13| The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,July 5,2018 theifp.ca Garden Supplies, Tools and Soil Shrubs, Trees, Evergreens and Roses Patio Furniture, Containers & Statuary Perennials, Annuals and More! Water Gardening and Pond Products Stylish Giftware and Home Décor Accessories Georgetown 12266 Tenth Line | 905-873-7547 georgetown@sheridannurseries.com *Some restrictions apply. Discount applies to regular retail priced in-stock items only. Does not apply to previously purchased product(s). Discount does not apply to Value Priced Items, Gift Cards, ArborWatch Service, Landscape Design, Delivery Service, Planting Service, Memberships, Custom Design Service, Bulk Soil Deliveries and General Labour. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Dawn tilDusk StorewideSALE! FRIDAY, JULY 6th 8:00AM - 6:00PM *25-60%OFF