bspssksrctg if assiliaii sfrp ir paojc xkurr the acton free press tuujtspiy pkdiioary list 1033 notices of btrtht marrtafmi mod demtha am inbertcd in ibni column without cbar memorum notice sdc and mc per lino additional for poctrr died chart at auplpta on tumdny february loul 1035 annlo ciunkh malcolm iearly beloved wllo of ed win chart and mother of pauline awl wuiccd jmdhai just one mor vretx of february oucrph certainly was hjundud bati fcfeat in tnfl first goxne against preston ft0 ameeting or the board irfplrectom was held in tfca new buhdm on tuesday evening bargain excursion fare are being ad vertised by the cnr the centamllo tripe are proving quite popular hockey tons regret to learn ol tbr motor accident which has incapacitated referee johnny jones ol quelph the 10th ontario legislature open od its session yesterday with lessee degree ol pomp and social frivolity tha laual finow storms of the week havo made the back llntts hard to navigate and even the highways have quite bit of snow message from councillor and mrs mason from st petersburg florida states that they arrived safely ad are both enjoying the holiday in the south larger electrical service has been dltionai power to operate the various machlnea this weeks vtxx paras short story is from the pen of an acton writer it is written by frank scrlven and ranks well with the stories that feature our column and an enjoyed by our readers we are glad to have the op portunity of printing it sfcnpoe lost protest against goelpb at meeting of the executive com mittee of he held at the royal york hotel in toronto on tuesday the protest of the simcoe club against ouelph club was disallowed as result guclph played at preston last night and will play in ouelph on friday night for the intermediate group title the filmcou olub claimed that players 6tade hcar marzo and kaiser were ineligible stada and shears had been granted per mission by thu oka under the em ploymcnt rule murzo an resident of ouelph previous to january 1st 1934 and kaiser aa tt lift long itmuient of ouelph who had betn away from home fai the united btates for live weeks in november and december 13 but hud not played any hoclay while away watt and lovtv war in ltelf la force which is neither good nor evil it human activity which like all other such acti vities depends for its goodiieii or its wickednou upon thu goal et before it by thu mind ol man to auatliematlso war is to sink back into witchcraft to outlaw to tjxorclie or to lay it under interdict it to delude ourtelvea wllh upells and rely upon the bobarlc lnvo cations of sorcerers we cannot cxorcuo human activity unlaw we hrat exorcise ourselvej our minds buntings drown ings and racklnaa carried on for ceut urltt through their insanity stilmulafd tho hlsanlty of witchcraft and it was not until the human mind could think tanely about thj moril pestilence that sorctry grew thin una ultimately faded away it was tho light of reason and not tl truigle of ignorance which accomplished this miracle love human fo ce nrui tkrttgitttcarrcrtt tini destroy it is the foundation ol our lives yet aaro like an earthquake it can abutter uum it not in iulf good or svil but powerful full or energy majo oeiurul jvc fuller in tho nineteenth century london ateiuenntaiisvvindll tho spanlol prisoner has lately 0111 tolling his old familiar uto to real dents hi malaya and thd chief polled oiflccr at iymttuporu id making collec tion of tho utters which are to be for warded to scotland yard in the hopj uiat tin identity of tho bendeni may ba extablislied jftio fraud had been going on for upwards of lialf century and ljlloigriquauuty tho letters and uotfus dpctimenu by means of which it workud liter are sevvnal gangs of tlui swhidlers uslt many dliferent allata and addreuscts in fipaui it is occasionally ru ported that some have been arrested the frud continues as before ikxuo 30 ytars 4fo one of uie leudhig practitioners wiut convicted but the llrltlsli consu hi formed truth that though the man really became spanish prisoner he con trived with the aid of goaler bj cany on his btsdness as usual even willie he was serving his sentence the dups who swallow the tale of the prisoners dearpermte poalthof the hidden fortune the orphan daughter and on are flwwiiilni of much sympathy rruth milk desserts why do so many