th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, A pr il 5, 20 18 | 16 Halton police set up a truck safety inspection site at Norval's busy intersec- tion, in search of defects and infractions that pose a threat to drivers on the road last. They inspected 17 trucks in the blitz, finding major defects in seven - which were subsequently taken out of service. "Wheels, brakes, sus- pension," are the primary concerns of officers in- specting the vehicles ac- cording to Const. Jeff San- difer. "We find a lot of cracked leaf springs." Sandifer says one of the most concerning infrac- tions he found was a flat tire on a dual axle truck. The trucks being in- spected had a 41 per cent failure rate, which Sandifer says is average for inspec- tions in the area. He says the inspection was held in part due to a re- quest from the Town of Hal- ton Hills, who have received numerous complaints about heavy truck traffic passing through Norval. As for Sandifer's advice for truckers - "pre-trip, pre- trip, pre-trip," he said. "They'll fix it before they leave the yard, opposed to us finding it." NEWS Halton police hold truck safety blitz in Norval ALEXANDRA HECK Constable Jeff Sandifer takes a look at the tires of a truck stopped in Norval during the safety blitz. Alexandra Heck/Metroland LEATHERTOWN LUMBER HOT BUY! LiMiTEd qUANTiTy ON sALE iTEMs. WHiLE sUppLiEs LAsT. dROp iN TO LEATHERTOWN LUMBER TO disCUss yOUR dREAM dECK $28.99 WAS: $44.99 $119.99 WAS: $169.99 $19.99 WAS: $29.99 5/8-in. x 50-Ft. Heavy-duty Water Hose Premium five-ply construction. Dual reinforcing for kink resistance. Excellent pressure capacity. 9145442 15 Amps 7-1/4-in. Circular saw 5200 RPM, 1950 Watts, 57 degrees beveling capacity with stops at 45 and 22.5 degrees. Includes 7-1/4" blade, wrench, manual. 2341055 3-pc. pruner set For trimming plants, shrubs and small trees. Cushioned grip handles. Includes lopper, shear and a pruner. 6804926 FULL-SERVICE RETIREMENT HOME 905-877-1800 222 Mountainview Road North, Georgetown Mountainview Residence Of Georgetown Retirement living can be the best of times when you live in an atmosphere of comfort and family caring. Seniors enjoy an independent lifestyle with comfortable accommodations, personal care and other supportive services. 905-842-6591 or toll free 1-800-693-7986 Ext. 740698 (Nancy) or 740699 (Heidy) or 740678 (Lori) EXHIBITORS: For information onhow to showcase your business call Brought to you by Metroland Media Group SundayMay 6 and Sunday September 9, 2018 • 10am-4pm Buy both shows and SAVE 10%* * Some restrictions apply RESERVEyouRSpAcEEARLy Vendors neededfo r HEALTH, HouSING ,FINANcE , TRAVELA Nd ENTERTAIN MENT SpoNSoRSHIpS STILL AVAILABLE EXHIBITORS WANTED! RoyALBoTANIcALGARdENS 680 Plains Rd.W., Burlington RBGAuditorium Live Entertainment from the ToronToAllSTArBigBAnd Live Entertainment from the What do you do that is unique and ideal for Retirees or soon to be Retirees? Meet face to facewith hundreds of potential clients Indoorsatthe Presented by