as soon as possible. The cost is $45 per member or $50 per non-member. You will also re- ceive a list of materials you will need to bring to the class. This brings up the point that we do have an Art Class at the Centre. They meet every Wednesday afternoon begin- ning at 1 p.m. You are always welcome to come and take part and share in some new techniques in whatever medium you use. Heather Beaumont, our volunteer co- ordinator, is still looking for volunteers and other convenors to assist in fund- raising, social and kitchen spots. If you are a member or not, and are interested in volunteering please call Heather at her new number: 905-873- 2601 ext. 2282. Travel Desk: The new flyers are now available outlining our day trips to the end of June. Drop by and pick one up. You have until Jan. 26 to sign up for our first trip of the new year, a Sweetheart Mystery Tour in February. Georgetown's HALC resumes regular programming By Florence Riehl Hillsview Active Living Centre-Georgetown Locations: Georgetown Public Library/Gellert Centre • 905-334-7876 NOW - Children Learning Another Language (7-12 yrs. old) (13-17 yrs. old) Spanish & French T O R O N T O ' S U L T I M A T E January 23 & 24, 2016 Enercare Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto A DIVISION OF Saturday10am-6pm&Sunday10am-5pm Discover. Explore. Learn. Shop. FRE E AD MIS SIO N! Comevisit FlightCentre Meet their experts and take advantage of exclusive deals! Book your next holiday! Speaker Series Motorcycle Tourism. Cycling in Ontario. PlanningWeekend Trips. Cultural Dancing + more... Visit with Tourist Boards, Hotels, Tour Operators, Local and International Destinations & More! Discover TheWorld! Visit activities events restaurants travel more!