pmm nobt the acton ftfee press notice of 0trthv uinuin aod la mcmorism nolle oo and mpr lln thsfai for pou7 masonqibdosat tho borne of tho bride parents at eundridge ontario cm ttanradoy january 3rd 13b xaua edna dough te to mr and mrs gibbet to william qeorge mason wn of mr and mra mason acton on tario died dtjfftjeld at the home lot 18 con cession erin township an saturday january 5th 1935 james duffleld tkved liusband of laura may pat terson in memqtam varttn in ever loving memory of true frierid and pal my mother who tell oaleep in jesus january 8th 1033 lslie can ycto write it 1935 yet thb assigning baa all gone tuesdays allday rain was rather beavy tor january the highway and roadways are mbnoat clear of loo again there was again no weekly session of police court hi acton this week to ex thank may sje remind jrou again amine the label on your paper you this is stock taking time and pre paration for making way for goods of an other season wuitoun tight of muton hoo re placed johrtp xhttla aa iwucr of jtf morihft itamim ise janua uiuw ib apiftwnttwi by lormera who were suffering from shortage of water while skating on corporation tona preda atkinson had tho misfortune to call and fracture her ankle the arena has been rather deucrted this week and tho usual crowds liae sought amusement elsewhere the heavy fog ou bunday and man day and the slippery roads rnrcdo thu driving treacherous for motorists mrs mccleary was tlio winnu of thu beautiful quilt olfcred by the fipoueas cleaners acton tho recent contest tho inaugural mixtulg of ulc public tjtllitieu commission amuigcd for tue day evening was postponed until trlday evening of tills week htoppago of drain on main tret caused uio municipal oificeru quite bit of attention yeateidiiy before it was dug up and luially cleared quito crow of workmen are cnglg wni hi dbunantilng tho wire from the eiectiic railway from loronto to guelph and storing it for shipment from acton llaltou county council when it us ounbiett tins yuar will mjud tho famllrir luce of hoovo murden of trafalgar who served for over twenty yean and was tiyloo warden of tho county ftvo young ivoploa society of tho xjnited church held moat enjoyaolo suelghildo party on thur3diry last to the homo of mr and mm has 11 johnston oamcs very played and dainty luucli served during uw evening kjluti us ot sallfcs wednidtiy january 2jrd plank ijrbi ujid fcjamotai town line ttrm fetock lutiday january 20ui clearing salu of varm tock ctj william cawtlir mimosa why woulty worry lu the tuuut ileut tmnjfnrimr world no matter how terloiu your he irt troubled uorry oannot help them loo much worry tiorteiu lire and too tnuoluot tlio uorrylng done useloajy an iuulltgent mental mrvty of jour problems will avoid it tieikuau tho roul fioni tlu fuha prob urns tuid btopworrylng iror oyry trouble undir tlio iu uutom remedy or there none if uitre is ony try to ilud it if there is wane never mind it in thbikliig of yui ptbunu uiwayu kivp tliii hi muid lo day tlw to morrow you worried about yvitorduy tllii un excellent guide for pietmtu trouble hi uw uuht of past ejtptrlencl micmgcnltthtjughts wlr iroblcmi worry only muddlo tlje lsaiu an old man looking baelc ov his uuid vo luul lot of trouble in mv life but the most of it never liappcilod vhon tlw ubuqs wlitil they are issues or bout to become no and stop worrying you 11 live lonscm bo happier tend be wtter citizen better able to take your fair attar hi ttss moral aodsl and reugknts problem of your town if you stop worrying westerners success yisam tatt roac from ranks cdm saood of eoyndau military air servicf tho story of how winnipeg bom boy on adventure bent rose from th fcumbl rank of dipper in the canadian enaineers through the royal air force lo become director of military aviation tor the government of ioypt reads like chapter from action writes combe the wlnnlpeo tribune kulmakam tolt bey colonel of avia tion talt of cairo son of mr and mr samuel tait of tft waterloo street wlnnlpeo he wis tinrn in winnipeg in 1893 and attended the fori rouge public school the old ccntr collegiate and manitoba university from which he was graduated 19m in rlrrtrical englneer mg then came the war the blood of youth and adventure surged in his veins no thought of holding back to get commit ion the war be iearcd would be over if he waited so be emitted is sapper in the first divisional engineers fof year he stayed with his canadian unit in france then transferred to the royal air force his knowledge of radio and bis skill in things