sfaticth year no 31 acton ontario thursday january 31st 1035 eight homeprint pagesfive cents acton trims georgetown 61 for xcate have won evgry game final game to be played hero tonight big otowd attended georgetown game and fast hockey shown juniors loet to erijtby 54 score balance group games in doubt since mooney certificate withdrawn erin ft acton ti krln juniors won 64 rerdtet over the acton klda in junior tilt played bier last friday nigh ttie local boys gave very good account erf them till against tbelr bigger opponents nd with tbo vtfim of hiroldmoooey ta lk uneup sh btvc test of the teans in the league good game tbo local boys put up game fishl and the small crowd was treated to pratty fair game acton was just aa fast mm their opponents and gave tbo erin goalie lots of work to do but the seem ed erratic around the net and missed several royal chancer to flash the red ugbt horton for torin was their beit man and without him on the lee it is doubtful if erin would have come out on the long end of the score when he got the puck the local boya were more frightened by his slxe than anything else and his rushes usually finished up with goal or else good stop by woods aotoa player card cancelled and games may have to be played over thanks to the fcoyal city in the elora protest heard before the executive harold mooneya playing certificate with acton was in the second period jones body checked one of the erin boys and uie free ree their arts flying but referee walters soon had order restored and jones and his fistic opponent had rest tn th penalty box for their efforts acton had good chance to tie the score tn the last period wjicn the lads from erin had two men off but they couldnt get organised and lost lovely opportunity at the end of the game nobody seemed to know what the score wad some satd and other 54 the erin manager said 55 so the teams were going to play overtime but referee walters won consulted and the trouble seemed to be when an acton shot fi on lop of the erin net then dropped onto the ice but the goal judge never hashed tho light after the ploy had completed atinutev fang the bell and talked to the goal judge butthe said no goal xnd the puck was faced off at centre ion liome people thinking that the goal counted hoiton was tho best for erin while mnlozzle and marshall turned in the best performance for acton the lucky number wlnnem were ivd hluou and fred btuckey acton georgetown acton won their seventh straight vij tory on tuesday night when they went into georgetown and beat up the uluo shirts by 61 score in the fastest game this year and were just as good or better than the score indicates they were without the serviced of mooney fait leftwinger but the front line of norm morton bus morton and terry proved away too tast for the home team al though the georgetown boys put up good right and made the gome biteresl laur all the way there watt tho usual big crowd on hand making the usual amount of noise jeering and cheering that acton und georgetown people al ways mokoatatjie classic hockey gome of the season acton started ort carrying the play and started right in at whirlwind pace aoorhejown got their hrst scare when norm morton made nice rush and per fect paw to brother uus who went right ikoii tlichuruon7but tho biaiiipton hy uorgu to wiietarted that mooney protest news of aeton and the distriefs jnfew relief plan to have halton trial work on roads may be carried on second session of the county council acton ilookey flayer iii hockey fans and friends regretted to learn lost weak that joe wood left winger of the intermediate team had to undergo an operation for appendicitis the opcratton was performed on sunday house tu lasttueoday night and joe is reported as making satisfactory progress tpis illness will finish joes hockey lor this oe friends all wish him speedy recovery and fiope that he will be on hand to cheer the boys in the playoffs community challenge rev mr poole delivered at message cancelled and if any of the games with challenge to all for service in played affect thcfutivthrectfamfltficy will have to be replayed just why acton should be penalized with this last clause ki more than fans here con understand the granted the certificate and acton play ed the local boy in good faith in all but two or three gomes incidentally they have won all the games played with and without the services of mooney so just what dif ference it will make is hard to under stand but the expense to acton will boccdkidcrableandsecni3veryunfair incidentauy too it is hard to under stanrttntf thlat ellglbl piny tti hmhwn yrtiiwi pfrmtmlnzi to play in ouclph and now cannot play in acton it was understood that