th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, Ju ly 19 ,2 01 8 | 10 Limited time lease offers available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Weekly payments include freight and PDI (ranges from $1,655 to $1,795 depending on model), tire & environmental fee ($17.50), A/C charge ($100), and OMVIC fee ($10). Taxes, licence, insurance and registration are extra. ΩRepresentative weekly lease example: 2018 Civic LX Sedan 6MT (Model FC2E5JE) // 2018 Accord LX-HS Sedan 6MT (Model CV1E1JE) // 2018 CR-V LX 2WD CVT (Model RW1H3JES) on a 60-month term with 260 weekly payments at 1.99% // 1.99% // 2.99% lease APR. Weekly payment is $55.57 // $74.75 // $76.61 with $0 down or equivalent trade-in and $15 // $0 // $600 total lease incentive included. Civic lease offer includes the $750 Civic Bonus. Down payments, $0 security deposit and first weekly payments due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is $14,448.34 // $19,434.82 // $19,918.57. 100,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/km for excess kilometres. PPSA lien registration fee of $45.93 and lien registering agent's fee of $5.65, due at time of delivery are not included. For all offers: licence, insurance, PPSA, other taxes (including HST) and excess wear and tear are extra. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. Offers only valid for Ontario residents at participating Ontario Honda Dealers. Dealer may lease for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Colour availability may vary by dealer. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. See your Ontario Honda Dealer or visit HondaOntario. com for full details. ♦♦Based on Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada (AIAMC) data reflecting sales between 1997 and December 2017. LEASE PAYMENTS INCLUDE FREIGHT AND PDI. EXCLUDES LICENCE AND HST. DEALER ORDER/TRADE MAY BE NECESSARY. OUR BI GGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR I S ENDI NG SOO N! $0 DOWN PAYMENT/OAC $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT WEEKLY LEASE FOR 60 MONTHSΩ $75/1.99 NEWLOWER PAYMENT ALL-NEW2018 Accord LX FROM % APR MODEL CV1E1JE $0 DOWN PAYMENT/OAC $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT WEEKLY LEASE FOR 60 MONTHSΩ $77/2.99 2018 CR-V LX FROM % APR 2018 CANADIAN CAR OF THE YEAR $ !NOOG SNIDNS ER IAEE YHF TO $0 DOWN PAYMENT/OAC $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT WEEKLY LEASE FOR 60 MONTHSΩ $56/1.99 NEWLOWER PAYMENT 2018 Civic LX FROM % APR MODEL FC2E5JE MODEL RW1H3JES $750CivicBONUS INCLUDES THE Georgetown resident Cary Poole took her eight- year-old daughter Elizabeth to see a doctor upon realiz- ing she had scoliosis, only to be told what many patients with scoliosis hear regular- ly: to wait until the condition progresses. As Poole began her year- and-a-half wait for an ap- pointment with McMaster Children's Hospital, she sought chiropractic help and massage therapy, while doing her own research to discover alternate ways of treating her daughter. When the day finally ar- rived for the appointment, the McMaster surgeon rec- ommended that Elizabeth have growing rod surgery, where rods would be insert- ed on each side of her spine to straighten her curvature as she continues to develop. The growing rod would require additional surgeries every six months to length- en the rods as Elizabeth grows, with a final spinal fu- sion procedure completed once she is fully developed. However, Poole didn't think this option was neces- sarily the right choice for her active daughter who plays on a number of sports teams including the North Halton Twisters and the Bulldogs Girls Field La- crosse team. Through her research Poole was connected to the Credit Valley Shrine Club who offered to help. "There was a family who was involved in the Masons and was a part of the Shrin- ers organization, they called me and said, 'The Shriners actually help children with scoliosis and I would like you to come and talk to somebody and see if we could help you out that way,'" she said. "We had no idea that the Shriners actually did this type of work." Poole filled out an appli- cation and received a call shortly after. The Shriners agreed to sponsor Elizabeth and set up an appointment for her to see the surgeon at Shriners Hospital for Chil- dren in Philadelphia. At the hospital, Poole learned her daughter could receive a non-invasive sur- gery called "vertebrae body tethering." The Shriners would help with transporta- tion, as well as funding for accommodations, food and the surgery itself. Elizabeth, now 10 years old, underwent surgery in May. A day later she was up and walking, Poole said. "Four weeks post op she was given the OK by the sur- geon to go ahead and return to daily activities," she add- ed. Greg Ferguson of the Credit Valley Shrine Club says it is stories like Eliza- beth's that makes him proud to be a part of the organiza- tion. "I am glad to be able to get kids like Elizabeth all fixed up," he said, adding that a lot of people may not know that the Shriners help those with orthopedic injuries and con- ditions. "She's not where she was before obviously ... but she's running around an playing sports right now and being a normal kid and we forget sometimes what we've gone through for the past six months," Poole said. "We feel very blessed that this has all fallen into place for us and that she is slowly getting back to her regular activities and the thought is that perhaps she will be bet- ter than she was previously." Poole says parents who are weighing their options for their own children who have scoliosis should contin- ue to do their research and look for procedures that are best suited for them. "If you feel that a certain pathway isn't going to work, then look for different opin- ions," she said, adding that speaking to other families with similar struggles has been beneficial. "Surgery is not always the (best) treatment ... you just have to find something that works for your family and your child." For further information on the Credit Valley Shrine Club, visit http://www.ram- it.htm. COMMUNITY Greg Ferguson, Bill Sweet, Cary Poole and daughter Charlotte, Matthew Poole and Elizabeth, Barb Sweet and Bob Barker. Credit Valley Shriners/photo Credit Valley Shrine Club helps Georgetown girl find right fit for scoliosis treatment VERONICA APPIA