19 | The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,D ecem ber 26,2019 theifp.ca Real Estate Centre In., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated Please visitwww.mcqwin.com to see our Listings and Open Houses Or contact us at info@mcqwinteam.com Bill McKeown 905-866-4943 Norm Paget 416-414-6676 Janet McKeown 905-866-3258 Sarah Appleby 905-877-5211 23 Mountainview Rd S, Georgetown L7G 4J723 Mountainview Rd S, Georgetown L7G 4J723 Mountainview Rd S, Georgetown L7G 4J723 Mountainview Rd S, Georgetown L7G 4J723 Mountainview Rd S, Georgetown L7G 4J7 905-873-2718 Anita Huggins - Matthew Hill - Christopher Stewart SALES REPRESENTATIVES Thank you to all our clients for the privilege of working with you in 2019! From our home to yours, the Hills Team wishes you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Joy-filled NewYear! T 905-873-6111 | key2yournexthome@outlook.com SaleS RepReSentative Aundene Strauss Wishing EvEryonE a Happy New year!aNd a Merry Christmas