3 | The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,M arch 21,2019 theifp.ca Local biking enthusi- asts made it loud and clear that there's a need for improved, safer cy- cling routes throughout the municipality at the inaugural Halton Hills Cycling Summit. The event, hosted re- cently by the Town of Halton Hills bike it com- mittee at MoldMasters Sportsplex, drew dozens of local residents looking to share their thoughts on how to make cycling a better experience in the community. From the need for more bicycle lanes to a call for improved road conditions in the rural area, participants put to- gether a long list of sug- gestions to foster a vision for cycling in Halton Hills. "What's really impor- tant to me is getting from one end of town to the other," said local cyclist Jayne Bell, noting she would like to see better connectivity going north/south and east/ west through the commu- nity. "Having these bike lanes in different sec- tions and not linking them up doesn't make sense to me." Coun. Jane Fogal, who's also the chair of the bike it committee, ex- plained that bike lanes are being added gradual- ly throughout the munic- ipality as roads are re- constructed. Town transportation planner Rob Stribbell spoke to some of the pro- jects that are underway or on the horizon, includ- ing the bike lanes being finished on Armstrong Avenue this year or next, and the potential road widening on Eighth Line between Maple and Steeles avenues that would include separate bike lane infrastructure. The latter is currently at the environmental as- sessment stage. Stribbell said there will also be public con- sultations within the next couple of months re- garding the town's first active transportation master plan, which will address cycling needs throughout the commu- nity. The municipality is looking to advance cy- cling-based tourism as well, noted economic de- velopment officer Cas- sandra Baccardax. "Cycle tourism in On- tario is experiencing rap- id growth and is increas- ingly recognized by the tourism industry as a powerful economic driv- er," she said. "Halton Hills has committed to developing cycling tour- ism in our area." As part of the initia- tive, Baccardax said the town's economic develop- ment, innovation and culture division recently joined the Ontario By Bike Network, which cer- tifies and promotes bicy- cle-friendly businesses and cycling tourism. Halton Hills was awarded the bronze Bicy- cle Friendly Community status by the Share the Road Coalition in 2014. Fogal told the crowd that a recent reapplication didn't achieve the silver status the bike it commit- tee was hoping for. "Our group wants to go to the next level," she said, adding that input received during the sum- mit would help form a game plan to reach silver. Participants worked in small groups to go over maps of the community and make route-specific suggestions for cycling infrastructure improve- ments. Those in attendance also shared their general thoughts on ways to bol- ster cycling locally, in- cluding better connectiv- ity by bike between Georgetown and Acton, the promotion of chil- dren cycling to school and more parking for bi- cycles. The feedback and maps, along with results of an online survey, were turned over to the bike it committee to analyze and prepare a report to share with the active transpor- tation advisory commit- tee and ultimately staff and council, said Fogal. The input will also be given to the consultants working on the active transportation master plan. "I was very pleased, both with the turnout and the quality of the in- put we got from the at- tendees," she said. "There is no doubt that the peo- ple (at the summit) want better, safer bicycle in- frastructure." For more information visit haltonhills.ca/cy- cling. Survey results and further details from the summit will also be post- ed soon at letstalkhalton- hills.ca. NEWS HALTON HILLS RESIDENTS CALL FOR BETTER BICYCLE INFRASTRUCTURE MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@ metroland.com Councillor and Bike It Committee chair Jane Fogal and Town transportation planner Rob Stribbell were on hand to hear from local residents at the inaugural Halton Hills Cycling Summit at MoldMasters Sportsplex. Melanie Hennessey/Metroland THE ISSUE: CYCLING SAFETY IN HALTON HILLS LOCAL IMPACT: RESIDENTS SEEK INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AND MORE BIKE LANES STORY BEHIND THE STORY: Input from the inaugural Halton Hills Cycling Summit will help shape the Town's first active transportation plan.