21| The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,F ebruary 1,2018 theifp.ca Your Family Realtors®….For Life! Natalie Braun Sales Representative Monica Darabos Sales Representative Suzanne Clarke Sales Representative Bruce Elmslie Broker Jackie Eagles Sales Representative Evan DeBrincat Broker of Record Linda Elmslie Sales Representative Margaret Ostrander Fleet Sales Representative Jennifer Elmslie Broker Janice Rumley Sales Representative Harald Schubert Sales Representative Sandra Marin Sales Representative Tony Fitzsimons Sales Representative To be the trusted source of innovative real estate solutions, creating exceptional experiences for all we help, to become your Family Realtors® for Life. CONSUMER FOCUS INNOVATION TRUST 78 Main St. S., Georgetown L7G 3G3 www.FieldstoneRealty.ca 905-877-2630 Over 100Years of DefiningThe Real Estate Industry ONLYTHE BEST INTHE BUSINESS JOIN OUR BRAND - CALL EVAN 78 Main St., Georgetown L7G 3G3 | www.FieldstoneRealty.ca |905-877-2630 WAREhoUSE BUILDING FoR LEASE New Shop/warehouSe BuildiNg w/additioNal SurrouNdiNg agricultural laNd if Needed. MaiN BuildiNg coNSiStS of 4000 Sq ft of iMMaculate Space. floor heatiNg throughout. property iS rural & agricultural uSe. perfect for Storage purpoSeS, Storage of equipMeNt or agricultural proceSSiNg or SiMple MaNufacture. call evaN deBriNcat EXCITING INVESTMENT oPPoRTUNITY 1 acre laNd aSSeMBly iN KitcheNer with coNcept plaN for 28 coNdo uNitS or poSSiBly StacKed towNhouSeS. cloSe to New traNSit huB aNd google officeS. call evaN deBriNcat. freShly reNovated office Space oN harveSter road w/cloSe acceSS to hwy 403. thiS Space iS approx 700Sq ft. call evaN deBriNcat. $1,000/Mo FREShLY RENoVATED large 2400Sq ft BarN for leaSe to the right horSe people. located JuSt Below actoN, North of MiltoN. 10 MiNS froM the 401. SUITABLE FoR SToRAGE oR WoRkShoP 1500 or 2500 Sq ft. large profeSSioNal office Space iN high traffic locatioN. perfect for Medical office, accouNtaNt, lawyer or retail. call evaN deBriNcat. BUILD To SUIT UNDER CoNSTRUCTIoN BY DoUBLE oAk hoMES StoNe, BricK, Stucco coMBiNatioN. excluSive MyStique coMMuNity. 3,000 Square feet. coffered 10 ft ceiliNgS. deSigNer KitcheN with ceaSarStoNe couNtertopS. hardwood floorS. Quick closing Possible 60 days - 180 days. oNce iN a lifetiMe opportuNity!! call evaN deBriNcat NEWER BUNGALoW oN hUGE LoT! $1,200,000 16710 LESLIE hILL RoAD, TERRA CoTTA hear the SileNce aS you Sit oN your froNt porch. go to the private BacK yard aNd hear the BirdS SiNg. Beautiful Newer BuNgalow oN huge lot iN the Middle of the couNtry 8 MiNuteS away froM georgetowN fiNiShed to the NiNeS. call evaN deBriNcat. BEAUTIFULLY SECLUDED BUNGALoW $1,125,000 16589 ShAWS CREEk RD, CALEDoN traNquility iS yourS iN thiS Beautifully Secluded well Kept 3 + 2 BedrooM BuNgalow oN JuSt over aN acre with poNd & overSized garage. call evaN deBriNcat. 3193 FoLkWAY DR, MISSISSAUGA StuNNiNg 4BdrM 4wShrM totally reNovated hoMe with fiNiShed BSMt aNd Nicely laNdScaped yard. great faMily orieNted area iN the heart of eriN MillS. call Natalie BrauN. $999,900 ToTALLY RENoVATED! 44 MARkET STREET, GEoRGEToWN realtor.ca MlS #w4000707 pleaSe call Bruce elMSlie, 905-703-0644 PARk AREA RESToRATIoN $2,400,000 14192 FoURTh LINE, hALToN hILLS couNtry dreaM oN 24.32 acreS. aMaziNg cuStoM hoMe Built w/the utMoSt care aNd atteNtioN to detail. lotS of orgaNized Storage, hardwood floorS. MiNS to actoN & the highway. call evaN deBriNcat. CoUNTRY DREAM oN 24.32 ACRES! $1,239,999 10948 22 SIDE RD, LIMEhoUSE Sturdy, well MaiNtaiNed BricK BuNgalow iN delightful haMlet locatioN. alMoSt 3/4 acre of greeN lawNS to ruN oN, with Mature treeS aNd hiddeN feNce for the faMily dog. call liNda elMSlie. BUNGALoW IN DELIGhTFUL hAMLET $1,800/Mo 800 Sq. ft. Beautiful rural loft apartMeNt very cloSe to actoN oN 30 acre property. $1400 all iNcluSive. availaBle March/april 1St. call evaN deBriNcat. located iN old dowNtowN georgetowN. SuitaBle for SMall BuSiNeSS or profeSSioNal office. Separate eNtraNce & lotS of SigNage Space. $1000/MoNth. call evaN deBriNcat. located iN old dowNtowN georgetowN. SMall cleaN Bright apartMeNt SuitaBle for SiNgle perSoN or couple. 2 BdrMS. large wiNdowS. No SMoKiNg. availaBle iMMediately. $1000/MoNth. call evaN deBriNcat. RURAL APARTMENT FoR LEASE BRIGhT DoWNToWN oFFICE APARTMENT FoR LEASE $755,000