th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, M ay 17 ,2 01 8 | 18 280 Guelph St. - Hwy. 7 Georgetown Visit our Website: • Tel. 905-873-8918 Monday May 21, 2018 Victoria Day Over 70 Stores We are closed fore are closed for VICTORIA DAY How to stay safe this Victoria Day: Halton Hills Fire Department Canadians may be gearing up for a weekend of friends, family and fireworks, but Victoria Day celebrations have not always been this way. Here are five questions about Victoria Day, answered. When did Victoria Day come to be? Victoria Day was first celebrat- ed as in Canada in 1845, and be- came a legal holiday following the death of Queen Victoria in 1901. How is the date for Victoria Day decided each year? Traditionally, Victoria Day fell on May 24 each year (the day of the Queen's birth in 1819), unless that date happened to be a Sun- day, in which the day would be celebrated on May 25. However, since the Statutes of Canada were amended in 1952, it was decided that each year, Victo- ria Day would fall on the Monday before May 25. This year, that date is May 21. Does England celebrate Victoria Day? Victoria Day is surprisingly not celebrated throughout England. It is, however, celebrated in Scot- land, as well as Canada. How was Victoria Day tradition- ally celebrated? In the 1840s, Victoria Day cel- ebrations were much more subtle. It wasn't until the Queen's 35th birthday in 1854 that thousands began to gather and drink to hon- our the monarch. This celebration initially occurred in Toronto and sparked the larger annual celebra- tions that would follow. How is Victoria Day different in Quebec? Victoria Day is also a legal holi- day in Quebec, though it became unofficially known as Fête de Dol- lard (named after colonist Adam Dollard des Ormeaux) until 2003. Then it was changed to National Patriot's Day. 5 facts you may not know about Victoria Day The Halton Hills Fire Department would like to remind residents to stay safe while celebrating Victoria Day this weekend. For those who plan to light fire- works at home this weekend, here are some safety tips: • Carefully read and follow label di- rections. • Do not allow children to discharge fireworks without adult supervision. • Discharge fireworks only if wind and weather conditions do not cre- ate a safety hazard. • Keep onlookers a safe distance away and upwind from the discharge area. • Always keep a pail of water or water hose close by. • Discharge fireworks well away from combustible materials, structures, trees and dry grass. • Bury fireworks that do not have a base halfway in a container of sand or earth unless label states otherwise and angle them at a 10 degree angle, pointing away from people. • Light only one firework at a time. • Never light fireworks in your hand. • Do not smoke near the fireworks. • Stay away at least 30 minutes before approaching a firework that did not go off. • Keep sparklers away from children. They burn hot and can ignite cloth- ing. Immediately soak spent spar- klers in water. • If someone gets burned, run cool water over the wound for three to five minutes and seek medical atten- tion if necessary. • Clean up the fireworks debris when finished and check for embers or smouldering materials. "If you choose to light fireworks on Victoria Day, follow the rules, adhere to the safety tips and be respectful of your neighbours and their proper- ties," Halton Hills Fire Department Chief John deHooge said. "Have a great Victoria Day."