liiffie yy rhe acton free prbs fe thubsdax mikuat mat imf bobn aradomsm acton ob ww ry isth ims to and ltotank oihbom the ltt of daughter jjdjd habtadoat the remwence of tor dst1uww moorsadj tluton en aundar january jttb ims blmbeth mstrrio aged 85 years mmomm mokltm taring memory ol ademx husband and tauuar alnert sttwara niaklln who pasted away january ut 1mb we keep your menatw dear uoroogh all the peeita wipe and fahjxy jobrary let tomorrow county council met milton on tuesday fergus end acton play hookey to night in acton room seen today at noon by resident of church street roadways about town have bn rather treacherous for driving the curlers have been having some splendid games the paat week sections all settled again for 1935 until mldsmnmeranyway we hope tied kaofsrclaea that oftaalieip solve crimea mysterious crimea are fuu of knota for inveetlgatora seeking tnalr aolu uoeaend it la knota but of duter eot kind that often eld in clearing up freer mysteries especially if there la string to them crtmlnologuiu have found that knota in rope cord or string connected with crime furnish such valuable clews to the identity of criminals that such evidence la aa carefullypreserved as fingerprints persons in such ocenpa uone aa textile workers sailors and handlewrappers as well ss those ln other vocations from force of habit tie knota of particular kind net only can an expert uu1 imueuuiatlanal knot bat heean also tell something of the persen who uod it he knows if tkvlmo is right or lefthanded and ha atndlea it for additional kink or twlata often put in by fore or habit by the person making the knot in seek instances detective may build cactdoalte caee against suspect by merely asking him to tie knot is piece of twine cattlemen and those accoatomed to horwavfbr eanipi5 often use the tax aa bowline lumbermen and truckmen the timber hitch physicians the sur geons knot farmers the tom foote knot and eaamen una several dlatlne tlve klnda of knots the textile work er oca still different kind of knot which is called tlie ucuvers knot letters to the editor the fre press wclcoaaca letter to this colomn sb kmattcr of gcracral iaterest to lis rctdcrs bat does dot mcanrilr csdorn tta op uprsamd all tetters mumt be icned but mmj bw pablu or penname if so testred ud epeei scdf to the tetter coewanukjrtioj should not be orer 90a rortita icnath and must be received not utcr than tuesday at doom to tetumrt publication in that week tsue montrzai xjfttk3 dear tmmm pvsa the rcmoval by death luukwnced iw nf lie true white man held to be genuine albino the only true white mon are al bino others of the white raco carry small amount or black pigment which is found in tho ntro ract and soma roadways outside of town hare been oj yellow pigment tho oriental much better than within the limits albino men lack pigment in the skin and la tho hair and the hair is tho white car markers have ban wjote and tlie eye show tiny life tholr last days on the highways lor this tlo thai muke them look wul speujht champion skater rifiwthorne aflaln ua reinmder bl tho rapid uilnnlng of the list of oldtime ikxnialntances the former was from about fifty years agev and tho latter while from canaiderabjy later date was in his time nearer neighbor and more frequently seen its the story thatwlll soon be told of us all in the fifty yeariago records the an nouncement of joel leslie preparation for an bank barn recalls thou matters vividly being in his employ at the oocond line la also working well sides and gave some penalties to beta sides jor ho apparent reason but ho kept tho game clean oreer and richardson did big parts ln goal for their respective teams actons new front line worked viry nicely and terry will improve at lett wfng with few games under his belt that time the foundation walla were all up in 188 being built by the brothers almones of bverum the area being 60j30 with third long wall dividing off the runway part where the water trough was and the stable cleanings deposited in the winter spoken of last week the timber was felled scored and hewed in mr leslies own maple woodi being laid out by mr lambert conr tor and his soil the former doing most of the hewing with robl dron sr neighbor helping those were busy days tor thaiewerc quite number of men being employed one at