electrical stood him good stead he was transferred from the combatant areas hr france given the rank of squadron jeader in the royal air force ami placed in charge of all wireless tahoru the south of england art onerous and responsible posltloa lo times when black saturday might emerge at any time calling for the utmost of coordl nation between radio stations aeroplanes and air defence organizations cwer the whole southern area of the kingdom in 1931 the imperial government wish ing to improve the air defence ol egypt loaned squadron leader talt to the egyp tian government as specialist in charge of air forces the winnipeg man was given the rank of ueutenahtcolonel and has since devoted his organizing genius to building up that service his first care was to gather round him competent force of aviators observers mechanics and wire less experts not neglecting airports and other appurtenances of successful military aviation thladoo collaiiwai ready tomod rmttrwg eg egyptian military air service rules seventy millions twag khan is modest ifnaswiralag and fobedouslyjwcalthy harried american hostess in ipahs wrote to the british cmbissy asking last minute ruling on thernklryj of aga khan where she should seat him at her table the proper form of addrculng him etc and she received this reply deaf madam the aga khan is cofl sldered by his followers as god on earth hut of course an english duke takes pre cedeaccj as matter of fact the aga khan spir itual ruler of about 70 000 000 people connoisseur of art posscuor of king ransom in precious stoned owner of one of the moat successful racing stables in europe is one of the most unassuming of royal person gea he seems quite content to permit english dukci to like prece dence when it coaies to dinner table ranking he reserves his formality for the three or four months of each year at his palaces in pooaa bombay calcutta or for ichl although he possesses an enviable col lection of gems the aqj khan is most modest in his person dlspljy of jewelry he weirs nothing cmcept the cqnyntlonil cuff links and tie pin theowner of the golden diwh one of the largest dia monds in the world once sdd jewels are for woinemonly and look much nicer oo theti than on men jitters qttelph scribe finally admlu the blame ian all on uaokey tn the koyal city ilaa been badly mnsaed after over week of tho jitters over tho playing of morton and mooney in tho fergus game the anvlf column hi the ouclph mercury finally came out with thbj assertion there are to many wheels within wheels and ltu about time that they got straightened out as far as ouclph hockey is concerned there has been lot of laxity in tht handling of hockey in guelph this year and we think uioij much of the trouble with the could liaflc been overcome by the use of definite logical and sudden aouon the junior team of ouclph has now dropped out of its group leaving junior and an intermediate team three or four of tho boys who were play lngoo ue junior team have been bumped into intermediate chum and arej on that team now and have thus lodt then year in the junior ranks wo presume the same would have befell morton and mbonoy tl they had been allowed to play with ouelrjh but un fortunately for tho royal city there was an intermediate team in acton after the fergus game the ouelph fans had an additional worry soma believing thntthe marzo on the acton line up was tho brother playing for ouelph fans it becrns in ouclph are now getting skint on tho wakingx within the hockey circles of that town and will now undertitand better the if viewpoint and that of other towns who are n6t particularly desiroua of supply ing all tho hockey talent for ouelph tlio expense of their own teams couple of apologies would ecni to bo real sportsmanlike wu1 they be forthcoming now that the jitters are cured new e1nger print system eagluli profcuors make life mor dtuv cult for grlmlnols the unqer print problem has flnihy been solved by two professors of univer sity college nottingham they imve dis covered method hy which recognizable fingerprints can brought out on multi colored or highly pitlcrned ickg round formerly if murderer or burglar left tiis fingerprints on in article of ordinary color it was quite isy to photograph them ifter the article id been dusted with powder hut if the fiugrprintswere left on highly colored lrtlch the culprit wis quite safe for these could not be aatlafac tbrily photogr iphed the two proles ora have discovered tliat if fine powdtr of inthracenc or zinc sulpiride is sprinkled on the ridge