th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 26 ,2 01 9 | 12 EVERY EVENT SHOULD BE A SPECIAL EVENT 363 Maple Av. West | Georgetown, ON | 905-877-5236 WEDDINGS RELIGIOUS CELEBRATIONS BRIDAL & BABY SHOWERS BIRTHDAYS RETIREMENTS CELEBRATIONS OF LIFE Celebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with us Find local professionals here every Thursday! For advertising information please call 905-234-1018 or email Professionals Ask the 905-877-CARE (2273) DR. ANOOP SAYAL DR. ANOOP SAYAL Family and Cosmetic Dentistry located in Georgetown Marketplace Mall Q: Do you have any tips on how to tame my dentalanxiety? A: It's a well-known fact in this country that largenumbers of people are afraid of going to their dentists. Some people are so afraid that they neglect even the routine examinations and professional cleanings. It doesn't have to be that way. Here are some tips to help reduce your anxiety. First, see your dentist before treatment is needed. Get to know your dentist and get comfortable discussing your concerns with the dentist and staff. Set your appointments for a stress-free time of day, not on your lunch hour or immediately after work. Second, have the dentist explain the dental treatment to you. Knowledge of the procedure should let you be more relaxed. Third, let your dentist and hygienist know that you're scared. It's nothing to be ashamed of and you're most certainly not their first patient to feel that way. Fourth, understand that times have changed. There are new methods of controlling and eliminating discomfort that weren't available until recently. Don't let dental fears keep you from having a healthy mouth and teeth. expert advice? breaking news? today's top stories? where you live? crime? events? what to read? cooking? SIGN UPNOW We've got a newsletter for that. Care about /newsletters