mothexo dejight in preparing enticing milk puddings for their family the reason is obvious as such desserts whplcoome and readily digested ore ideal for both children and adults and ohould bo included regularly in tho dally meals then too every thrifty homemaker takes into consider atloa the high food value of rathe pudding in relation to its low cost and appreciates the fact hat most desserts of this tpyo may bo easily and quickly prepared from materials av at oh seasons of the year milk puddings will find continued favcr if varied by using different flavoring by adding little coloring or by cover ing the pudding with meringue keep ing in mind that foods should always be attractively served additional recipes for milk desserts may bo obtained by writing to the mil utilisation service dairy branch do minion department of agriculture ot tawa uapl rice pudding cup rice cups milk tablespoons cornstarch cup maple syrup egg yolks egg whites cup maple syrup boll rice in salted water until tender scold milk in double boiler stir corn starch smooth in cup maple syrup and add gradually to tho hot milk stir until mixture thickens and cook 15 minutes add rice and weubeatcn cafe youoi place in buttered baking dish beat egg whites until stiff gradually add the cup maple syrup and spreaj over pudding bake in moderate oven 350 degrees until delicately browned about 15 minutes spanish cream tablespoon granulated gelatine cup cold water egg yolks vi teaspoon salt cup milk teaspoon vanilla egg whites yj cup sugar soak gelatine in cold water woke custaid of egg youm salt and milk cook stirring constantly until mixture coats thespoon dissolve ge in hot mixture oool and add flavoring when mixture begins to thicken fold in meringue made by adding the sugar to tho bthtly beaten egg whites turn into moulds and chill lemon fluff tablespoon fiour tabltttpoouj cornstarch cup sugar teaspoon salt cup cold milk ia cups hot milk jtmaru urated rlhd and juice egg yolks egg whites mix corutarch flour tutor and salt with cold milk add in hot milk in top of double boiler and cook jo minute stirring constantly until mixture ts thick add iome oy hot mixture to beaten egg youu combaied with lemon rind stir into pudding and cook minuted re move from heat add lumon julco and fold in beaten egg wliltea chooourl spanish cream follow reclpo for spanish cnom melt lvj ounces uufiueeteilid chocolate in milk uhtm making cuitard mixture beat with rotary tpg beater then add egg yolks and tult coppttl spanish cream fallow recipe for spanish cream using ij cupr coffee and ld cups milk at llauld ng auukvis winnings alberta farmers made very credl how nc at the toronto and chicago fall exhibition according to official re turrui hlch reveal tho full extent of albtiuv winning ut tlicso tuo inter itional ohou at loronto royl voir exhibitors from alberta took total or 3u prliiefl in thnu tt nwl hiula4uuiynino uve stock meeting bpkmdld autuenee addressed dj dr it mcintosh of ontario veterinary coheremeeting held at milton hall filled almost to capacity greet cd dr it melntoh of tho veterinary college ouelph wliln he addrvascd uu meeting held under tlio ausplcca of tht live stock improvement association in the farmers building milton on satur diy afternoon last in tho obscnev the preidcnt bruyiui owlnj to tljncso reeve victor ha of irafal gar halton acted as chairman ro port on tho bot radlcation program stated uiat ovlr 300 horses have til ready bcun treated with some 200 still to bo done in tho discussion whleh transpired those in attendance cxprcri cd themselves as well pleased with the rvssults and unanimously requested tha the work bo carried on again next year program to eradicate warble and heel flics was also discussed at length dairy and beef cattle merr alike wotw agreed that these parasites were costiug the individual farmer in hal ton good many dollars annually and request that tho local branch of the department of agriculture organize campaign for their eradication treatment of cattle for warble and heel flics in this and other counties in previous years hits proven that tho individual herd own can combat this plague very successful even though hla neighbors do not tre it it was tho feeling of tho meeting how ever that this parasite was costing the farmers of the county too much money and womiiited