every player had right to play 11 hockey somo place now for some further light on tha uubject iollowtng the deci sion on tuesday it la said represen tatives or officials of the guelph hockey in tercets telephoned mooney and triid to induce him to return to guelph it can readily bo ccn who backed up the elora protest and who won the point by having mooney thrown out of play grout sportsmanship from tho itoyul city isnt dt is it any wonder sports orp at such low ebb in city of 20000 lcrhap if tho amateur stand ing of somo of thea who have been making the most noise in print about uils mooney incident were published would make some faces red and quieten christian end eavoi in the community when he spoke on sunday evening oc te subjects the challenge of actons new building his discourse was based on john 10 10 besides wealth of information which the speaker gave concerning work be dwelt strongly on the call which was sounded by tho erection of th fpr ser vice to christ and tho application of his teachings and the work of ho church especially among th youn people there was good congregttiloii and mr pooloaserinonof such local interest was owe that capocialljf enjoyed outgueaid him ooenhig up und bout tcoiiiawere null ing from end to tnd with all iaru of speed actouchanadthclrllnerir and the utcijd line of marzo andersoi and ilarfcliilll came on and they uerj the first score cuine when tlus old reli able oout put on ona of his rushis and made perfvet pauj to uob ander son who wuiked right in on ulchariuon and made no mutakc about netting th puok hi uie twhio he fcot agveat liand from uio acton crowd acton waa still carrying uie play and were breaking faaur tluui uiu locul hoys it tasked ivie fccore when tvarybody was scrumhlliig in vrunt of tho gtorutowh iifat but ulo puck nlnyetl out ward got uie ilrat penalty of thu gamo wlusu ho ot ll rough wltli minute in the corner uml acton put on the pawcr play and guv hlchurdon muny anxious momeuu but they couldnt huuiaua to score and ward was back before uxy dutivuue was doiiu crippd of ocontctown nikvd puis froixl tost with oilly qruer to beat alii mlnultf liitar ht ntlsjwd one unit look ed likr trwortbutiyiry yot hold of uc puck und rushed the leimth of the ice to take ftliut ut ulchardson the ocorgetawn itoulle stopped tliu shot but mlnuuj wlu was following flht up slapped in uie rebound 1u1 uf oeorgi town not rfct hi tle cooler for tripping norm molton uiid agahi actn atarted pnualng it loolad like sure goal when norm got right in but he couldnt tally and tlie period ended 30 for aeton with acton fully goali betur on the play the next stansm opened with txth teams still going at great speed and continued from page rlra down certain blatant columnist tticre are those who still recollect the guelph juvenile baseball scandal just to refresh memories wo quote the following item that appeared in the toronto globe at that time deputa tion appeared from guelph to intercede for their juvenile baseball club that was suspended for playing boy over age the relnstalement was tabled until such time as minor affairs in ouelph are hi reliable liands ambroke the player in question will remain suspend ed while messni cole and kcndrlck ale expelled for life from all amateur sport and another inquiry unit might be of interest to uie if would be the case of kaiser playing on uie ouolpll intermediate teuni and uid incident of his american tour and return trip acton fans are not uie kind to win tn committee room decisions but we touch match to little gunpowder 11 necessary if the iloyal city wants uio ume light on its sporting aellvluiis and com mittee room deckiions there plenty of places to throw uie light quite incidentally too guelph ttl hail murao formerly or acton who was booiited from junior to intermediate ranks since lib urrjval in uie ruyal ctty andlironeof the best playenr on uic guelph uneup iv chosen president or the halton uji farmer mutual ttre vkuturulce company kpletulld atlriicltttc at aimual very the ivel molstein brvederw assoctailoti el wardlaw of brampton wan chosen president of uie leel holstcln nrccders association at the annual meeting there saturday dr allan akin geneticist of uie federal experi mental rurm spoke on the indexing of herd sires ouier officers named ero llobert coopermono road and eldrlgc kollam woodbrldgo viccprealdenu hugo lyons cheltenham secretary treasurer directors toronto township dun ton brlttalnla edgar lyon1 ijtrcetsvllle chlnguacousy norman oameron norval jack aicquorrie chel tenham caledon township william mountain inglewood hugh mcdonald caledon toronto gore jtalph elllotc fcbenexer albion ijjonord vomer bol ton another toorn loss the dully