idfc vnimdit juutoabt wtt 1m thfe acton free press uai ar an iwawnsfef tm date ma wise iamr mm tnt ootr fool when othsts an attaauns wtan others are storm men that at tbe una that the sagas ksep sun mete joy rtlfnnfcm we tarn 19 debate but ffmrtw maxim apoken in baste woen roloaa are rlsluc ten let your own ian youll find uh best answer no answer when others are angry and ahoattnk their ire not truth the are apeaklnc nor truth uiey desire winterer they ask yon wnaterer they meymaketheir own answer beforayoa can amr mien sboujunff is futile and auenoe is for who will relieve joo believing you wrong men words are yoor weakness and tlfr yourvwall tne tery bpst answer no answer at all when others are angry then notnlng jou say will change their opinion or talk it away ton may pet kitten but scratched by cat be done wlththe creaturethats wisest at that and fear not the judgment of other about 1uth always is quiet lie you must both right when you reason both wrong when you brawl the very best answers no answer at all oouglas vkuoch twenty teaks ago the lame of tbe free 1915 the atorm thla week will be talked for years tne big alarm of the waiter of 101415 fttfr rs ys attft ftrt eebveatkiadt3hbble lmk held taromto last week there are 83 austrlans and oennuu parole tn acton chief of police aom has quit contract la pawing this hat under surveiuanee every fortnlgbt in the annual report of the pubhe iathrary it la abown that 7313 book were uvued in 1814 the following reference made to our wvn county of halton tn bulletin lavu ed by tbe department of agriculture hahon within eacy reach of our two aargeat cfty market very prosperous ojeneral farmhig fruit raisin oaltttlle ttrawtoerriea canadas favorite kind acreage oats 30635 fall wheat iftno hay 41070 orchard 7811 small fruits 1474 douch cows 11170 other oatlle 10718 sheep 8050 swine 21870 horses 9080 during the storm early monday morn log the skating rink at burlington col lapsed the building was only erected chronicles of ginger farm wrutear totally far the freo ttnm by gwendoline ft cijutxe it begins to look as ix winter has really set in at last in fact am sure it has because everywhere tho conversation mainly about how low the temperature dropped the night before and how ac counts vary onepesons saysjpero wt the lowest record others aaya six twelve oi twenty degrees tn fact lfseems al oxtst apersoijalnanor to have the tem perature reach its lowest point in tones own lnimedlate vicinity well thats all right anyone who wants the honor can have it so far as am concerned there wlu be no grumbling at olnjrer farm if the thennomeetev registers twen ty degrees above zero and stays there but of course cold weather is just splendid for some things things that one does because it is too cold to get on with ones ordinal work and so ttrlii have been able to get quite lot of sew ing done this week let me see what have made one dress two pairs of pyjamas andanigrcxocheted from old silk stockings have also done enough baking to last about two weeks but from the way its disappearing will probably be all gone in about three days but that of course is the natural order of things where there are healthy growing children cold weather is aluo good time to be experimenting with cooking and so have been doing that too but pleace dont laugh when tell you what have been trying to make its its well now if you really want to know its nothing more or less than gingerbread once in al bear tmmreoe baking aeuvulea at the central elper mental farm the flour testing laboratory of tbe cereal division experimental form ot tawa is sticnuously engaged these dayr in making on exacting study of the quality of the flour of largo assort ment of new rust resistant wheats pro duced chiefly lit the western rcocarah laboratory located at winnipeg some of these later productions may possibly upylntonite it looks llkemcbby spring exoel those whose evaluation js now was come tag after allbccux you can reac completion and fiom among beginto notice that it dusscnt got late watch it la hoped to select variety for quite so erly in the cvnl introduction into western canada very munday pa says he is about disgust ed with nature becuz it seams like all the yitamlnes witch ho needs haa belt slats diary byaoss parquuar friday and ma and pa went to wedding this evening down at