31| The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,N ovem ber 8,2018 theifp.ca Authorized Dealer for Berton Blvd 348 Guelph Street, Georgetown (Behind YoYo's, next to Cooper Standard) www.kabinetpro.com 905-702-7719 OnNov 11th please take a moment to honour those who protect our Freedoms. Lest We Forget C A N A D A R E M E M B E R S RESILIENCE THE BATTLEFIELD ART OF MARY RITER HAMILTON, 1919-1922 Ottawa, Ontario, September 20, 2018 -- � e end of a war is never the end of the story, but the start of a new chapter in which societies and lives are rebuilt. � at is the message of Resilience - � e Battle� eld Art of Mary Riter Hamilton, 1919- 1922, a new exhibition developed by the Canadian War Museum in partnership with � e War Amps. Featuring works of art from the collection of Library and Archives Canada, Resilience contemplates the a� ermath of the First World War via the work of a Canadian woman artist and the war amputees' organization that sent her to Europe to record the devastation. "Resilience highlights not only Europe's reconstruction in the wake of the con� ict, but also the remarkable success of � e War Amps in rebuilding bodies and lives," said James Whitham, Acting Director General of the Canadian War Museum. In 1919, the newly established Amputation Club of British Columbia -- a precursor to � e War Amps -- hired Hamilton to travel to Europe to paint the post-war period for the club's magazine. She produced more than 300 impressionistic paintings of scenes in southwestern Belgium and northeastern France: battle-scarred landscapes, commemorations of the lost, and activities signalling a return to normal life. Hamilton considered her battle� eld art a labour of love, and in 1926 donated most of the works to the Public Archives of Canada -- now Library and Archives Canada -- as a gi� to the country. Resilience features 15 of Hamilton's most moving works from the Library and Archives collection, along with images and Museum artifacts exploring the history of � e War Amps. According to Dr. Guy Berthiaume, Librarian and Archivist of Canada. "It was Mrs. Riter Hamilton's desire when she donated her canvasses to the National Archives that these remain in the hands of all Canadians. With this exhibition we are happy to grant her wish." "It is a privilege to collaborate with the Canadian War Museum and Library and Archives Canada in bringing Mary Riter Hamilton's paintings and story to this exhibition," said Brian Forbes, Chairman of � e War Amps Executive Committee. "As � e War Amps marks its 100th anniversary this year, it is especially meaningful for us to be involved. It gives us an opportunity to show the public our passion for supporting and restoring the lives of Canadian amputees since our story began, at the end of the First World War in 1918." Amps -- hired Hamilton to travel to Europe to paint the post-war period for the club's magazine. She produced more than 300 impressionistic paintings of scenes in southwestern Belgium and northeastern France: battle-scarred landscapes, commemorations of the lost, and activities signalling a return to normal life. Hamilton considered her battle� eld art a labour of love, and in 1926 donated most of the works to the Public Archives of Canada -- now Library and Archives Canada -- as a gi� to the country. Inf o a nd ph ot os . c ou rte sy of th e C an ad ian W ar M us eu m , w ww .w ar m us eu m .ca . Trenches on the Somme - 1919 Among the Ruins, Arras - 1919 Mary Riter Hamilton