th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 25 ,2 01 8 | 28 221 Miller Dr., Georgetown 905-873-6776 WALK-IN & FAMILY CLINICFAMILY CLINIC Walk-in and Appointment Call for details Platinum 2018 Halton Hills Miller Dr. M ou nt ai nv ie w Rd .S 8t h Li ne M ai n St 15 Sd. Rd. Eaton St. 10 Side Rd Opposite to Allison's Farm Market 26 Guelph St, Georgetown 905-877-9896 Let Us Floor You. HARDWOOD • CARPET • LAMINATE LUXURY VINYL TILE CERAMIC • VINYL & MORE Locally owned & operated by neighbours you've known & trusted for over 40 years! Don't call the police if someone is smoking pot in their backyard - that's not their job anymore. The Halton Regional Police Service is notifying residents of how their jobs have changed with the legalization of cannabis and how they will be policing the substance. The service will be responding to calls about black market sales of mari- juana, as well as complaints about those under the age of 19 consuming the drug. "It's a mindset; it's a change," said Insp. Kevin Maher. "We have to look at cannabis as a legal substance." Police will also be vigilant in watch- ing for impaired driving involving mar- ijuana, as well as the operation of other vehicles such as boats and equipment. The Halton Region health depart- ment is responsible for enforcing reg- ulations on smoking cannabis in pub- lic. Smoking marijuana is prohibited in the same places tobacco smoking is not allowed, such as enclosed workplaces, playgrounds, recreation centres, hos- pitals and restaurant patios. Maher calls the time frame follow- ing legalization the "social adjustment period," and asks neighbours to start thinking about what's legal and what isn't. "We're ready; we're going to be pa- tient," said Maher, explaining that the department's call-takers are trained to recognize if a marijuana-related com- plaint warrants police attention. If residents are concerned about nuisance cannabis smoke from neigh- bours, police advise them to have a con- structive conversation with the neigh- bour about the issue. CANNABIS AND YOU HALTON POLICE TO SHIFT FOCUS ON MARIJUANA ALEXANDRA HECK The Halton Regional Police Service is advising residents of how they will be policing marijuana now that the substance has been legalized. Mike Barrett/Metroland