least is recalled in addition to those mentiontri and theregularfarm lielp nelsoo mav tllv of the third line tne exploits of rc pinav says ctirnultliulhofl and 28 bekm sero temperature nieht slack races one type la known in in lamrrediow jsiibiiaoxjiuch mtcrest reported for tuesday to those acquainted iootd interested in the cvenbt the great mass meeting of churches certain black fnmihos in ja te or christian witness and furtherance tfaereu no shortage the ice crop black andwhlt kvottlng cnm ftferrcd coming oil in the ot splendid blotcboa in tho ukln forum january 14th was ho further note that wmo tralta mjw harvetsed and its qum both in men and unimuh ure governed thejarenajittieblffcentre of at tr oc where one normally show traction these days and the weather ha certain trait and ttmtberdoea nt leal amia to bo iwxlluked me give noen examples tho itwird in man horna brush of milton will be thj in male deer and mont brllllaot pin referee for the acixmergus game mage in certain bird kaeh aex he here tonight appanntly transmit theae traits of the othr mx but it cannot thos brown reeve of fihelbumc develop them undc uorinhlooiidltlona was elected warden of the county of although men biiow rtdureen coloriud united and to licar the vast multl rhiilerin on tuesday blindneaa more ofttu titan women tudu sing four of the standard hymns colorblind man will wwr hand it lod by the united 3000voice choir led patter tonight the hockey schedule dom to his bon it ui nly to hie by tlui salvution army liund anil dlr rather indennite afran as far daughtera and thrauilt thtmto grand ectt1 leader of cbrkit church forum here on january 14th mighty testimony of what common cause after all is held about an hour before time for opening the great major ity of tho about 18000 people were seat ed it wau an inspiring sight to view the 200 clergy ascend the platform ojt of seven denominations representatives of each taking tarfc in the exercbri anglican llaptist greek orthodox iutheran presbyterian salvation army acton trims geoietown 61 continued from page five the lineup was acton ooal oreer defence qlhbons an44entner centre morton wings terry morton alteinatea marro marshall walters anderson aeorgetownooal tuchardson de fence ball and anthony oenrp tost wings ward and crlpps alternates walsh walsh wilkinson king ref jack burrcll brampton ifboh the fenalty box burrell did pretty good job of rt and ht no weakness to the team the boys showed pretty well that they were too fast fur the paper town boys we hope they have to meet klora again and iust show them how fast they leally are it looks as though the committee room verdict might not get 4qora into the playoffs after all queus there is no doubt about the calibre of acton and georgetown in hockey tills year 60 and 61 in tho two games pretty well gives verdict for acton over georgetown fo the yea acton is concerned jta the luoky hockey ticket last wet elliott was the wmncr and not win rlllott as announced rjuk any of the acton hockey fans if they are downhearted and youll bt real enthusiastic ol and granddauiihwr sf the aost cathedral choir was thrilling the of colorblind man develops color grcat event was tlic sermon by ulsliop blindness the kcimtut points oat earthing on christ all and in al uas profound call to intense devout action touching indeed was his grat we can be reasonably mire that he got the trait not from iiih father who liowed it but from bin mother in whom the trait wuh hidden sena in your items of news as early in tho week as possible they are doubly welcome when received early ful acknowledgment of thu klndnessjof his ministerial brethren in electing lilni for his important clmrge tlie pulpits of tlie city are following up on lines laid down burns birthday has coma and gone built tliv pyr knids strictly apeakliiii th iyrumlda are really glorified uniivn they were beilt to be tombrf for lgyptlan king and liod numerous references thereto by the hallmark of good printing of the fourth dynahty the great lyra press radio and pubuc iwldrcas as he had printed at tar acrom fax faxss it buut ulwiut thb 47 oft wudh that appeals to his fellow appears on printing done in acton ft tt by khufu or oheopa thu countrymen no doubt uie pibroch la njramld ts 150 ft higher than bt instances has helped to awaken james