of in imprint onj lilgh colored irtlce ind then exposed to dark ultr vloltt tys the pow der retails the ultr violtt light it thus becomes phosphorescent uid when pho tograph of die article is liken the ilner prlnt ridge chirieteri tics are clearly reproduced oil from waste gas experiments which have ben made for innii tnf tjeslqucd to recover add uiphthi from tlil iriiiuits of eer oriatv ural gas goiiiq to in hie turner val ley oil field about 40 miles southwet of calgary and the mo productive oil fkld in canada luive proei11 successful one of the larost oper tort in the held lm installed an absorptun pi nit and is now recovering nuphth frojt the wusu is it ite which will nu in mure than 21 000 irreli ajinu illy ided to the reyul ir naphtha production of tin held the dally lddltional recovery ide possible by tils nl nit is expected to iviirnge 342 barrels he total annu me of the additional tphtha thus rtcoveitd in gross revenue is estimated at over 374 000 lkhctmuut of pepys cxt urutus who perh ipa the longest and most dutln lied cent of any of loutlon olilci il its and was ulu unique in posse tlelt to the itlonal gallery ol art died recently burned by my iriuub he was 111 ictlc lick uid ute feline more often tliau not to iv vf mi tl terrace of the illoiutl nailery principal ctjlm to latue was that lie eed his desceiit or rithcr hid it tr iced lor liliu back to the cat that belonged ps the diarist nw york lm new urunawte leds wocu snults small but very delicious rhus ire iketl in all wea coamt prov litte but new ihwiek is hiuth th btqgeht produecr on indvej th wxul every ojui should plail oul hs if fifty years hi advance oanlel heard promiscuous lady was anxlouuly looking for her husband and inquired of the houss nudd do you happen to know anyuting of your masters whereabouts im not sure mum said the cart fill domestic but think they ore in tlio wash massachusetts jury after lkitcnlilf to the arguments of counsel retired find deliberated ior lmuj time finally thuy reported tluit itkmld be hnpoasilic for tliem to leach uiiroemcnt wlien tliey tiled hi fromn jury room tlit court was ruthcr displeased and pro ceeded to lecture tlieirt ratlier teverily icr ulelr failure to agree why your honor exofcilnied the mow juryman liow hi tlio world do you expect tho members of tile jury to tigme whtu tlio lawyers hi tlio ciuai can ijgreo thenuilvesv when ironing tott collon take an od arvlotte itarcl wcu and dry tiior oughiy flace uiu on the ironing blanket and iron till the coilani ou it llil yivei them quite new appearance and tlio collars will not create qdlckly or toll cuiiuy caimonmonovilli according to ducovery reeentlymade aa tlie rult of three yeur lmetlga uon by tlio uuited ttutci ihibllo jrealtli service and tlie juru of milled car bonmmioxldo producej poison hi tlio of its victims tliat cause wokital awelllng of tlio brain uotli carbon moiioxklo pouonlntf and oxygen deilc lenoy wero found in animal cxperlmenui to produce hvjurleto to tlie btaln celui aiid the central nervoui tjum henco tho action of cujban monoxide was found to be uffocatlnn or phyxlation and not pec la poloning effect as htu be bcllevcil wllx cikosfrm bridefroom to tlie bride when they had nettled dotin to keejj houl ufte lllelr honeymoon trip n6w let luive clcir undmtandlng oi we tiettle down to married life arci ou tliii proid nt or tlio vice prtj idenu of thu oranlirt thr bride oweetly want to bo neither prtudent nor vice pre ldent be perfectly cjtlitent with ubordlnate po it on brldeprooip what imltloji la tliat my doar urhlc treasurer savino uoktk much of your work li eailxl by dolnit it too little thinking some or you have hun ud hour for an urtlcle which jcu mllht have found in tlv mlnuun if yau had it down and bent nil your oiu rgh culling here vou it vit ihhikhig up tin iihort euu ulul thtr le nit thou nn admirably iy to tave uork grms ol tlioufilii un motto nfcrnvalry abi tho mo to of wlkioiii to irfrve ull but lovo onh olle ullla 11u ri oiip nam tluit la vlu than anybody and tliat hi tiverybody iillyrund lillr timely writ la lvt to the clioiit of alxeotion and letter untimely delayed ruat to tho boldicr tujjper letters to the editor tt free ircs welcomes letters to this oolumn on flutters of enetal interest to it readers uut does hot ncoesssrilr endorse the opinion expressed all letters must be signed but mr tc published over pn nunc 11 so desired snj spec in the letter comibualcations shout not be over joo words in icnkth sod must ite reeeived not later than tuesday st noou to