papcru uio ouier day told of elora hockey team having 50 worth of hockey sucks stolen hi hockwood fol lowing tho george town elora game on friday lost of course uie law was call ed hi upon uie cose and provincial offic er soandso waj invesugating there really wasnt any investigation needed tlie 35 or 30 iiucks were picked up or uie highway by couple of acton motor ists this aide of itockwood and brought to acton awalung uie claimant it might also be intcresung to add that uiere wwu evidence of car being in thi ditch at uio spot and tilgn past wjia broken of course there is no evidence of why uie car was in uie ditch but possibly uie irovlnclul officer can turn his investigation in utat direction now tliat uie sucku ore found more thefts of wh thefts of quanuties of aluminum power wire from uie overhead system of uie abandoned torontoauciphuallyay line have been reported recently by tin it police and two arrests were made in toronto saturday on charges iwornout by special investigator hay ol the railway police detccuve sergeant kwlng and detective semple arrested harvey klltion 37 of 14 oliurleg street fcust on charge ofuieft find kdword wilcox 37 of wtllealey street on char be of receiving the wire alleftid stotan by ellison is valuedat600 quantity of this has been recovered the police say thefts of wire have been car riod irt 4b various interesting items of news the second meeting of uie halbn county council was held in the court wuh warden clcave in the chair and oil members present with uie exception of reeve duncan campbell nassagaweya minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed communications were read and con uldered by the various standing com mittees at uie afternoon session mr ouroy manager of uie milton branch of uie bank of nova bcoua addressedlhe council with regard to resolution pass ed at the last council meeting request ing that uie rate of interest on loans be reduced to letter wan read from uie bank of nova scotia stating uiat it would be impossible for this bank to lower their present rate of interest mr guroy hi hut address to uie council stated that he was not sur prised at receiving this requcut from the council as requests of similar nature sepmed to be in uie air thi tn uie of interest was because uie rate of hv plimdld uttrindanco and satisfactory annual meeting of halton unldn varmers mutuul wre yn surajice company won held in tho town hall on monday afternoon xii addi tion hi the uuiul routlu buslnttt of the meeting the nine districts were re urranued to allow of better distribution of torrltory mr izihby wus at the meet inn of the directors chosen president of tin company this the second tlnn that mr luby lion been ho honor ptl wlui this position during his several years of tjm ui dlrectort mr campbell molfut was elecud vlcepn ttldent olhr directors re elected uguln wju ille georgetown win hume muton john wllum erin imrii ir milum wootu vreemuii daniel gray hhuurg 1eurrii acton uoned right of wny and police huve beun continuing their du ing tjie past few weeks uocepuan of mnt george mun mrs georgu mason received foi the llrat time since her marriage at uie requirements for those doing relief work home of mrs amcu masaki alton on and if abused uio voucher system must tarloon wednesday january 30th the bo riinstuted ruesta were received by mm amos the amount estimated for food malum in charming gown of uilduitc uwwuuhdaruie following schedule us of interest paid in 1033 interest paid on all deposits by uio bonk of nova scotia was 28 but if uie rate of interest hod been reduced at uie rat of interest received it would only have been there seemed at present lack of sympathy between uie public and uie bonks which was hard to understand since anyone giving good uccurlty has found it just as easy to borrow money during these years of de pression as it was previously tho banking system in canada as compared with uio united states id something fbr canadlaiai to bo proud of mr hewson is uiere any cliaiice of reduced rate of interest in uie immediate future mr guroy mr gllroy that cannot tell uc immediate future will have to take core of luelf mr harris slow it uiat local munlclpallucs are able to get areduc ttan and not uie county surely uie county is in us good itondbig as any of the municipalities mr gllroy it is not uio intention of the bank to make comparisons be tween uie county and siulii wc say the town of milton mr hewson why hot ay burhnb ton laughter mr albojr no comparison is intended but where it is possible we give the ad vantage to uie lltue fellow ruuier than uie big fellow th warden uianked mr guroy for hki address to uie council and for ex plamuig uie ulutude of