tgubepaj awuay xeth i6sa the acton free press cftsa about bhcholor buttons by dean douglas items of social and personal interest vriot iitife gkanlnffi coocm fng vkitm and folks visiting of pepoosl intqpest ifrv and mia kenyan eind lloyd of wneland twtedwlth mr and mr fittx was making very ood drog jfemm ifflkla rcaa toward oucccm in bualncav james ww felt aji w08 weu except for bfjsa ruth adams of ttoronto spent one tact that stared her contlnuouaty few days of hat week with her aunt in tho face and uncle bevcland mm poole kitty had fallen tespcratoly in lor with man whom alio had not von mrs wealay ijlue of evcrtan jpent and yt wboso binuinjt eja few days last week with mrs anos haunted oven her hlceplng dreams ifwm azki lamuyai dolly varoen his was the luce hint uppearodlii all tho advcrtlacmfnth for itachalora buttons tbo patent button that kitty mr and mrs norman wilds and douglas of vineland visited at the home pvt tho martofhntl was selling of hjb parents mr and mrs jaa wudat miss margaret mcdonald of acton spent the weekend with mrs angus mrs bennett and miss at tronsera and hi coutu there bennett spent the christmas hoiklayu wonderful little buttons that put in tfujre quantities the young man pictured on her but tons waa so happy wt completely in harmony with tho whole world merely mctxittm and famuy atdolly varden because on his rliirth hl pajamas with mr and mrs jkrantfartl terry in prlends regret to learn that mrs wm all people in good humor simply be cause they were there to fatoy kitty had gated tor hours at tha handsome man ttftlu the golden prot kelly who has been to hi health for tache and heavy waving hair nnd tha several weeks went to st josephs bco plul in puelph today mimes doris mullette margaret allan jean forbes of turonl67and mja arnold of pickering were guests last week of miss beth harrison mr and mrs vannatter and daugh ters of saskatchewan and mr and mrs near and daughters of ouelph were the guests of mrs bennett isim wright orangevluo and mr stewart wright of western bwwhadwaaautvjumdaoy gant afcrzaomkwr rul tjy mr scarrow letumed on satur day from christie street howpitajj tor onto where he has been undergoing treatment and is much improved in health mr thoamorton sr who has been ill for several weeks was removed to ouelph general hospital yesterday for treatment fricntht wieh him speedy recovery pilends throughout tho couuty regret to learn uiat mr george lllllmer former qoiki tor haltoii has hod to urulcro major operation uiul oanluicd to tile hospltiu mr henry awrey mr uud mru hiull johnston mr and mrs jl reed mr george imole mr itnd mm johnston and mr roy jalniiton attended the runoial of mr wm lvnua of sluluh burled at mimosa cettleury yeiterduv afternoon mr unu mrs robt 31 ku4poury teromoajt wui to tumounco the enmte tnciit of their only daughter alvena lauruio to clifford hson of mntmc dougall and um uvto mr leonard mc dougull eramooa tlie marruuje to tako place tho litter part of january daintily trimmed van dyke beqrd and nought she had noverheen anyone so disastrously good looking the arm who hud got up the ad vertising pages for liuchelors but tons had certainly been in luck whan they found the model for their plo tnras kitty had written straight back to the town id the middle west and se cured the sole agency for the button for tho kbteru territory and all daring the months follow ing when her eelcai begun in small jkmfh arrived at most flatterlnjt heights kitty had kept right on azf uhalnttst animal aasoclatlon wltli man evldnlly dam hot help an animal to increuio 1u ln tcluaence accokllng