huston of milton has been pauls cathedral and weigh about heart strlngti as to the latta appointed returning officer oi halton 630000 tons however read only this week that that county in the coming loonunlon elec the pyramid limt twlld mats et ww supjoscd tt scottish inven tions atonework and contain at the center mveuud by uxd who one or more tomb ihainmitcl reached in the church hockey league tut by loog gallerlcti pallillnder maga united won from the anglicans 10 and bt josephs and presbyterians tied at 6s voting day anl the annual toeetln of tlie ttlilton union farnicni mutuil istne flr1 ekvlop mj it envelopes wero urn nmde in 1889 by ilr imerson of nvw york city la fire insuiance company in acioaun little store oil vuuon blmsu the flrat with proverbial wit uold it to the scotch allaylugluit muslo could bo produced wlmt do you tlilnk of that respectfully colesiak 057 wilson avenue montreal juuuury aatli 1935 monday mado the streets extra busy aid tho truiflc heavy town bond fnacram approved for peel county aihrauriatlons of ljwo000 for mal velope machine puttiil wub grabted jabuary 23 140 to park and or watwn of jyiw york the flrat practical cuvislopu foldlm muchlne that wua yuccyhil iiimiurclully wi cinnamk liat snow fcngjs simple little dinner for four prica 50 that is one of the items on the pat anted janunrj ul iktill hy dr ftus pricelist of the most extraordinary food if fitiu nf wiiriilr itfriitjir ir ni tsninim liwi ii fciim for gflntruo ijclf ijriluirrl nfzrttwihoplu london tlon purpose weru approved by peel county council saturday after coumy engineer powll informed council that tlie rojids required jnuch unurove ment during tlie present year several hruittuv ruquhed pabitlng and small uiklg ui ff have to be built he advised bylaw borrow tlie sunat and an wulditlonul tasooq outauindlng from last years counts was passed rev freeman streetsville or if aruutrong ihirr and it wills urampton wee named county represeiitutlvtsi oil uil iligli school board warden hostraw ser reoomnusmled uiat tlie appoint submit progrras rvports anil councillor asked uutl uillenilzrtj ituu metit be pepartd william cooptr toronto townslilp wau named com iborer inspector to succeed juiiif 3tewurt grant of 1000 was vjted to peel memorial jfosplui window uiivelowm wiro dovlued by thomas callahan patcntfid june 10 1062 doesnt look as if well meet agaiu until u10 bacboll bats are in use oh yes it would suit acton to meet georgetown in tho playoffs imagine both arena managements would be per fectly uatlslled too coach bui munn was unable to be with the team on tuesday ho is con lined to bed duo to cold lie caught on uie trip to elora last week tltk gllotjp standing goals ttajiu actan 40 10 11 35 pcrgua is xi 33 georgetown 24 33 new hamburg 20 ill rlvsults of t1ik wtckk games played during tlie week result ed us follows fcrgus won from new hamburg 113 georgetown won from lora 73 acton won from georgetown 01 fergus won from elora i3 inoyer uuie games in immkdiatt vuttjuv the games on the uchedule ore fergus at xclon tonlght and george town at new hamburg tomorrow nlghc postponed gatncit of tlie schedule yet to be played are new hamburg at fergus and georgetown at fergus kkhro list of 8alks tuosday february 13 lowrif xdcii mills clearing stile farm stucc and implements monday february 35 tb wm xliley farm weeman it no ii otl iv skii itqkjiltkmlknts tbv wei whppd during colonlul duyu bonkn which on iti tr uihig whlpiwl or buriud or both writes monuurlal admlla phll ipilun ishiihl in llurn wwlily one audi cakf mturrttl in lottou in 17m whim tbl hnmnihi burmml in the mlilllo of ini ktrt pamphlet which crltlclx1 court about the shitic tinu u0iher umu wub knteuced wlillc this production of timothy seed in canada has greatly increased during the piiiit few years amounting to about 5000000 pounds in 1034 canadian iix0avmlurezj it is lltle fliop in solio ultli sllahtly ourcej for larae part of their annual fnntumic oriental prlctii requlremenls which normally amounu t1l ftaliur waddfrv at 5g pound to ubout 10000000 pound uie tho world some of us are so unki115 the lieadboiies of the acred yellow light con in the principal timothy pro lo urt that w4 us1v at 50 pound and tea at 31 duclng areas in uie united states in pr poundvarv only unie or uie strange 1034 on