th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, Ju ly 19 ,2 01 8 | 14 For Halton Hills resi- dents who enjoy stumbling upon an art structure in town, or admiring a mural on what was once a mun- dane brick wall, the day is getting closer. Town councillors are in the process of reviewing the draft public art master plan, which will be up for approv- al on July 17. The consultation process for the plan, which began in March 2017, included one- on-one interviews with com- munity members, input from the public via the Let's Talk Halton Hills online platform, Culture Days pre- sentations, focus group meetings held with the Hal- ton Hills Cultural Roundta- ble and meetings with the Public Art Advisory Board. The project is the first of its kind in Halton Hills, and a large undertaking when compared to other towns of similar size, development co-ordinator Catherine McLeod. "I think it's especially ex- citing for a town like Halton Hills, which is a smaller community, also a commu- nity with more rural areas, to engage in something as ambitious as a public art program of this scope and scale. "I think a lot of times when people think of public art they are thinking of ma- jor metropolitan centres, so I think it's just another ex- ample of the innovation that we see in Halton Hills." Here's what you need to know. Where is the project cur- rently positioned in terms of timeline? The project is slated to be- gin in 2019 and its next steps are pending the approval of the draft public art master plan, which has been de- ferred to the July 17 council meeting. Upon the approval of the draft plan, the town will be working toward the creation of additional policies, as well as drafting a short list of the art sites and the specific lo- cation of the first installa- tion. The project is being fund- ed through the public art re- serve and the town is expec- ted to receive its next contri- bution of $50,000 as part of the 2019 budget. If approved, the project will have the bal- ance required to commence building ($100,000). What was determined through the consultation process? The town has compiled a document entitled What We Heard based on the results of the consultation process. The document outlines po- tential opportunities for art, as well as appropriate loca- tions, themes and logistics of the project. Where will the art be lo- cated? The public art will be lo- cated in municipally- owned-and-operated spaces that are available for public use. The town has identified site types for consideration: Public and cultural facili- ties; parks and open spaces; trails, gateways and corri- dors; and capital projects and studies. The first art installations as part of the public art mas- ter plan will be located in Ac- ton, Georgetown, Glen Wil- liams, Limehouse and Nor- val, with the possibility for additional locations in the future. What types of art installa- tions will be created? Independent, site specific and integrated art projects will be created with the in- tent to enhance current in- frastructure and communi- ty spaces. These projects are to include murals and sculp- tural elements, which will be incorporated into build- ings and streetscapes, with the intent to educate, engage and promote conversation. The art will be a mixture of current, historic, Indige- nous, and commemorative art, and will consist of a bal- ance of pieces that represent COMMUNITY What you need to know about Halton Hills public art master plan VERONICA APPIA l See PROJECT, page 15 WELCOME ABOARD! ME D! 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