th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, Ju ne 27 ,2 01 9 | 20 Moving around Canada as a child, Tom Cochrane (A) always had a love for music. At age 11, he sold a toy train set and used the money to buy his � rst guitar. He joined the Canadian rock band Red Rider in 1978 and worked as their lead singer and songwriter for more than a decade. In 1991, he embarked on a solo career, releasing the song "Life is a Highway", which quickly became a global success. Today, he's an avid golfer, pilot and hockey fan and lives in Oakville with his wife and children. Growing up performing comedy sketches for his classmates at Aldershot High School, Jim Carrey (B) lived in Burlington for eight years before relocating to Scarborough to pursue a comedy career. He began his career as a headliner on Rodney Danger� eld's comedy tour. In the '80s, he found television success on "Saturday Night Live" and "In Living Color". He continued to grow in popularity starring in � lms like "Dumb and Dumber", "� e Mask", "� e Truman Show", "Man on the Moon" and much more. His comedic e� orts were recognized when he won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor for both "� e Truman Show" and "Man on the Moon". In the 2000s, he played the Grinch in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", which brought more fame to his name. Carrey has continued to act over the years and has also taken on the roles of screenwriter, producer, and cartoonist. Growing up on a farm in Milton, Chris Had� eld (C) was glued to his TV while watching the Apollo 11 moon landing. Sparking a passion for � ying and outer space, he joined the Canadian Armed Forces, earned a degree from the Royal Military College and got his glider pilot license as a member of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. In 1992, he was accepted into the Canadian astronaut program by the Canadian Space Agency. He � ew to space in 1995, 2001 and 2012 and then became the commander of International Space Station (ISS) in 2013. Spending two months in outer space, Had� eld caught the interest of many people down on Earth, sharing photos of his life in the space station and photos of the Earth on social media. Once the holder of the world record for the 100 metres sprint, Donovan Bailey (D) moved to Oakville from Jamaica when he was 13 and began playing basketball and sprinting. He participated in the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta where he won two gold medals and broke the world record for the 100 m with a time of 9.84 seconds. He was the � rst Canadian to legally break the 10-second barrier in the 100 m. During the 1997 season, Bailey ruptured his Achilles tendon, which ended his career. Despite the injury, he attempted to participate in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney but got pneumonia and dropped out during the rounds. He o� cially retired in 2001. A� er his career-ending injury, 2019THIS ISCANADA Moving around Canada as a child, Cochrane (A) At age 11, he sold a toy train set and used the money to buy his � rst guitar. He joined the Canadian rock band Red Rider in 1978 and worked as their lead singer and songwriter for more than a decade. In 1991, he embarked on a solo career, releasing the song "Life is a Highway", which quickly became a global success. Today, he's an avid golfer, pilot and hockey fan and lives in Oakville with his wife and children. THIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS ISTHIS IS Made-in- CANADA NOTABLE NAMES: Had� eld (C) was glued to his TV while comedy sketches for his classmates at Aldershot High School, Jim Carrey (B) lived in Burlington for eight years before CANADA 1996 Olympics in Atlanta where he won two gold medals and broke the world record for the 100 m with a time of 9.84 seconds. He was the � rst Canadian to legally break the 10-second barrier in the 100 m. During the 1997 season, m. During the 1997 season, m. During the 1997 season, m. During the 1997 season, Bailey ruptured his Achilles tendon, which ended his career. Despite the injury, he attempted Despite the injury, he attempted Despite the injury, he attempted Despite the injury, he attempted to participate in the 2000 Olympics to participate in the 2000 Olympics to participate in the 2000 Olympics to participate in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney but got pneumonia and in Sydney but got pneumonia and in Sydney but got pneumonia and in Sydney but got pneumonia and in Sydney but got pneumonia and in Sydney but got pneumonia and in Sydney but got pneumonia and in Sydney but got pneumonia and in Sydney but got pneumonia and in Sydney but got pneumonia and dropped out during the rounds. dropped out during the rounds. dropped out during the rounds. dropped out during the rounds. dropped out during the rounds. dropped out during the rounds. dropped out during the rounds. He o� cially retired in 2001. He o� cially retired in 2001. He o� cially retired in 2001. He o� cially retired in 2001. A� er his career-ending injury, A B C D Store Hours Mon. - Fri. 8-9, Sat. 8-6, Sun. 9-5. Closed July 1st. Service Hours Tues. - Fri. 7:30-9, Sat. 7:30-6, Sun. 9-5 We reserve the right to limit quantities. No rainchecks. Advertised items are available only at Georgetown Canadian Tire, 315 Guelph Street 75%OFF UPTO On in-stock inventory. All Sales Final. Choose from in-stock shrubs, Perennials, Roses, Tropicals Tree, Planters and Hanging Baskets. Shop Soon for Best Selection. Garden Centre ClearanCe HAPPY CANADA DAY!