th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, Ju ly 19 ,2 01 8 | 34 The simple plastic straw is persona non-grata at the Tanners Restaurant in Acton. After seeing reports in the news about major chains like Starbucks making moves to eliminate single use plastics, owner Andrea Clark said it was time to pull the plug on straws. "We don't drink from straws at home," she said, adding that it's only a matter of getting used to drinking with- out them. As a mother to a young baby girl, Clark says she is thinking of future gen- erations and the massive environmen- tal problems that straws are creating by polluting the oceans. "I'm pulling them out of my drain," she said, explaining that it's no shock that these straws are making their way into water systems. She contacted Halton Hills Mayor Rick Bonnette with the proposition of challenging other businesses in Halton Hills to ditch plastic straws as well. Bonnette, as well as regional coun- cillors Jane Fogal and Clark Somerville came out to the restaurant. As Somerville pulls a stainless-steel straw out of the inner pocket of his blaz- er jacket, they start talking about the battle against plastic. Last month, Fogal proposed the re- gion send a letter to the federal govern- ment urging them to come forward with a federal strategy for phasing out sin- gle-use plastics. "What we can do is advocate," said Fogal. "That's our strength right now." The restaurant owner estimates that she goes through at least 5,000 straws in a year, a drop in the bucket compared to larger organizations like Tim Hortons, McDonalds or Starbucks. "There's a target on single-use plas- tics right now," said Somerville, adding he's thrilled to see movement on this is- sue. "I think it's a great initiative, I like challenges," said Bonnette. "I think it's showing leadership." NEWS Acton's Tanners Restaurant sticks it to the straws, challenging others to follow suit ALEXANDRA HECK Businesseseligibleto takepartmustmeetthe followingcriteria: •Aprivateorpublic company/organization •Government/municipalityor nonprofitorganization •Haveaphysicalpresenceinthe Haltonregion •Have20ormorefulltimeemployees •Havebeeninbusinessfor1year ormore Benefitstobecoming aHaltonEmployerof ChoiceAwardwinner: •Reducedturnover •Loweroperatingcosts • Increasedproductivity •PositiveemployerbrandingandPR •Moreengagedandcommittedworkforce •Highercustomersatisfactionandloyalty All interestedorganizations cancontactCCEOCat ccemployerofchoice.comor call:416-886-7007 BusB tak follo •Apr com •Gov non A W A R D S •GlassTrophypresentedatspecialevent •Specialpresentation •UnlimiteduseoftheHEOClogo • •Pressreleaseforuseinmarketingandpromotionalcampaigns Winnerswillreceive: S P O N S O R E D B Y : Deadlineforsubmissions isJULY31st,2O18 Find local professionals here every Thursday! For advertising information please call 905-234-1018 or email Professionals Ask the Separation & Divorce mediation accredited mediators georgetown, brampton, bolton, mississauga, orangeville flexible 905-567-8858 1-866-506-pccs (7227) reduce cost & conflict divorce with dignitY and Keep Your moneY in Your pocKet! Q: My pain comes and goes for no apparent reason, what can be done to figure it out? Gerry Ross H.B.Sc. PT, MCPA, FCAMT A: Physiotherapists are expert detectives when it comes to figuring out pain patterns. It is common for pain from postures or activities to go unnoticed when the individual is concentrating on something else (like data on a computer,conversation or sports). In other cases the painful tissue may lie deep within the body and therefore may not have the pain receptor density that is required to give instant feedback, but is sufficiently sensitive to react to inflammatatory chemicals once they have had time to accumulate, often long after the aggravating activity has stopped. This produces a time lapse between the cause and effect making self assessment very difficult. Your physiotherapist is very skilled at identifying these subtle sources of aggravation. 318 GUELPH ST., GEORGETOWN • T: 905.873.7677