ensure puljliestion lo thai week acton january 5th 103s slr would uke to soy few words in regard td relief while it is true that acton has done well in the shape of relief yet tliere are lot or people who have been paying taxes or rent for years and now find themselvca worao off than lots of people who never con tributed wine cent towards taxes in any shape or form tho fellow who is struggling along out of work in many caeca his wife going out to work who is really honest and using hio last nlcklc con get no help at all and gets notice from the clerk tliat penalty will be added to unpaid taxs after xcoeinbcr mortgage mtencalraiul be paid his insurance his family have to be fed and riached lot of pcopli are today much better off than eycr duo to relief thpy can set on flowery bed and the landlord wadca in snow co his kneos for one had to pay the piper and tho tenants called the umi whlcli cout mo 20 oo per year for ten years id tills british fair play to everybody rax collector will bo on the job and the will turn oft the water and light am the ooar fieeycattgie marketi according to the 1035 agricultural situation and outlook about to bo issued by tlv joomlnlod irpartment of agriculture hi cooperatioai wjui tlio xjepartmcnt of titulo and commerc uiero wero hlcreofied marketings in 103t by ail major beef cattle producing pro vlnocr wltai tlie exception of ontario andtho burger rnovemcxits occurring during thebtttur luuf of uio year were well taken care of by tlio trade beof moved very freely much more so than otlior niuau on account of its relative low price packer alao luul all un proved utiort outlet for inoderat iy priced beef prospocts ore for further liberal movement of cattlo during 19j3 and potaibly undet bomewliat bettor all year demand condition tlian in 1034 rf ourhig 1034 cattlfc price alipwod mor stability and were wimowluit lughtr uiai ui 1033 but price levels did not feuii point comjtairahlc with tliobo of hot and hunhi nor with tlioso of tags and number of otlier ttaplo commodities due to alioitafeo of fehd cobts may iki higher fewer cattle finished and ulj idtuatlou may bo yvilocted hi high prices houcvcr prleei will ttiahily depend upon the relation of cattle consumption to pig tmd lamb coiuuniptlon lri tlio domes tie market and opportunities and price luveb in tlio british market cattlo on farms and runchei hi tlio tmited states luive btxni reduced by ten million hood us compared with yenr ao and higher prices were predicuxl far eatue of yood flnhji and reutonably high dreialng perouitiujc3i the procpect for cattle medlum to poor iri quality not iuiy better tlian in 1934 excepting on tlie balii of poj lble jjiortugu hi beof tonnatfe an in canada the tprcad bo twceii cattle of higbdrcjbulg percontago and cattle or lovjrvbig porcentaue wis widev in 1034 tlian iu wime prevloiu ytiua and thl situation la likely to pre vail in 103ii in general hotfever tlie outlook fairly favorable nnd fihould affect the rltuntlon oil the nortii am erican oontlnenv or ujiolo during 1034 eyporln of jive cattle un beof ueto jomewhit lieavfer than in 1033 canada luui ben iced by the brltlh ministry of atfrlcuhu to ro oikiute hy tablllilug htr exjioru cattle and meat for the lint quarter or 1035 at the uuuo volume for tlio co reaiondlng period of 1034 in poljcy or tilt united killed om after tile llrst muilirtrtctrtobedrterrninrd nndthe uholi gltuntlan hi come uifder furtiicr review following which an wuioiuire nuait of more peimaiunl ivallcy uny be exjhcted despite the bouuj avail uble on certain typeii of tlottuutlc cattl tlie brltlh farmer li not iitufltd ylui hl market und king for furthe aj stance towird pi ichiif tlie industry tn moio prolltublo footluti tlio icou uit for sivort from cm idaapiwar tj lh ubout equal tliuat of 10j1 althou probibly tlurt ulli be more cattle rult ubh for bef and store demand in th united it ni dom sw tin inert in coll uinptlon of ef manircat in 10j4 pioml emit nil uotwiuuuiulluu tlio pailbll ty th tt price ty be at tj mew hat hluilc levtl uudtr hnpiovt mt nt in tlu heiural econ omic jltuatlon lop ittlo which might ih cilul the hkitlmuto prcwluet of tho liulu try htvt in rv nt tr fo ind their jtiinv tupiwiit in tlu man for off lcu ly br uhiiki bes and in thu united ic nudum market whil thori dnea uo at tlu juomenl appear to bj uny pnibabll ty mat rial huae ru in ijcporth of live uittu ui tlio unit kingdom uiero bi tvery probability of an liu reiud omuiiur dent md fn bruiided beef at the moment uio tra in would abo iumm to iavu hnproved