th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 20 ,2 01 8 | 4 Mayor Rick Bonnette put economic development at the forefront of his an- nual State of the Town ad- dress to local businesses, hosted by the Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce on Dec. 11. In his speech at the Ea- gle Ridge Golf Club, Bon- nette highlighted the most notable recent gains in economic development in both Georgetown and Ac- ton. "Quality of life is more than our cultured pro- grams and events, our roll- ing hills, picturesque countryside, open spaces and recreation facilities," Bonnette said. "Quality of life also means employ- ment, ensuring businesses continue to create jobs and new businesses are at- tracted to our town." He says Halton Hills has been seeing an increase in both the number of busi- nesses and number of jobs in town, which has led to a higher demand for em- ployment lands and build- ings, as well as an ability to attract investors. "When you're success- ful, we're successful," he added. Bonnette cited Premier Gateway employment lands as one of the town's successes, home to busi- nesses such as Kraft Heinz and QRC Logistics. He also mentioned the recent ex- pansion of Toronto Premi- um Outlets. "Toronto Premium Out- lets is a major attraction for Halton Hills, drawing several million visitors an- nually," he said. "The 150,000 square-foot expan- sion added 40 new stores plus dining options and earlier this year they com- pleted a multimillion dol- lar, five-storey parking ga- rage. That tells me that they are here for the long- term." The mayor lauded a list of new businesses that have opened in both Georgetown and Acton, in- cluding Goodfellas Wood Oven Pizza, the Furnace Room Brewery, Ambition Performing Arts Centre, Helson Law Office (Acton), House of Work Wear, JV Computer Repairs, Oh Be- have Canine Pawllege, One Stop Medical Clinic and Pharmacy, Tic Toc Watch and Clock Repair, Plant So- ciety Kitchen and Vegan Food Services. He then moved on to ad- dress an area of concern that has been looming over downtown Georgetown for the past week: the cancel- lation of the McGibbon project. "I'm extremely disap- pointed and I am con- cerned about the buyers," he said, adding that the town has been asked ques- tions about their role in the failure of the project"Let me be clear - this is a pri- vate development. The town did not hold up the project or impede it." Bonnette said the town was seeking to find a bal- ance to issues pertaining to design, height, parking and the environment - many of which he says were raised by the public. "The town was still waiting on submission and information to finalize the planning process when we learned the project was cancelled," he said. "The town can't do anything more until we learn more ... the town doesn't own the property but we do want to work with the developer to either restart this project or help them find a buyer. So my message to you is stay tuned." In the second half of his speech, Bonnette touched upon the town's plans to accommodate future growth and its goal to con- tinue to boost tourism in the area, as well as its com- mitment to making strate- gic capital investments, such as the construction project on Armstrong Ave. "There is a lot that we can be proud of and I know that the work is never done," Bonnette said. "I feel it's important to recog- nize our values and the di- rection we have taken, and will continue to take, which in turn upholds our quality of life." COUNCIL 'WHEN YOU'RE SUCCESSFUL, WE'RE SUCCESSFUL': BONNETTE APPLAUDS BUSINESSES AT ANNUAL CHAMBER LUNCH VERONICA APPIA Halton Hills Mayor Rick Bonnette gives his State of the Town address at the Eagle Ridge Golf Club on Dec. 11. Veronica Appia/Metroland OPTICAL GEORGETOWN Marketplace Mall 905-873-3050 In Store Eye Exams. Call 905-873-0367 BOLTON McDonald's Plaza 905-857-5556 In Store Eye Exams. Call 905-857-7830 Shelter 519.833.2287 Thrift Shop 905.702.8661 Charitable Registration #893738872RR0001 The Upper Credit Humane Society wishes you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 905.877.5236 | Insta Halton Hills' Premier Location for Golf, Curling, Corporate and Special Events.