account of drought price oi pritcat wiu wfl an tv vu mv vvr vn run ihnnhv in wa cverc are uttaclced and sneered at protecting thb finpvefliohl gedfrey isvso investigate before yoh lnvesr is the sound advice of godfrey securities commissioner of ontario intend to confine the brokerage business to honest 060010 stated mr oodfrey ha recent interview with repreaentation of tzra pant pajts high jreflsure micsmen and vendors of dlahopesi securities will do well to give ontario wide berth in the future continued mr godfrey we have laws with plenty of sharp teeth in them and intend to cmoroo tneia onnrrurintosxo otu have every protection tft my depart nicnt can give thorn to date we have ppt into force several measures that hav made themselves felt and we intend to persevere until every tirnker with shady bunlncss deals decmeefco eyijer turn honest of get outof business mr oodfrey is big man physically with quiet unobtrusive manner but with forceful dominant personality before his present appointment he was prominent legal counsel famous for his knowledge of criminal and business law since his appointment by the hepburn government mr godfrey has labored to put his deportment on really efficient footing and from what it has accom plished to date it would appear that it has more than madp its presence felt do you employ competent invectlga tors mr godfrey was asked wo do he replied and they are kept very busy can assure you but they tyc handicapped at tlmesby very thing we need most vbt lnfonna tlon the need of active cooperation on tho part of tho general public in supply ing information is vital to the success of the department and thank heaven have at last obtained the necessary means to get it now have the earnest ccwiperatlao of the attorney oeni crals depart nt and if the average citlsjkncaiv exercise this new privil ege we can drive every dishonest pro motor and stock salesman outoftha province and assure the average investsr at least run for his money mho hon arthur roebuck attorney general of ontario has placed yet ail other weapon in the hands of the secur ity commission that should prove effec tive in the future investors who feel tliatfraduteut means have been used to obtain their money or who are suspicious or uware of uie ruduleace of uie pro position submitted to them have only to get hi touch with tho crown attorney of their town or county and tho matter will luive his preferred attention and in turn will be promptly reported to uie commluloner hi toronto and an inves tigation made we earnestly trust that tlie lnvitlng public in ontario will take full advant age of this new order said mr godfrey wo try hard to keep posted on the activities of tlie stock olid promotion crooks but they are mighty slippery crowd if you feel you luivo hod raw deal or that one is about to be or has been submitted to you get in touch w1c your crown attorney und he will give you prompt und efficient action it is not possible for us to recover money invested in tlie past concluded mr godfrey that has mostly gone beyond recall but now and in tho future we will get the crook before he gets the money that lu providing we get tlie nccesiary information letters have been forwarded to every crown attorney in ontaiio by the at torney general advising them to co operate with the commissioner and in structing them to receive and take neces sary action in complaints in addition an advertising campaign is being conduct ed through aoo ontario dailies and week lie toucqualnt the general public with tlie new oder keeping conditions p1xasant keep iruj conditions pleasant ki impor tant but not the mou important factor best quality meats at our counters you willlways find the choicest cuts iri meat at reasonable prices quality is never sacribed in serving your meat order prime beef choice pork and veal fresh cured and cooked meats and an excellent stock of fish are always on hand far your choosing pattersons meat shop phone 178 we delilver peomptly 1935 ford v8 prices delivered in acton the prices ofkord v8 passengers cam bv all tax and licence paid de luxe phaeton de luxe roadster tteluxo3wtarlowconpo coupe windows cabriolet tudor de luxe tudor tudor touring pordor j7 de luxe fordor pordor touring 85700 84700 85200 77400 95100 79400 86206 88300 88x00 946x0 96600 norton