real effort to trit every cattle beieit in tl6 county to thia end committee with riprttenta tlvcs from each township was appoint ed to wait on tho county council at the next session with view to having thu county council purchase tho nee aary poudcr similar action was tauten in oxfoid and elgin counties last yea wi uiat between artd 09 of the cattle in these two counties or 133 678 cattlo in all were effectively treated tho results were so satis fac tory that similar action has already bom taken by the county councils in th jj two countlcil again this year in ad dition six other counties including the neighboring countlea of wellington and wcntttorth have also hiado tho neces sary giants whllo tlio sum entailed is not large such action would permit the powder being purctased ut lower cost and wlutt la more important would supplied to every farmer and tho net result much more effective cleanup it li generally conceded that iio eiudlcatlon of the warbk fly would be beneficial to both rural and urban dwclleri and it is anticipated that the committee will receive sympathetic hearing from the members of the county council dr mcintosh in very lnllghuntng and interesting addrti discussed tlio ubjecta of mineral deficiency in live itock land mammitu many of those attending oxpriild tliemwlvct to the wfect that it wai th most intert ting and uorthwhlle meet big they had attended in long time jf dejt trafalgar township jolu ocorgo dent well known farmer died at his horm lot 10 conce3luyi irafalgar township on frldny followr ing an ilrte of four weeks vis his tlfith ytar and bachelor hu was intmbmr of hornby pre byterlan churcjf ho survived by two slitc mli bmqiu dent with whom hu sided and mwiooorku oalbralth of oakvilll and tlirenj brothers homos frederick und allan all of oakvlllo miss isabeu iles ouelph falling to recover from tho effects of recent arperatlon miss isabel lies well known and highly esteemed ouelph re sident passed away tuesday at her home olawgow street the late mlaa ueswas rujivo of eromosa town ship andwas born in 1857 she was daughter of ihu late mr ondmra henry lies pioneer residents of uiat district in profession alio was school teacher and was employed in thu toronto public school for sixteen years and at tho ottawa high schools for four years for the past forty flwj years she had resided in ouelphand had wide clrclo of friends to whom the news of her death comas as mutter of great regret in religion she was of tho chris tadolphlali faith survlvbig in one slstr mlij annie of ouelph with whom tho de ceuod made hir home the funnau took place to day ut two clock from tlio residence 150 olacgow street to 1arnham cemetery at arkell uuol dams in scotland two large doiiu to imprtoii mountain waters for no li hydro electric pro ject nr lnillg inctfiipfpf yw nr ttr original spanish man greatly tlarrowed downa niiimd in dm ii tnniliilhui mill pli it tl old uilsh in iiltliull oiniil hu irlb mi hi in ilxil hi lb mlantw in pli il ij sj ul tn ii in hlilprf hhh 111 p1 si lh mum int inbi ittli ilionsof tin irfl in iti mi ilijii nl iihi mil an itntl aimrlcu inn ihialli miri until it ill imu iit ill ilj mm lib rn cint of ml iiii rli ill iv ii th thmtm of tin uti mi it ii th in to tlio rorinhil mnovflf nwu hi oloillhlh ii rid npinuii bjnihus llhl jl lli piilm frliili hhorifl of the snnlhh mnln in 1orf 1u puljit imllinim wu klni brows froip gtninlk wiiuluil tin htibsiijuent orhalh of llulboii nitl oth who car ried bad to uropi uinalm liiuh of puirlm told nnd in hnnh ktilt tbte for hhnrh mm hwjiriiud lo th oawt to innt fortlthd kiidiihiilh ii nd hhlp tilth bat iirop ulnj tho fahulmin rich rtputtd in tho interior tluy pimhcd thntiieli ahnoat impono tmhlff jmikln lufor th in fltnl har mbhtfl jtulhiiih dim irking polwoned ar rowh futlln against armor st ttldr livid lreily on plentiful supply of limmnho torttilnon nnd wild boarn oim nottlliik tit ur what is santo dtmiinuo hunttti nnd umoked huffalo liny btiinn known iik buc call erw from tho fn nch wortl btnt cunitt to kinttki tin at olbt rn im eiimo farnit ra cultivating tnb itxn with tin aid of nuiiii rnuu whit and tro himv fnnj of tho ttluvtn run uvii nnd joint tht bye cum rn who htilnii eonio iwrcd with huff urn hunting took up pirating prtyliil on spuiiltth uulhonn and coant nl mttleintntk iht bpiuilnh