to reports in controversy regarding uwmtellltfunco the animal world tlio clauna of uio cat dog and homo were uuinwily duinliu od on the ground ulat they learn uieir feu and trlcku by uw trial and errur metliodtauch as inan leanw to ride bicycle without applying any brain power profeubor cyril burt uie woll known psychologist cluunploned tw chimpanzee tu hbi animal mtellcctiial then an official of the brown animal institution drew attention to uio beav ers ingenuity but noltlier of thesa animals ocoordlng to group of ger man psyaholoiftu poaatxied um men tality of tho elephant andwhat of uw unt it doe htxtn as uiough sclentuui wlll mvp to ne uua xandldat ol intulgeixoe totla gregory theatre friday january jlth the girl oi umbeklost an nbaorblntf drama of roll people by ocxie strattoo porter atari ing lquuc dresner marian marsh and ralph morgan hilij dkuiey night before xmw novelty broadway knights chapter of kit caraim saturday january 12th many happy returns musicomedy laid in thu marry marry month of june atiir rnlg oracle allen oeorge buriu und ouy lombaido and hu rovdt canadians comedy platm nuu cartoon irish sweepstakes po news monday xanuay ltb the man of aran fascinating picture of the na tural ufa of the aran inlander great treat for those who luu the tang of the sea musical look jtoc tt9 oliver unmg cartoon mduntatn melody scenic jplrlng the youag man in the photosw the ownera of tho patent were nlc people to deal with and had more than once complimented kitty on tha enormous sales her office wax effect ing all over her offuo were framed tha various advertisements in which mr buttons as kitty culled blm for want of knowing hla reul name wiuj pos tured she felt bo no timed thnt all was vain in tho way of uuecess and the making of moky if sho was to co lovelorn all the diiyu of her ilfoj sho oven went fur ua to pt5yr ubout some of tlio uilvurtlhlnif ooleoa with view of plcklui up iiiyormatlon aa to where und linw modoln were ob tnlnod and whether or not they were usually of tlio professional typo tlum ouo bright undtihliilng motu liig kitty had ioiijj letter from the firm in tlio west who munufacturod tho buttons would mus woodrow bo likely to eomo out and pay visit to tho firm wo fool that wo should llko to muko tho ticniaintunco in moro pemomil wuy of jur kahtorn reprosontatlve and will kludly ull expemea kitty nut down nnd pondered ovor tlio lettor certnlnb he would ltko trip out tlirough tlio west uhd sluco alio was feeling bit fugged site wrote jack baying uho would uccept and would tuko great pleaauro in meeting the firm when kitty lioppud jff iho train katikatoa lu hor wellculeottuuio of bolgo thut uxquliltoly mat chad her soft hulr uud threw into ttrotig re lief tlio bright blue of her cyoa aha smiled at tha big cliup whoeenidd waiting for her and her ulouo you unjmibs woodrowhe quied und kitty reullted thut tho younganau meeting hor had not expected well pcrhupa he had been looking for mora hufilueaallke peiman im john vlckcra kitty thou ami ed und held out bar hand so mauy lettera had puascd be tuoen thebo two that somehow the gut ting ucquutntcd in pereou was uot jo in to bo dlmcult and much to her own disgust bha reallxcd that for tho flrut time lu two years hot heart hnd leapt ut tho bight tfb mnbfl teerved all 1u leaps udd bountlit for the young man ou tbo button advertlsemeuta sho felt truly flcklc you kno uulil mr vlckeru cou wentulty y6u of putting our llriii on thopiup ut ulf wo were just little onehoruo con corn trying to llout tho button my dud patented when your letter utuiu uloug itrf been uonderful