motors phone 69 acton ontario watch the fords go babebaa uirord ltl tli tiny solui shop li ciiully croivd with blueblouiiiuchlnicu chattering nd chaffering were and there vou may see dlgnlll4 juilbui inanser mnt with basket obviously embarra at his errand tja in tilts oriental warehouse is to be puhllekly whlpt wlllr forty tea it is precious beverage id ripe huv ohrtnd then burnt now uk scnowm tuhjit til lid rn lh tin hi th4irt treeleaj plulnrt whuh ftrm tin arctic lowlands of lcuroiw and asia tin numo is also letterally upiiluil hhnllur aroa in north america tin word li of xtutf ian urlifln uhd uinuih muruhy plulu hredded wheul iiv curving or inspect and lingering qliaice betweentlieauiiritsofpoo yunbetwliai now aild next jmie ii30 ldaiij chen of teet goong lum all coctiiig between 10s gd and pound two or three pounds of sharks ans good soup needs this much ot ibuut i5 und look ilka long strip ilolled with chicken customer why do you cliarue cents extra for each of my curfs manaceress of ijtundry ucauu yj make pencil botes on them customer why should tliat make such ctlji statu clotkj diflerencet mtatueri lu tlu calhtlral in malaga manageress the girls waste mueli vpnln wear rvul clothlti und jewelry time tfytng to make them out thtrt atands the nmciit of spains catholic kings our lady of the vlc lorltia an old curved wooden image of th virgin the carving is yvery tlie praivulllng hiw ttniurututwtj are for slvrul hours it is ald to be th smrtsjhit on hlth latitude and prox imity to ti fro northern ocoau und rmult in vr wtiuty vegetation no wondfc boarderthi egg badl lentil svclyweu what do you expoct when you down so late for breas liome buiustn in appearuuef and it is exag gerated by being robrd in actual cloth ing it la the custom id saalagm to put oleblnsj vm all religious statuen deliclmis soup in the world with tlu paiilble exception of blrdtiuit soup tlie nfiu for tills soujji eoiit four guhittisa liound liut tla tour de rorce tlie whole shop is snow fungus which is kept thhty staud gtaui tubfiujfid cqiu lti incus pound thu cumes from tin mountains of niirtlicrn china where it is dug out frojii tlie eternal snows oh yeas smiled the clihie proprie tor many englkih people buy thee things for special dinnerparty nut the chinese he buy alia tuna it is tlie food of his high an 21 cents per pound an com pared with un average price of 10 cenl for no grade for the post three years in tlil connection canadian growers muy udvuntageouily take note of one point th united states area since the soil milture there has been tierlouly ir pleted tlie 1935 production will depend to canvdimtbe extent on the rulnfitl shuiilj tlie rulnfull rtmtlnue less than nqrmil corrcipoiullng strength in the nnrket for timothy ieed in 1935 and 1030 may he exjuvclc spconrc nave iuririilectibttydtnnift and your ideals it is becaaw you ha given them the impression uiat it doe not matter serene pleasant atmosphere is desli uu heed it in order to be happy namely tlie rainfall statistics of tu do your btlt work thut ueiemty miut tlie pree ol cowardice however ami weaklier you cannot enjoy it till you have fought to win it gyksy cattavanulunko compyhut with an ancient unwritten oypsylaw uie caravuii home of mrs leuyn chevlln oypsy queen for so years wws lurncd in cewir iciiglunil recently after her jewellery clothing and furniture were placed iividemj clievllu ded after 8j yurjj of wuiidor lug tlirougll tiigland scotland unci ir land itcfutld uie blosdng curavaii clui ured soia daughters gruiidioii and granddaughter who hud previously re tnovd from it ull crockery and hwl broken th7 pities tne qnal ritn wtil be performed later and pcobably sjjfcretly tlie ageing horse which lias drawn the cuiavsn fof 30 years must follow lto uwucr the croat uyuud reids electric see 0uk day specials in johnstone imjmijiy ad estimuuy cheerfully pur nuhed on all electrical work phones30 and 110 keep these dates open february 6th and 7th 1935 for the coontown minstrels presented by the aclon hockey club in tfie town hal acton wednesday aiuithursday feb 67 commeiicinj tit 830 hi shurp i01uia prices adults children 15c jhtdrtu ky ut kilniut on tuesday feb at 800 sharp 11 for children only up to 12 yean of ate admission 10c dont mia it polkn cause everybody will be saying vos you dere sharlle