uie bank hi regard tor uielr requisite mr itogers representing ulj unemployment hellef branch of uio provincial deportment oi public wel fare also addressed uie council wltn reference ta relief in uie county the basis on which relief is grant ed said my roger is on uie need of the family that is food und uheltir in the cose of halton uie department is prepared to make an experiment paying all cash as relief measure in stead of by the voucher system lle clplenta will be required to work for all uie money received and uio amount or mfiney iiald to be based on uie needs of individual tumllles according to ulo tjtlmated foad scale as cot forth byuis depurtnient and uils rjale to bo unl forminullmunlclpalltlcdtthd toupply to uiose on direct relief but not to those temporarily unemployed in tuna be ulvcn to the amount ordinarily given in relief vouchers mr smluiwlli draw his men from the several liiunlclpalltr us berore und uie depurtmviit will romlt iwothlrdu of the cast to uie munici palities the cosh given mutt cover all coan4y vote j150mo far roma work an appropriation of 150000 for worjt on roads in wellington county during 1935 was passed at the closing session of the county council saturday uie larg est outlay for this purpose in come years the program ouulned for the year calls for expenditures of 50000 on construc tion 00000 for maintenance and up keep and uie balance for suburban roads meeting the regular meeting of the ff was held in uio parish hou on friday evening last the first part of tho meeting was dance thehuio president arthur mcxcown called tho gathering to order and took the chair for the program which opened with tho singing of the maple leaf oolo pred shortlll mouth organ solo melvln me cullough musical selection by arthur mckcown and walter oouke solo by jack smcuiurst lunch was served and uie remainder of the evening spent in dancing qtu yaansrcopwii the mng tv inhrl churoh harrison elected reeve for 1935 4y majority of 53 keenly contested race between harrison and lasbr resulted in larger vote than at the annual election harrisons large majority at town haji ovreoines laybys lead at tke hydro shop ono of tho most intensive municipal elccuon campaigns in acton tor the reevcshlp ended on monday evening when harrison was electedfteeve by majoxfty of 53 to fill uio vacancy caus ed by the retirement of cxreevo tbet ford after holding uie office for week the following is uie result of the vote atthe two polling subdivisions town hydro hall shop total harr4soh 338 1b3 421 tasby zzzz young peoples league was heldou tusoytovcnmgrrn stewart was cha in uie devotional ekerclscs miss savage led in prayer and miss jean lambert read the scripture lesson tho minute were read and approved and tho trcasurjrni report was given mr tom nlcol favor ed uio audience with mouth organ solo the topic writers of canadian history was ably taken by miss bennett and miss jean barbour gave well rendered reading tho lessorr of uie watcrmhl after uie closing hymn thc mlxpah benedicuon wau repeated meeun of guelph probyierial tho aist annual meeting of uie guelph prcsbytcrial womens missionary society was held in central presbyterian church gait mnt xtobert emoynan of hamil ton daughter of the votcrn mission aries dr and mrs goforui of honaii china was guest speaker it was 47 years since her parents went to honan the natives were hosulc to whites and iomecaiesald to the doctor fgoforth if you go forui you must go on your knees today dr and mrs goforui see uie fruits of their labors officers for uie new year ore honorary presld ent mrs aukl guelph president mrs davldimn oalt vicepresid ents mrs gamble guelph mrs jl bonnie aeton mrs william loclns hespeler mrs ited iuynel3rau and mrs herd kitchener secretaries mm button and mrs teaman ivcslon treasurer mrs hender son gait high scflool carntval splendid erent nmd at night variety of ooatome and conteau and priaea for ad 131 37 368 majority for harrison 63 it will be noted hat mr harrison re ceived majority of 107 at tho town hall in the divkilon in which he is resident and mr lasby had majority of 54 at tho hydro shop poll the total vote polled was 789 the totalvoto for the heevcshlp polled in december was 709 itccve thetfordb majority in uiat contest over mr hansen was 35 the election brought to conclusion one of uie longest and most acuvemun compaigrwinojiictime tha meeting last tuesday evening uie were favored wlui devotional program put on by uie members of uie baptist young peoplcvi it having been arrang ed prevlouiily uiat uie two tocleuea eic chonge programs mr prcd colej chairman for uie meoung road apor tlon of the scripture and all joined in the singing of hymnu misses