th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 26 ,2 01 9 | 16 905-877-8262 Noel Stoyles SALES REPRESENTATIVE DIRECT: (905) 866-8923 OFFICE: (905) 873-6111 (877) 306-IPRO (4776) 158 Guelph St., Unit 4 Georgetown, ON L7G To advertise in this Full Colour Directory, please email Kelli or call 905-234-1018 GetWhatYou're Askin GoWith Baskin. Marc Baskin SaleS RepReSentativeSaleS RepReSentative Cell: 905-867-3280 Your Real Estate Resource With 40 Year's Experience. Heather Morison Broker - ASA CIA CLHMS 905-873-4266 519-853-0924 Have you heard? Advertising works! This space is available for your ad. PETER DYMOND Sales Representative DEMAND THE DYMOND STANDARD 905-456-1000 REALTY SERVICES INC., BROKERAGE Elaine Corris Sales Representative 647-241-9927 REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Delivered to 24,000 Homes every Thursday! Christmas www.MONCKTON.Ca 521 MaiN ST. S., GleNwilliaMS, l7G 3T1 Thank you to all our clients, friends and family for the support that made 2019 a great year and we wish everyone a happy new year, looking forward to a great 2020!! Cell 416.579.6704Office 905.877.2630 78 Main Street South, Georgetown (in the Olde Downtown Core) *Sales Representative WISHING YOU & YOUR FAMILY A MAGICAL CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR! Visit for Valuable Information on Selling or Buying Your Home, plus all You need to Know about Halton Hills.