thatches house when lptty thatch got marrycl to ed fletcher and it was rihy ploy sure to ucc lottys face light up with joy and ideal when ed anierred the minis ters question favorably saturday well after hcaripff ma glve ing pa the dickens today becuz forgot to male cupple invatasbuns she give him week go thlrsday recline whv thry cull are lanjrwldge tlio mutlier tung sunday well as ant emmy was golden corn syrup yre at energy food time tables nmtlan at acton going eas4 daily except sunday daly except sunday sunday only coon croofejomstng tho roiling of flock 61 geese is very simple and oilers tho former on excel lent opportunity for piafltablo side line the essentials to success ore free raiiro and an abundance of lender grass or clover the geese should start to lay about the middle of march and tbe eggj set as soon as possible it 1s advisable to aprlnkie the eggs with lukeirrarm water once dauy when set under cw mother goose oruhder hens arid twice doily when cet in an incubator goslings re quire warmth alter hatching and should be left under the goose or in tho incubat or about two days when the goslings ore ready for feed ing place green sod near the brooder for th to pull the tender shoots for tho first fhy yu tql the mniiwl meeting of the halton fire insurance co was held last week richard graham is the ficuidcnt for 1915 and tbos moore se3etarytrea surer the directors are john ramsay cook james ktrxwood geo fisher lindsay lasby and john wilson died ucclure at the general hoaplul ouelph on saturday january soth 1915 joseph mocture of acton aged 75 yean aannin the wckellar hospital fort william on sunday january 31t 1915 sirs allan saann of acton remove all callouses and enlarg menbt fioca your stock with douglas eryptian liniment wonderful remed canadas salt undustby canadas altlndubtry iihowt hcoluy progress according to report usucd by tho departuieilt of mines lroductlon of salt in canada liis treblid in vol mil and has more uiau iiebkd in value filnce 1u14 the output in 1j33 wajiif tlilrd uruit in thu hlti beiiu surpossui only in li26 and idus ahd eurly ruturiu ludlcute uiat uw 1034 output will fcjtced thut of 103 iu 1014 ontario waa the only salt pro ducer of consiucncu in the dominion but followfiig uie ovnlnkf of uumuu in lla4fiw lie una orieirticless tage ea instead of ginger jpiarm and it always makes me laugh bccauge gingerbread is one thing that have never been ahl to make really good job of but this week just for the fun of the thing hunted up all the recipes could find for braking glrx and chose what thought was the nicest jnct easiest to make well the first one was punk there is no other word for it but uu children hot knowing what good glngeibread was like thought it wan all right and ate it then tried again and tojny joy hit on recipe that was really good so now at last we will be able to have good gingerbread ai ginger farm ouch excuse toe but what else could say when as sat typing mltchle took flying leap and anded on my shoulder burying her claws in the back of toy neck iteally thele oto few drawbacks to having an extra tame houue cat on the scene partner is also having his own busy time at the barn one morning soon uftcr lie hod gone to the stable ha came back again with the announcement that new calf had arrived it was born dur ing one of those very cold nights so anxlottsly enquired if the calf was all right well said partner before co down to the utable it had been rootlni around in the horseboy knocked down shovel and the stable broom kicked over poll of skim milk and then went to sleep in one of the cow mangers yes think you might say the calf is all rlghi grinned partner of caurse every time fresh cow cooaa hi she cant be turned out to wuter any more in cold uathcr uo partner has grand time carrying luke warm wuusr from uid house to the barn over ground that would moke good jtutlng rink in places but really uuit what you might cull uduptable for the transportation of wuter in pall howuvvr there jiavii been no cu tost raphes io fur andslnce practi makes perfect suppose bororo tlie tee gotii partner will be uieh an adept at thu waur carrying trick we hall probably iee him slldjnff merrily qver the ice with hl palls lnstcudpj lkuwihigio walk expttt nearly everyone has been fol lowing the trial of edward lynch mid wondering what the