barbaru plank and jessie coleo ujen sang duett jesus is my next door neigh bor mrs mcmullen gave reading entitled jpeaks of valour there wis sacred solo by mv franklin und mils musulcu spolce inuiresunglyand vividly on mountalmi and mountain dweller kthul vanklln then gave piano oo which was encored tim meeung ended with ull lihiging god bo wltlfyoa till we meet again xlie president thda thnnk mutest mtualrjra agor both candidates made thorough ean voss of uie electorate and on election day both candidates had ample facilities for having record vote polled there were many issues brought out in uio campaign but posutbly most of them by uio very ardent supporters of uio candidates rather than by uie can didates uiemselvcs tho best of feeling andk6cn contest prevailed throughout and when uie final votes were counted beui 3ar harrison and mr lasby took uio verdict an true sportsmen after hard game in order uiat acton might be repre sented at uie county council the follow ing day reeve harrison took his declaw uon of office on monday evening and was supplied by uie clerk with uio nocessory documents and attended tho meeung in milton on tuesday hceve hurrkum will undoubtedly make for acton very capable and efficient head he has previously served on uio council for seven years and for uiro years on uie school board he there fore has an excellent understanding of municipal affairs his buuincai ability is attested by th splendid automobile ac cessory business he estublkihed hi acton about twelve jcars ago and has made such success hfci appllcauon and knowledge of busi ness problems will no doubt work to uie advantage of uie community in his ser vices of kecve it is very fitting honor bestowed after his ten years of service to tho municipality hi ouicr capaciues the high school held their oaraltal in tbo acton arena last evenlnc with good crowd in attendance mr barr acted as master of ceremonles the judges for uio events were mm peoren messra graham and mcidonald during the cran ing mr henry leveque of guelph gave an exhibluon of barrel jumping whlh was enjoyed by au there were many in costumes of various representauons tlio following were awarded the prisjtt for uie evening oenuemans puricy costume vernon agncw gcntlemansa comic costume howard swltzcr ladys fancy costumemiss beil ladys comic costume mrs gordm clinic national or histori costum ma or thi uaptlst young peoples for ulfll splendid program on thursday even ing of next week the will present devotional program ut uie qaptliit young peoples meeung rilx kvkning mkajl blgbstkb uy if had million pounds do you know wliere id be olrl yes youd be on your honey moon blue lace with touches of silver uearlnii corsage of orchids and sweutneas tli bride wjs lovely in pastel taffeta with corsage of sweelheurt rastu mrs dwd aibbon the hrldeu mouier in graceful gown nile green luce with corsage of urchlds und sweetieas sutvs fc nelson of acton was in charge of the tea table with mm 11 mouan and mrs arnold presiding ut the tea tiblc ttin atlilttuiits yern mrs mcdonald mrs mcintosh mrn lluchaliun and miss syman of acton mrs wm dorrlngton of alton mrs jl mogk and mru 11 upulell of ouclpli mus meryl grlndell uf acton und mus murvartt doughty of guelph oilsud li uio evening ihe gumu numbered around hundred among uiose from outoftown were mlai etlsle aibbon of sundridge mrs dewltt of letroju mrs james algle br mrs jumes algle jr uf urampton miss jvan mackenxlc of georgetown mrs italhboue mktsea dorouiy nd betty itauiooue of iorojito drawn up by uie department camp11ell luaout summiai kcjucdulk x150 plus 25 245 pjiu a5 3rm tajs plus 25 41u j420 plus 2i 5xi 500 plus 25vi qsj j57s plus 25 71u m5 plus 25 801 710 pliumci bg7 1770 plus 25 uu2 10 aj5 plus 25i 10il thus one person on relief wi vntltled to minimum of 10 or muxlmuni of ld7 for food per week hicludljg bread and milk two hi family not itmlt than j24 and not more uiau 30fl und on according to uie sh of the family council were very hiterested hi mr hovers suggestions as relief measure ou by uils means work could be con tinued on county roads and good continued on page vive united churhcoufyviuonatmeeuiig there was good attendance ut thu annual congregational meeting pf thj united church last ovenlng when good report were reoelved frikiutlld various bronchos of uio church work 1iv mr poole conducted uio meoung fclulem uected for uireo yeard with mosirs lixll johnston boswlck kuruitedy mutthews and lrank swackhamr and for one year term xiar bvree stewardii elected for three years were messrs juhnutou wat son murray alex mcdonald luld stewart durhlg uie evening mr ai brown inhulf of the congre guuon beipoku the esteem in which itcv