29| The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,M ay 17,2018 theifp.ca REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Delivered to 23,750 Homes every Thursday! 905-877-8262 Your Real Estate Resource With 40 Year's Experience. Heather Morison Broker - ASA CIA CLHMS hmorison@royallepage.ca 905-873-4266 www.REresource.ca 519-853-0924 Noel Stoyles SALES REPRESENTATIVE DIRECT: (905) 866-8923 OFFICE: (905) 873-6111 (877) 306-IPRO (4776) 158 Guelph St., Unit 4 Georgetown, ON L7G 4A6noelstoyles@gmail.com Susan Hancock Sales Representative Realty Services Inc., Brokerage when experience counts office: 905-456-1000 direct: 905-866-2994 Licensed Realtor serving Halton Hills since 1977 905-873-6111 158 Guelph St., Unit 4 Georgetown ills Mike AdamsTo advertise in this Full Colour Directory, please call Kelli 905-234-1018 or email kkosonic@theifp.ca GetWhatYou're Askin GoWith Baskin. Marc Baskin SaleS RepReSentativeSaleS RepReSentative Cell: 905-867-3280 Email:mbaskin@remaxcentre.ca www.gtown.ca Thinking of buying or selling? Call Effie or Helen for all your real estate needs. 905-873-6111 Effie: 416-991-4247 Helen: 647-258-5331 www.haltonpropertysisters.com sisters@iprorealty.com EFFIE DIMOU Sales Representative HELEN PAVLOPOULOS Broker PETER DYMOND Sales Representative DEMAND THE DYMOND STANDARD 905-456-1000 REALTY SERVICES INC., BROKERAGE www.PeterDymond.com HOWTO SELL YOUR HOME FAST Experts Say: "Start planning for it 60- 90 days before you sell" Halton Hills (ON) --A recent interview with Yvan Desjardins of ReMax Real Estate Centre revealed several helpful tips for any- one who is thinking of selling their Halton Hills home. "Most owners think that their homes will sell quickly. Everyone thinks that their home is special and will bring top dollar fast. In fact a lot of new listings that go on the market eventually expire with the home still unsold." If you are going to be selling your house in the next 6 months, there are some things you can be doing now that will help you get top dollar for your home when you do sell it. There is a free book available that shows you the things that buyers most look for in a home, and how to make your house irresistible to buyers. You'll learn:Why buyers love model homes and how to make your house show like one. How to sell your house in as little as 24 hours -- without every putting it "on the market". How a 25 cent upgrade could earn you an extra $500 - $1000 when you sell. How to find out what houses in your neighbourhood are really selling for and how long it takes them to sell. Why most real estate advertising will never sell your house -- and what to do about it. Yvan has compiled a free book that he calls "How To Sell Your House For Top Dollar - Fast! This book details several specific ways to prepare your house for sale and how to make your house irresistible to buyers. Yvan says the information in this report is the secret to his success selling homes so quickly and the reason he can sell any house in less than 90 days. To get a copy of this free book "How to Sell Your House For Top Dollar - Fast!", just call 289-891-6260. ADVERTORIAL For all the latest news... www.theifp.ca