tho way youve inuda go oilt im taking ou btrulght to our homo if you dont mind my nwdhor is wanting mutlily tojuertuln iou tini morthun charmed laughed kitty niitl whon mr vlckers laugliud and tl crtyl la ft him biio know tho whole btory young vlckurti uiul her mr lluttous woro ono uud thu miuio portion her fuco rnuat hnvo rellectod much of lie inward ilntlnn for young vlek erd ulmoht gubped ua ho looked doep into her trea say do believe youru ua glud to nunt ut wo aro you ha ro umikod frankly as mutter of fact porhupa um iiiorxi ho kveii wlh that uuulnt llttlu van uyko bviird uud uiustuche whmild like to liuw ubt you vlckeru luughttl bttid and long an very boyishly und happily didnt eu imvo tho prlco for rejjulur model ut that tlmo uo they uned mo upd certainly felt silly about it alt kitty smiled uoftty up at him you neednt hue alio said and kpew bow that all wus foully welt the term report of pupils attending acton high school marks attained and standing secured by ah the pupils for this term lower middle and upper school subjects are given agnew vj altxcp auan atkmbon atkinson blow blow bristow ooics olarridgo ckxjk puis drake dunn graff tt harrison houlngcr holmes levers jocque lamb mainprise mainprise mcoejg if mcdowell mooney 1l nightingale slawllngs tiawson bcott smith bterrlt taylor tc taylor vanwyck uotu wusonjd lcatiuun lk tt mcklnnon mullln uobcrtson robertson webb 11 63 ibs 30 70 608 23 73 7041 13 37 500 35 s3 734 60 20 60 531 62 072 65 521 73 011 78 7b 60 053 63 527 31 56 53 39 so 747 60 70b 70 553 60 728 70 436 71 664 73 567 67 517 64 71j 60 700 80 745 71 53s 27 56 656 17 75 644 75 775 73 70ji 59 631 50 550 ji 761 65 620 30 78 777 65 814 wokjlivh niqgest book tllo worldb blgscot book id la iila brlusn museum it to exeuocr and atlas of tho world printed in amster dam in 1556 and is she foot high iour foot wide and six inches thick it has wall apace to itaolf ad atudeta havo to consult it as it stands in that posi tion tho british lauciun also luu some of tho worlds smallest books some are slightly ffmnucr in size than postage btamp there was ta great vogue for theso tiny books century back and they were carried in tho waist eoat pocket 11 altkcn arnold hoatui htnnll jl llrecn fl cainpoell chalmcr chapaian 1c klllott gibson haviird jonrc ixuihy leuthud macartlmr mckeown mckllimoil mclood ii mullln parbcur phillips roucrtmin itobertton rasxeuc bmltli vlckorj wcbl wilson ii wilson yountf graliom kelly kelly ij mapluuli ty uceuchi rn mcmulkn mcpluul taylor woodluill ci 74 00 10 ij 7j 05 13 eg ra co g5 c4 10 co 41 70 g9 10 cj 73 ci c5 fl co 11 00 12 c3 g3 llli u0 70 05 81 cj 50 ca 11 g3 ij 51 03 ij gj 53 03 75 ca 70 03 07 55 ij 4j 8j 75 ci 73 jl 40 51 07 83 77 to 5j 51 51 jo rj 4i co ro j5 10 51 71 13 47 55 71 71 id 03 71 5c 44 g1 co 51 to 50 51 oil 83 co 47 71 35 50 78 j15 74 00 70 20 78 70 01 71 05 50 30 55 70 03 04 00 c7 54 31 83 40 fill 50 05 48 78 50 53 37 50 40 70 03 ar 30 gl 43 48 48 7o 35 41 05 73 85 54 cs 70 48 72 59 60 30 50 57 00 40 80 51 7fl 70 01 50 70 71 70 co 73 51 70 co 70 53 70 10 70 43 67 40 30 58 43 co c3 53 03 81 78 77 03 33 73 43 80 33 g7 50 go 51 73 g6 14 61 co 84 76 fl ft 75 500 57 c3 70 gd4 g3 go 70 83 88 gfl7 70 70 731 g8 c8 co 03 73 074 73 78 003 53 70 50 00 g9g co 70 703 co 80 501 07 78 g13 co 011 535 53 43 577 53 co 55 55 78 g83 74 50 g04 51 53 55 55 co c33 70 737 75 701 80 50 co 01 71 54 07 78 505 74 501 59 g7 004 50 it 65j1 70 bo 734 40 74 590 68 80 713 stokks have tuqsut airway migrations of storks nave been studied for years by germany denmark and other european couniorles and tho fair way