out ktjj cheaihf thuiw of utiiu und this aluiatieui it la hoped will continue during 1031 boabd op health report aoten hae sua very clean ileahh bin births marriacep and peaihs beoordsi daring 1034 the board of health annua1 report presented to acton council showed the 000 inhabitants of acton during 1034 to have been very licolthyond the com munity to have been fairly free of com munlcable diseases there were 40 coses of mumps of whooping cough arid one of tuberculosis during tho year which wcro tho only communicable diseases about forty flvo children received tlie diphtheria toxoid there were no cases of lnfcc tlon traced to either milk or water supply of the municipality and sampleoof both milk and water were ecnt at various times for analysis vital statistics of tho year aeeured from tho municipal clerk gave 5s deaths 24 births and 17 marriages as registered fas acton in tho life of every human being good luck and bod luclt corno aguroiy face to face andro maurols dollars bring health to frail and weak tip la muskoka wbnrc ararkiln ikr and miro fretui air is abundant stands thti miultojra hospital for cuaatmii tlv tl hlfch flauueu oyer kkliti th hui lur klv suuid th roiiu ieuute iisiiii uljvfm an tl unix murv llitoti itul tjrwtiuni tlvo cl lldron alt thr ten hievuns for iht fret uiitl mr nil he no tho novrtunuliiic lufht hv tn worn und ehll truir im eurrl art ut fnw of th putt nla hi tho hospitals who ran lay ai thing tnwurd tlulr korp thuro not to iimny th muuii lw hunt aiiur thtuui intltutlois must mk th rosity of warm httsrerxl frh tl in your hani miiy lm lurt ixl it to hi altli and hmll may broiuiht itk to ruiew now wan lend llnnl out tt on mend patunts urb now ih iuk ertnxl fr in 11hs4 htmtt ituls muriy rrtlftr will eiuiro til rx leu hlf wl1 imsjs lrrtg thuftsday january 10th 19h sntrirb 3nto ifit trtfj eaftu milton after prolonged lllneas mary ann houston widow of karl ex mayor and protntnunt business inan of mutoi died at uiu homo of her daughter mra homtr phton in her 70ui year bora in kilbride mra karl hod spent all her life in tliat vicinity sho was an active member of st paula united cjmreh and is urvlved by three daughters and two sons mra peacocle toronto mrs walter wheeler niagara palls and mrs homer dixon of luwiuns hig and clieai4r and harold of muton courage from hearts and not from nurrrbenj grows prydcn too many jspotooies apologies oitj o4tcn neoessary and one who hcsltaton to make necdedi apology shows himself or ncraclf seriously lack ing some however aro all the time apolo bizing for fbfgettlng aomcthlng an engagoment on important messogo promloo to tielp in socio undertaking wtttn your forgctfulncsa iu called to your muwi you ore extremely apologetic wluu hi twenty four hours or less aro uu lty of tlio same fault however tho nc rity of your regret is apt to bo uguiitioiied ii you have been careless li xcusably forgetful rude then moke fu apology at tho muno time mako ui your mind tliat such thing shall nt liappcji irnmedlately there is no true and abiding moral ity that is not founded in religion bcccher tvrt of un ny ilnr uk ill uerthit loroiito woods grocery the family grocer our aim good merchandise low prices good service telephones store 37 residence 130 free fo all oar gutomrrt youi choic of bojul uenby enilhh luuierrm of bmcktnctuun lnusb btalnleaa chtlerjr we have ustuva ud ohjbrilo civm matt vcut fvob eu elo service quality price ll in wtllk rum ii iw thoughts and things the business of living when boiled down and all the froth skimmed off is just matter of thinking each of us is continually thinking ideas of our own and swapping them for the ideas of otheis if there is famine of butside ideas we shrivel yip ourselves children with nobody to play with are unhappy and unmanageable from thinking with our heads to do ing wilh our hands is but little step and then our thoughts become things the oiiginalor of an idea is ndt much holler off than hoi ore heoiiginated4t till he gels soiin emxwibsbrb it and enjoy it and benefit by it the man or woman surrounded by better thoughts and things bul who pays not the slightest attention to them is not muclfbeltor oft than the one wilh nobody lo play with the advertisements in real news papers are thoughtstelling you about the things that othor men and women have eiealedjor your use reads the ads they are the oiees from hundreds of thousands of looms shops foundries studios lahoratoiies wheie millions of minds are turning pleasant thoughts into worthwhile things lor you and your family