mnln of ft red nunu rotm natural advuntaj to thq neafiirlutr butilltu luxuriant for tatm out of which to build tht ir burl wuth of pitch for calking the new craft and hlddt hurborrt from which to mtrprlkf ttlh prlv best quality meats at our counters you will always find the choicest cuts in meat at reasonable prices quality is never aerified in serving your meat order prime beef choice pork and voal fresh cured nnd cooked meats and an excellent stock of fish arc always on hand for your choosing british columbia salmon by ptooe per lb wsh specials 14c fresh water herring per lb 10c 6uoked ajjd wiesii fillets jxyr lb 17c pattersons me at shop phone 178 ave delilver promptly nevls in tlio highlands of scotland ono li loo lect loug and 140 feet high and will impound tho waters of thcsdean river to aa to odd four miles to the length of loch ijiggan tunnel wl rcady lues been constructed to brhig these watow into loch trelg at one end of which tho second donrias been built thu0 works are port of the great lochabcr power project to create elec tilcal energy for the manufacture of aluminum after leaving loch trclg the water will bo taken 15 miles tlirough tunnel which pierces hon nevis and then for 200 feet through steel pipe line before reaching tho power house of the factories at port william kklltts list salts tuciday tebrunry ath joo otfjii crowuaiis corners vrm stoc etc vriduy march 1st win daley firm pictnum it it no tuesday march utli roy tlnney itock sale milt1 uvt of ojpringe thursday march nth executon clearing tarm sale of iato joci hamilton shlloh other chumplorajilps 43 nht prlejj 43 iilconth and 37 thirds bef cattle lid with jo prut in nil for ivhk ta with two erand champ otuhip3 and six othlr chauiplorulili and 10 unit iciu dairy cattle cliei yh ldetl toul of 43 prliiia ultii four fhot und ouo special poultry und turkey brought tnti of rtr pirli yfnlmt prlj tjiecp 17 prbas and hcrel3 priwi ih one grand champlonnhip at ciilcago international alberuv ex hlbltors took total of 58 pruut ln uding tliree grand chakiiploiudilpji two mieive champ loiujilpd and taven rtrst alberta literally swept uw boards in the tiprhig whdat vhui eight of tlie tirst ten prlimx were taken hicludlng the world title with 17 prus lii all in livestock ulna prbuij weie token ut ciilcago in ludlng twonrsu man ivintl kn uvgimtt after ar of study altoft posun ester of yeuovii liglaiulfha come laughter txpert laughter has en ht hobby for rear and he bt lievt he knov3 all there to know ibout it laugh your way to health riya latirhtcr infe cure aid pea ant tlmulnnt the brain rtimu iited by the incrcored flow of blood rcacli on the tneiilil machinery lv lv ideas paiu lapidly through the mind tho affectlonn arc nrourcd and warmed reias electric splendid display of electric al rcquiruntni on display at johnstone rumlcys estimates cheerfully fur nished on all electrical work phones 30 and 110 now ktoculcd hi jfohtititoua jl uumley btore aif surrounding planet fifteen pounds to inch tho pott wrltei of trltl lllit us ar nnd wo often talk of airy hoth lng but the atmosphere which aur rounds odr planet and accouipunlet it in uh joumcyltik through upuco la hot so light ua wo often imagine its average pressure in fifteen pounds to tho wjuuro inch ho barometer its name impllea ta an atiuofepheirij welkbert and on th vurylng weight noted over largo areas dcix nt our dally wtathor forecusts change of an inch in the height of tlio mercury column means change of utmohphcrlc wcitut of half pouud por no mro inch on tho earth ri sur face uo that even 11 chnno of ono tenth of nn inch in lholuiriuttttuop44 rhonth rs000 tonn per quuro mile cluinrp of un inch mcr the hind area of tho llrltlah ish munltleh the colon anl totnl of conhldt rably moro than ono hundred thouftund nillllnn tona of uirl good listiwr afnvmnvhili linr 11 to iell and ono day while driving with 0111 of hli summer bairden the hor uipid id frequently to kjd the bu rder to iuk what ik jour liono that ho ttop co otiaiif iflhe uillty no repl cd the farmer he all right dimply hus so darned aintld wmiebody will iiy whoa and ho want hear it that he atopa to listen tha variation variation un ihs ehunut antl uhen ploeo of nuulc ih tailed an air and variation it men that tin composer has ruiu thochimup ulfferont way on tunt of bin om or boiih