outcome would be jiow filad was to let tliu poor fellow had been acquitted su such ter rible uccijiiit was fault of the system bicad crumbs moistened with milk when about week old give them moist mauh composed of equal weights of corn meal barley meal bran and shorts focd lng three or four times day for about 2jls aatftthfgtxragsajgoodatarctheji turu them out on good pasture and dis continue the feeding of mash they should be protected from cold rains con lined at night until the weather gets warm and always have plenty of shade and fresh water tune to think of the garden the new seed catalogues are now put and this is thc time for farmers and gardeners to start planning the garden for the coming season the average garden if carefully planned can bu madp to produce on abundance of chean but healthful and nourishing food for summer use an well as for storage for winter the well managed garden may be relied on to provide the farmer with up to 40 per cent of his food require ments iiany of the vegetable crops lend themselves to sucoatukuial sowing mak ing it possible to extend their seoiion considerably it should be remembered that tender growing vegetables are superior to fully grown crops both for summer use and winter storage large size in vegetables is often an indication of coaiueness and poor quality with can slderubld waste put in to things ho dusscnt like to tall like splnnogc and corrals and cct tcusday jane and me was waklng to skool to gather today and she made mo tired admlrelng blisters beeux mho scxthe was so very tackful ydth pcouaal told her that pcraonly wood just as leaf have person to tell the truth as to be so tackful all the time wcnsday went up to tho den test have tooth pulled thki afternoon and when picks up of his maggaxencs recllzcd cud trust him for ho must of been in blsness for long time to have accumulated maggazeric that old thlrsday zaek witters witch lives ucrost the crick was robbed laut hlte but he scd tho uobbcr was very considerate about it beeux ho nocked him inconshus mouk cllutocilku canadas food storage canada starts the new year with well stocked larders and according to report ctf cold storage holdings on janp ory 1st there is little likelihood of food shortngo in the dominion in crcoucd holdings uie reported in prac tlcallyall cluiscaof food comnioditlcs butter hi cold storage warchoutas and creameries amounted to 316905 pounds of creamery and 440040 pound of dairy cbccse stocks totalled 17104 s10 pounda 3ggsln cold storage totalled 3473 522 dozens fresh eggs 20300 dozens and frozen eggs 3043010 pounds pork stocks totalled 2331553 pounds of fesh hot frozen 1258872 founds of freshfrozen ond 15499526 pounds of cured or in cure pure imtmu utorag7 amounted to 2741799 pounds beef stocks totaled 1782304fl pounds of frctiji frozeiv 4530458iomnl4offrcsli not frozen 310121 pounds of cured and 172001 pounds of beef lnpcccisor7curc7 tv to 3258b80 pounds of fresh fraaiin and 276603 poundt of fresh not froxeii mutton ahti lmb stociti totalled 710d2b4 pounds of frozen und 282221 pounds of not frozen poulry plans for building at least bo hew stocks included 170434 pounds of brou church buildings in scotland vt onccers pounds of clilckcns 326 iavoboon made byubchurchfscotj348pound3offowl 255350 pounds of land tlio movement was launchedjil duclu 148800 pounds of qbogfr 3538053 moss meetlngireld recently hi edln pounds of turkeys and 738924 pounds burgh letters of encouragement froni unclasslfled fish stacks amounted to ltal ic breakelt marty social functions are failure because the formality and suffncso is nt boken up euly in uie evening vvhrii thj classes arc large orwiiere ihiru ure considerable numbers present miu do nut kiww all others present some device muut be usvtl to get people ac uaintbd at least break down their riervo und timidity here is plau thatwuido it each person upon arrival is handed little envelope containing twenty beans guests are instructed to hold uiylr cuveljpus and uwult lnstructiora at soon as sizable crcwd lias gathered the chairman of thu evening announces tliat each peson present has twenty beans all arc to proceed to introduca themselves to ull present the one who introduces himself tlrst to receive bean fram tia jjpwcr one at the end of ten miiutu uueh person la to count his brails udd thi one who has the most