35| The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,N ovem ber 8,2018 theifp.ca Please call for a tour 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Accredited by: R.R. 2, Guelph 519-856-4622 www.edenhousecarehome.ca 130 Mill Street East, Acton 519-853-0079 Full & Partial Dentures Implant Retained Dentures Precision Dentures (BPS® Certified) Relines, Additions & Repairs Dental Lab On Site No Referrals Needed To advertise on this page call Kelli: 905-234-1018 or email kkosonic@theifp.ca Have you ever wondered how you can be involved in bringing joy to someone else's life? When we moved back to Ontario, we opted to settle in Georgetown. The first thing we noticed was the community spirit in this wonderful town. It wasn't long before we found out about Community Unity. Community Unity is an arm of the Georgetown Ministerial. Initially, we began by doing spring and autumn yard cleanup for seniors and others, unable to do their own due to phys- ical challenges. At the beginning of these seasons, a group of volunteers gather at the Christian Reformed Church on Trafalgar Road on a Saturday morning where we find out which team we will work with and go out to lend a helping hand. We also have other volunteers visiting the homeowners. Many of the seniors we serve live alone and welcome someone to talk to. One recipient, Barb Huggins wrote, "I am so grateful to Community Unity for all the volunteers that willingly come to homes for us seniors who cannot for some reason or another do our own yards anymore. This past spring, I was so surprised one Sat- urday morning when there was a knock on my door, asking me if they could clean up my yard. After having a new knee replace- ment in March, I was so ap- preciative of their giving their time to help others. I felt very blessed that I live in a community that cares about their seniors." Barb is just one of many we help each year. With more volunteers we could do so much more, not just in yard cleanups but many other areas. After the cleanup, we are invited back to one of the churches where we en- joy fellowship over a barbe- cue lunch. There, we can share the positive experi- ences we had. Our next fall cleanup is on Nov. 10 at 8:15 a.m. Please come and join us. Another volunteer op- portunity is helping pre- pare a hot meal which is giv- en out twice a month at the Georgetown Bread Basket. A group of people prepare the meal and others go and serve it to the clients after they pick up their groceries. We have another group, an arm of Community Uni- ty, called Jubilee. They work one on one with indi- viduals, getting them hooked up with agencies that can help them. Before my husband John passed away, he spoke to the group saying how we need to do more in the com- munity, such as helping se- niors in the marketplace, either carrying their gro- ceries, or any other needs they have. Before he could fulfil his dream, he passed away. However, this sum- mer, his dream started to take root as a team from Community Unity went out and made their presence known at the farmers mar- ket every Saturday morn- ing. We are looking for vol- unteers to help us with cleanup and administra- tion as well. If you can spare a few hours a month to help, we invite you to join us at St. John's United Church (11 Guelph St. in Georgetown) on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. For further information about what we do, visit www.communityunityhal- tonhills.com. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact heinoclaes- sens@gmail.com. GEORGETOWN'S COMMUNITY UNITY SEEKING VOLUNTEERS OF ALL AGES JEAN ANDERSON CONTRIBUTED Community Unity is looking for new volunteers to help out around town. Community Unity photo