body olhoti timulni when ueieil inhtrumnnt and np rjcnrfd variations uirt very popular at llrat thoy ut ro just twiddles and ornnnicnth attached to tho nir then ilttlo note puttiriih cami aloni nnd eontually tbo timo wan tires in all itlntld of ways kouh tlmt in dnnco rlijthm sometime in tatt nipimuro often mirlntlon would brlnn out hid foiling in tho meloth ihtthmpn undo ih many as on his own orli innl tune llnch and lir iiiium loed mnlttng nrlatioiw correct spring suspension plus weight distribution plus passenger location equal the new ford v8 centrepoise ride let us demonstrate centre poise the unique comfort fedturc experience the front seat ride for back scat pas sengers the exacting new controlcase brakes improved v8 performance thy it out youiiselip to day call on us foe demonstration norton motors phone go acton ontario watch the fords go by jn coming events atton branch canadian legion ida 4l march vllt to sattirday march jnd acton nlit ut poit credit dr inch all loan ii who jilro att nd th to events pkac nanus to the sllretlry tu 10011 iu iwi riblb fcleionahi ivrfcldent lr vvuigiiit secretary ramuui ruaiiau library ho fmn hih and maunlllt out state 11 hrnrv at nlnj id wlilih was founih in 1s1i and aru bit inn tint of tlio rt nt ti isiiri of tl orld ih hmt mu of it muljillh trui and viiliu him tho vi huh it still ton tnimi 111 of tht mihiuhlt ollulloni fir wlifh it wni mtt incluilliie lutttrll i1 ii lmn iii ut liy if lit rl tit nunu or tin nioit idibritt pits of tin illhlt and tin koran ran ilthrtw mnntim rlpt of wide selection of colore in iln it nritttrn nitmh ininmn itnlr slnult icum ulilih ntxt to tht out in in nth ml tht oldi st nt niunu rlpt la tlittiut of un new ita nit nt luntnr hi on found in an an ihnt inonihltry tin mount filial heitnl frlcrui tt pron wreh whom touy be ahicer licforo him may tlihuc aloud am arrived tit laat in tins iri vnctf of man rtal and eluu tiiat muy drop nvm tjmsoundtrmobtuurmenbi of dualmulutloii court ay wild socond uiouuht whleh nuil luver put on und muy deal wit him with thu almpucty itnl wholriiljui with whleh eme eh icul atom mu unullior fehiourlty li tho luxury ullowld uku dludcius iuid autlior ity only to un hucheat rank thut bfuirf pormluod jtoeak trutll luivlni nauo ubove it to court or confucpi unto weekend specials mapll buds per lb i5c hutarinii military achdeliil mttlulilpnu ii ut tlu naval luaitiiny anlinixillh mil anil lull in at till mill tury uiiiiliiin it iolnt ilii nrtl ua on iil ruiitvi to tlu ul ult inlt mil iiiiiilliliti to tin sinai in mil my lliulu liliu if to 11 rvi in tho unltnl siali4iin liirliu tin pli iimiro of thj iimuu or tin nlti mat in lllll int iiimvihii of priliitlnn ut tlu il in hid mi iinlmh iilli ill ulniri id uili iieli to ii so leit jiuij in tin uriu of tlu liltiit ktnlit liiiliul mil tlu him ul ii milium lllilikh hoonir ill ihurui bj iniiii tint ail thortti repp upholstered chestertteld suites at prices that will save you money nxnvt for compoar priced for thrift tumnleita pair mtna woitk bocica or lo lii 50c iaint 5im quart ociioot ucniuhusiia for lot iaiuv muwfi suow1n11 11114 waujaitks 41lecial vtunwortliy utdroom loo alilklu kill ii hintons 5c to store mill stltfclt acton ontario tl columbia hr iii olllllll iii llll llki 111 till un mu iluu of uiltl ii olmiililu tlu liiiiiluu miiitliuiiiil tin ra ilnltiil stun to ih iln mi ht if li li naliliiutoli lilulio mil tin ttlliilturli mi hi rji mi iitiinii tin mtuiiim it lit tlirinili hntli ihi llll ulul ollut llllll lllll liirollllt till iihl pllllll lloiulttl mount tin luillin hllli an tlu in uilili uliu tlu mi iun1 luxurious comfortable piece suite sliowiuj walnut trim on have the deep buekb nnd wide urnis lucli pitci is well built tliroukliout ltetular price 8u so fcfift ft itiuxrious comfortable pielo suite liowini walnut trim an iibset to any hvinj room color will liarmoniye with any deeorntion very tervicoable and ko looking j7 fill he price sou 50 special idtt very unu ual piece suite with rich earved walnur finish mow woodtront very etlective and will adorn the most luxuriously furnished living room mado for qq ca 5tedy service and wear re price 105 special 4oiv ijurjje slixk or lnoleum and hoor covenngb for early spring shopping now on hand johnstone rumley home furnisiunfis and funeral dfflectobs lhone 30 aff5k