will be awarded ttprizo the niiu scramble that follows this announcement is tutu guarantee that uj cj broken evu tho wallflowers tre dravn hito the game the chicago flier that passes throat here at 835 eutbaunxl stops georgetown at ft44 going west dally except sunday daily except sunday dally except sunday sunday only s33 pa 7jpm 1143 pjma standard ttace btravetby pally flally dally wcstboaad 46 xoept saturday 114s ajn a15 pjtt saturday only gis pjn dally b15 pm dauy 715 pjrn pally hj5 tun saturdays sundoya and holidays only 105 dollyoxoopl dally colly dolly dolly dolly oept sunday 700 son 805 ajn 1345 pjn 30 pjn c40 pjn b00 poo prime minister mocdonald and the secretary of state for scotland weie read build us churches which beckon us to enter and worship wrote th3 prime minister give uu leaders who know what worahlp is both in word and deed this is uie birthright of our people llev frank xl mavlln mod erator of the edinburgh presbytery pre sided over the large gathering and ap peals for the raising of national fund to build 80 churches and 20 church halls at cast of loooooo were made bo yxo atsbeneatiicity otlow it feels to float bcncatli throb bing city has been told by tcnycur cld bay who fell into storm sewer in subub of melbourne australia while tying4o retrieve bull which had rolled into an open drain tlio hid fell jn he managed to paddle and keep his head above the uwlrling water while lie was little girl answered the telephone carried into uie many tunnels under tho for uie first time and wan surprised to streets kor mile he drifted like th3 1b543855 pounds of frcsh and frozen and 4944022 pounds of smoked drc pickled or salted more worjufs patterson ro sdecialiai tn eye ortnopue treatinemta log wyndhim st neat ln phonx aioa qnauty asnt4iy luausuiaua usjuaususjuautuaut imagination is uie only door to reality richer uian dreamed of by ua seeker uftcr material wealth theo dore drekicr hear hsr fathers voice she burst into tears whats uie matter dear asked her mouscr oh miimmy she sobbed how on eirui nhal uc oer get daddy out of uiat htue hole heo of lcs mlserablcs under the traffic and houses until finally ho was hnt into the river yarra where uie storm waters cmpued police who hod been notified arrived jutit in time to reseuij him savage co the american people tempcruhicnt liiconsitency wlui past viewu or con ulv or2 luier very optlnihllc or very duct may be mark or increasing know pesslmifitlc roger btibson ledge and wlulotn tryon fcdwards tleip for ajthma neglect gived as thma great advantage the trouble once it lias secured foothold fusum its grip on uie bronchial passages tenac iously xr kelloggs asthma ilasiueuy daily jiertuing coicti of ustlumi of long statitthig years of suf fering however might have been pre vented had uie remedy been used whim urn trouble was in its lirst stages da not neglect asouna but use uild pre paration at once gold alfcihotlon kckaozklh become an important producer within uie past two years manitoba und sa kalchiwaii iiuye boii added to uie ut of producers alberta hail large deposits of salt uiat can be rradlly recovered and it it prubablt uiat ucuvc derulopment of these dtpaalu will be undertaken durms 1935 otiicr ekuiujve deposits wlijcn awult development when condiuoiui war rant have been dscovccd in nova scoli and inewljrjihawlck in ontario cuuadas leading ualt pro ducing proviitcc the progrt during tlu pajit twejity yeurs has becn remarkable soveilu new cojuiui been tjttali lishcd und pricucaiuy ull of the otl cabllslied tlrins have elulfr vrecunl nsw plants cr conipleuly rtiiodellid their tmlli and have grvauy inxreosed uielr ejipjcltiiji production hi nova scoliu auppllcs an appreciable portion of tho aut ued in tho luhulg and ouief in dustries in th murltluu which require ments were wnierly sup led inurrly by hnportrd prdugts mullt5a is pro during tjilt from wdi at ncepiwa aiid ptans are under wuy for on uicrcasu in output in saskatchewan smalt plant at simpson has tui output uiat and ready market amung the farmers of the nurios rf the ca salt production except for small exports is aokl in the damiw oc markets priiaclpauy for the dairy baeatcurlng canning naheriea and industries and as table sale raltvcr tluin the lndlvlduul it star led me uilnking of uie ralluays hi liigland and how impossible such un uccldnt would