and mrs poole arc held by uiu congtrgutlon and as slight expression of uils regard for pastor and wife mm loole was presented by mrs speight wlui beuuuful basket of roses und mv poole wlui book boui made very fitting replies duett was ren dered during uio evening by mrs poulo and mr ketmedy and an in strumetal trio by meuars stewart und aruiur mckcown and master jack stewart ptauowing uio metiung social halton kegfalrar appointed the uecond woman hi ontario to hold uie utlo of registrar mus myruo pie lotlife long resident of milton ap pointed on tuesday as hegutrar of deeds for halton county succccdlngtho late george hulmer exm of oak uie mkis fields lias always taken keen interestin uie wprk ofhct offlco and has worked as assistant to four luglstrars tliey were dr robertson of muton colonel kerns of burllngtan victor chkiholm of milton and georga illllmer mus pield inui served over thirty yearii at uia registry oiflcc young clowns novelty ttaoe pouglw maplcsden mens race fi marxo ghls bace mae roney musical chairs men and boys scarrow musical choirs girls dorothy king girls race 18 and under helen mooney boys race 18 and under geortfe molozzle boys race room hector lambert girls race room mary paplllon boyu race rooms and ojih jocquc girls race ilooms and helen mooncy boys race public school herb cook glrls race public school um roney boys backward race harvey lam bert best couple skatersmisa tyler and mr huftmaa durmg intermission dr peoren drew uie lucky admission ucketa which were won by uie following mr henry icveru mrs adamsonaiid mr jloward swlucr the music for uie various events was supplied by uie arena band luoord sale on tuesday auctioneer kerr conducted sole that established record in many ways it was farm aalefor cawthra mimosa the sale itet made one of uio largest bills tin pax pmxsa has ever printed while uie stock nst was not as large as many uie imple ments furniture etc more than up hi quantity the sale started short ly after ten oclock and at fl30 auc tioneer kerr had sold all but one of the hundreds of axucles put up for sale there was record crowd jn attend aiicc ahd bidding was brisk and prices good it wo 4i cash sale and uie thousands of bldu received were soon dbposcd 6rond uio articles taken away icxcept for luncli umc aucuonoer kr sold steadily from 1000 to 530 pai provisional boauo of aetort ptaiuung for kulnpbi und nlahlx4ff um now builduii completed next week time was apeait wh served splendid lunch uie ontueuduy evening meeting of tlm provisional board of directors pf acton was held the council chamber when mr balantyne as sociate secretary of the nuuonul coun cil wus present and dkicussyd many ltetiu preparatory to uio opimlng of the new building while much progress was made at thki meeting in uie arranging of com mlttbes for purchashig equipment com pleting ugr dements und securbig cam taker for uio promises there is uuu great deal of detail to tie complutud ba fore the opening it is anticipated uiat uie workmen will have uiu building completed next week and therefore uie work of furnish ing and tenants is ueceiuary to proceed at once it is uxpcted that the offices of tho public utilities commkislon will be tcady for occupancy by tueuday of hcxt weex and other paru of uie building will ba ready few days later ilie main trance with its leaded glass windows and uiangld and insignia make very bnposhig entrance meet higi of uio directors will be held fre jpicpuy und uie opening dates arranged as quickly as tho building can be finish ed ttio lodge quarters and caretaker apartment are now ready for occupancy and it js planned to have uie oaretaker in charge of the building early in rbcuary coming events announcement of ueetluga coo ceifu ur other evnt under ihi licjlitg kro chmticd iq ccola tr uk announcement jje hockey club minstrel show ury and in uie town hail acton thu local show of uio bcauon with cost of 25 the regular m6nuily meeting of the womens institute wlu be held at th home of mrs ueesor thursday pebu ary7tliut the junior and senior young peoples of the baptist church will hold tobog gan party on saturduy february 2nd meet at the church at 000 euchre uhd dulicu auuplces of no 407 ut legion iloll pebihary 20ui ut b00 good prizes and draw admission 35c 313 oriental night terrace gardens rockwood hpeclal ploor show ad mbudon 36c have you entered our cuntest yet aak for partlcularu itoate town koneft twohour play enuued home town romeo by uie young people of no it erin will be presented uie parish hal acton on friday even ing february 8th commencing at 0jo harp porowlng uie play uiere will be lunch and dancing music sup plied by orcheatra ttrery body welcome ladmlarton 06c cir