of he storks has oow been traced with accuracy thousands of storks havo been marked and record kept ol their coming and going of tho 800 ringed storks which loft danmark last august reports of nearly 400 havo been rocclvcd leaving denmark tho storks fly to germany then they make thelr woy to czechoslovakia hungary ru mania and across the bosphorus to asia minor but it is not yet known wbetlicr they go to egypt throuhjhilcstlno or across tbo mediterranean in egypt they travel down the nile pa tha orcat eventually reaching natoj or the gape whero they settle down for sunny opcll about august 20th tho storks leave denmark and oro back by tho mkldlo of october woollen garments and undcrclothed wlll dry morequlckly if after hanging hin tho line the legs and sleetta are stuffed with crumbled paper tho paper absorbs the water and also prevents shrinking by keeping the garments open meat specials tor friday arid saturday beef cuts 14c 15c choice lib uonsts per lb jiic a9 2uic4ildcrttoasta if per lb jl1c to ioc 9c 10c iork cuts ioln roasts of pork per lb 4uc to uttv shoulder kqosuj per lb jprcsh sldo pork pr 16c to 18c 17c 18c extra special homemade sausage lbs for salada tea j2 lb for tomatoes standard sizo can per can 25c 31c 10c fism halmon by uio piece per lb jdt jtiesii yirtbt per lb suokbd puxet per 17c 17c pattersons meat shop we deulveh promptly phone 178 af healtla or llraldu nralda ilurken cuirrldfta evatul ilunsn ilurtop joo johlulnii kelly kelly lambert sf mnpujulen mccutchcon il mceachern mcmullen mcllmll puplllon ityder it taylor wiley wojdllull ii arj 6340 u0 70 77 go co 74 63 c2 77 72 74 01 71 54 30 13 hi 71 58 44 7j 08 75 0357 52 ci 50 40 59 55 57 63 43 c3 53 511 co 58 05 05 57 75 70 00 03 52 83 75 57 48 33 in 78 58 13 72 700 70 70 53 1g 75 47 52 18 11 64 42 43 61 48 33 08 co 70 77 iin co 70 54 79 coo 04 63 50 c13 53 10 39 473 33 70 05 70 59 30 35 50 67 50 59 50 45 53 11 16 44 6j7 17 55 41 38 60 521 10 70 coo 00 52 45 55 54 13 73 09 75 54 14 annul hi duunli ilendurinn ho lu uimb dmbrrt nur near niiibin 11 ltosnlle buuckhainer bwltser punier ioiui iv middle school fl ii nj 711 81 02 93 84 hi 59 50 73 os 78 ul 58 71 ll 47 7b 57 utimt fulhlol 70 75 72 00 85 83 5f 64 43 30 70 ul it fl 78 73 8j 02 07 72 7u lj 03 77 75 52 53 05 76 5u 75 59 76 70 70 70 738 ii 54 13 00 ii 110 11 u0 711 110 39 012 10 5u 12 07 oil 4h ml jl ii 70 70 78 ho 76 73 54 30 42 14 76 70 73 friends of the family loolcat the packages on your pantry and bathroom shelves and see what multitude of brand names you recognize some of therii have been familiar for years you may havemade the acquaint ance of others only few weeks ago but even these are not suspected strangers you have bought them confidently be cause tljey were advertised and it is the same with your sheets and towels your shoes and clothes your electric appliances and the car in your garage nearly every thing you use advertised products have standing that commands respect they are not rranielessrhu tvouehedf orbyresponsible firms the fact that they are advertised is in itself an indication that their standards of quality are strictly maintamed7tltair they represent boitest value as science and discovery go on new ly developed products are constantly be ing advertised ready to help you save money and improve your standard of jiv ing eveiy advertisement of such pro duct you read in your newspaper is letter of introduction to new and possibly use ful friend it will pay you loread the advertise ments in this paper by so doing you will meet many choice products worthy to become friends ofjhe family izlk