have been on any of uie lliicj in the old count the switch over then is work id from the tlgnul box which alsi controls tlie oiuiiiilif and shutting of gauui at th railway crossing as suifety mexure lfls almat perfect urd cant reiiknibor of any ucli uccldent in tliglauj as far as th luvel cosilnj liconccrntdahy perion waiitliig tofrsst tlie line would find it impossible too th giteji if tialn had lutva signalled at country croiiugs where there lt no swituai lufliija alwilis hi rhnr tn chie the gate wjitn train lt due url to opn tliem whpn it is pitl generally one find partly duaiblrtl vliwy poy are given work of uils kbid and of course each mad has his own uttla hut by tlu ilde of the croavslng surtly souiu uch uiouiod might kit adopted in canada to prevent uie up pulling number or crobig accidents und to inake lt impossible for uie uirilblel trugrdy chulmaj nlgtit to ever occur again predictions uiat uie valuo of gold produced by caiiadlan minus during 1d34 would reach toul of on hundred mllon dollar have been realized gold production in 1034 amounted to 3004305 rino ounces slight increase in weiht over the 1033 output but uie wiluo in canadian funds rose to 102242000 us compared wlui uie 1033 value or tm canada during the year was 3440 per hue ounce as ogaliuit nn average of 28 co for 1033 stimulated by the higher prices pros pecting for gold deposits was mot active th rou nil tit the year in tlie vlctriltyof uldtl luu the free press of ers yoii pospects which lay dormant for yeii were revived and promising new area acre investigated in tiltrereent iwru oi canada gold mining in nova hcouu was more uian for long time queboc production allowed kllylit lucre oiu and developments were wldeipreiid ttuougli the narthweaurrn prt of th province hiturlo the leading producer cowtrl buled over 71 per cent or uie total gold outpuuoruie dqininluu the tujautlly of gold produced in ontario wus leaji than in the preceding year duo to tin mining of lower grade ore by some of tle larger companies but most un do of sut ojulam oji hes all right if you take turn in the right way perhaps mf but dont like people who have to be labelled like medicine botues porluhl eiitn re iuiu uti uviopn le it ii litl bringing to the production stage of nw mlnni in widely ieparutel paiu of the province the combined output of nfuutoba und saijtatchewun was greuut uian in 1033 mining and milling wore continuous ut the principal mines urd manypramlsliig properties ure undergo ing ijf ye pmtnt und exploration british ctuumblas gold pioductlon totalled 287 173 hue ounces in 1034 comiiurtsd wiui xisaous itnu ounciwr in uie preceding wr as in ouiefjiarts of canada proji pecting and development of uuriferuuti properties were most acuvti yukon pro duction ut 40000 line uuitces stood about tiie titune as bi the preceding year believe there is great held for those interested in the science of good government mayor laouardia what could bo rnoro complofo friiiri com biniitiori offer itiaf gives you clioico of your favourile magcizinos sends you your local yuu ond iqwily onjoyment and ehfertalnmoff trirougriouf iho wholo yeat why not take advantage ot this remarkable offer that means real saving in money to you our guaranteejoyoui this wonderful offer nvuunblo to old ond new subscrjbersi to uila newspaper wc guar untth the fulfillment of nil mugaxine ndl licriptioiui tuid youlmvliposltivc nwuruco umt this generous offur is exacuy as rcpre bented if you ure at present yubiuiriber to uny of tlieiuj riuigujiinee your limp will bo txtciided mail this coupon today here the offer select any magazines ifsridttclolwtbatotal vatucctr llbovy magailno 52isjuesy 1200 piclorial reviow 100 canadian magailno 00 national homo momy l00 canadian horticuk hnigj homo maga lino 100 puasa clip hat of maodzlneg aftf checking publication detlretl yilt out compon caretilly gentlemen enclose pleufc send mo tho thtm inuiyiilikj checked with years bubscripuon to your newspaper name street oh illl town and province save money mail today together with this newspaper all for this low price the acton free press acton ontario watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario zl widhjun oi new business puintko ikfpahn wuattratti bew budns it tlm tolace bfuao told tht yod kkwi lajtdiig tirt tout priecs on prinutag the acton free press