9| The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,June 28,2018 theifp.ca JUST ADD COLO UR JUST A COLO UR J C OPEN CANADA DAY July1 8:00am - 6:00pm UST ADD 50% OFF July 5 -18 NOW 40% OFF June 28 - July 4 No rain-checks or layaways. Selection will vary from store to store. GREAT TIME TOPLANT! ENJOY SAVINGSON TERRA QUALITYPRODUCTS! YOU DECIDE ...WHEN&HOW MUCHYOUWANTTOSAVE! ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 2 gal. pot - Assorted $999 12"PATIO PLANTER 2 styles $1799 SAVE $15 SAVE $22 GREENVELVET BOXWOOD 5 gal. pot $2699 16"SIZZLE HANGING BASKET $1999 200 PER STORE 200 PER STORE 150 PER STORE 120 PER STORE SALES PERIOD | JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2018 7.5'PUSHBUTTON TILTOCTAGON UMBRELLA $7999 9 Reg. $24.99 17 Reg. $39.99 19 Reg. $44.99 26 Reg. $69.99 SAVE $25 SAVE $100 SAVE $43 75 PER STORE PEEGEE HYDRANGEA STANDARD 5 gal. pot $4999 SAVE $80 THERE'S SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AND FRESHSTOCKARRIVING WEEKLY!3MOREWEEKSWHERE SAVINGSGROW!SHOP EARLY FOR THE LARGEST SELECTION.SALE ITEMSARECLEARLYMARKED.WHILESUPPLIESLAST. FRIDAY2DOORCRASHERS SATURDAY2DOORCRASHERS SUNDAY 2DOORCRASHERS 49 Reg. $129.99 25 PER STORE Reg. $179.99 O LES PERIOD | JUNE 28 JULY 4, 2018 FOLLOW US ON: www.terragreenhouses.com CHECK ONLINE FOR UPCOMING TERRA WORKSHOPS &SEMINARS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon - Tues 8 am - 6 pm | Wed - Fri 8 am - 8 pm Sat - Sun 8 am - 6 pm 2DOOR CRASHER SPECIALS FRIDAY, SATURDAY& SUNDAY starting at 8:00amwhile quantities last! Over the past few months, the town of Halton Hills has been addressing an application for a marijuana fa- cility in closed session at council. Halton Hills chief ad- ministrative officer Brent Marshall says that with the upcoming legalization of marijuana, the town is work- ing to figure out how to regulate the use of the product in public spaces, how it can be grown and more. "We are the level of government that ends up deal- ing with those on-street issues," said Marshall, who has put together a team of staffers to address a number of unknowns about legalization. "What we learned early on was that there was absolutely no consider- ation for what was going to happen to our front-line government." So far, the town has received one application for a marijuana production operation and has been han- dling the planning matter in closed sessions. "The people have been co-operative, it's certainly new ground for them as well," said Marshall. The town is looking at how neighbouring munici- palities have dealt with the zoning and planning com- plications of such a facility. Right now, the CAO says the town is taking a deep look at how they want facilities to operate in Halton Hills, whether they should be classed as industrial or agricultural endeavours, and where they should be lo- cated. "We're unsure exactly how this fits," he said, stress- ing that there are no health and safety issues with the current application they are processing. "We are 100 per cent satisfied that we've addressed all health and safety concerns," said the CAO. As for the federal government, the town is awaiting details on the laws surrounding marijuana use, and how the restrictions around growing will be enforced. Marshall expressed concerns about the lack of an enforcement team for the oversight of cannabis pro- duction facilities. "Who has the authority to enforce this legislation?" he said. "We're the people on the street that have to deal with it." Marijuana will officially become legal in Canada on Oct. 17, 2018. NEWS When expansion efforts are completein the coming months, the Tweed Farms location will have roughly 1 million square feet of greenhouse space for marijuana production. Luke Edwards/Metroland Halton Hills working through policies for new marijuana farm application ALEXANDRA HECK aheck@metroland.com