mivj twxusoax kabob slat ims the acton free press ood vtr vm moil ttme like this btrooff minds treat hearts true ralth sod imli twivllif man whom tbe hist of office cannot klu men wbom tne spoils at offlcb cannot bur men wtoo poiew opinions and will men jvbo have honor men who win not lie men who can stand before dexnagoguo and damn his treacherous flatteries without winking pvn men sun crowned who live above tyn tog tepubjjo duty and in private thinking holland twknty years ago xaaaaof tbsrrse tnm ot taay march 25tb 191b itla now announced that the new electrk xoad will be running through acton by the end of july or the first of august tt nowlpost office clock la on its way from cn and will be installed wlttaln couple of months mr kfcnney left for halifax whenos be sails in company with num ber of canadian veterinary surgeons for biclandl tbtt annual at some of acton lodge last thursday evening was most enjoyable affair the home of mr worden on the second line mile above acton was totally de by fire on saturday afternoon miss worden was alone at the ttme and only port ot the con tents were saved the provincial estimates for the cur rent fiscal year amount to 9738336 xst wednesday between forty and fifty friends and neighbors of mr and mrs hilliard murray met at theh home first line erin to bid them fare well ere thy wnmm ti thir farm iuuujuj imnumm near itfin vuiagft masbjeo service pker at the residence of the brides parents on wednesday march 34th by rev milton carter william service to ellenpeer all of nassagaweya died mboarthy at his residence 351 in dian road toronto on friday march lothyhaity mccarthy formerly of acton in his 61st year haul at his residence at hamilton on friday march 19th zalmon hall formerly of acton in his 72nd year chronicles of ginger farm written spetdatly for tbe its press by owknoowne ctftekk let me see now where do begin ayter week crowded with meeting music and work hardly know where am at monday and tuesday were just ordtn ary work days but wednesday was red letter day tlut afternoon took carload of children rom the publip school to attend concert given by the hart rouse string quartette in town obout eighteen miles away those to whom music does not appeal will notbo particularly interested in our trip but real music lovers will understand bow much this opportunity meant to us the quartette includes ocxa do kresa first violin harry adaskln second vloqn milton blackstonc viola boris ham bourg cello my de kress in hia charm ing cultured english with rts foreign accent tried verbally to convey some thing of the meaning of muslo to the children hardly think his explanation was necessary the music spoke for itself was particularly impressed to sea such large audience mainly composed at children listening go intently and sympathetically to the master rouslc played by these world famous musiclarui it was in dinpu table evidence that chil dren can and will appreciate good music given the opportunity thought was going to tell you such lot about the quartette but find cannot begin to dolt the subject ltf too blj ol thin an fcifflff wm going gold detdglng in tue yukon in common with other paruiof th dominion gold mining in the yukon during 1934 was greatly stimulated by the conunued high price for tho yellow metal and the encouraging results ob tamed from prcnpcctlng and development wortc in 1033 report issued by the canadian department of mhics ludjciitus that activuy in both jlacer and lode mining jvs jwidcsprcad and intensive the recowry of gold from the alliivil aarubl and gravels of tho rivers and streanut in the yukon has been greatly facilltaied by the use of drcdgc5 and this change from hand to power nieuioll is far cry from the days of the famous klondike goldnuh hi 1b978 during 1934 five dredges were operated in the klondike urea and handled over uhc mil lion cubic yards of gravel during the aeason considerable increase over thu preceding year an lngcnuousi ichcnio of alulcing and thawiug the goldbcarlt gr th la area byd vert la 1m t6f tho water from the kkintllku river yivaa promise of being successful although it will be several years before tho ground willbe rvady for dredging new mitt is being added to the power plant on the north fork of the klondike river which will increase the available power bt he area by more uian 50 per cent and on wortymlle rher now dredgti capable of handling 7oo to 800 cubic yards of gravel alay has been built and win bo operated during 1035 for the purpose of proving up favorable dredging ground in addition two more liew dredged will go into operation tills year one at oran ville arid the other ou quarts creek klaewhertr in tlio yukon small groupu of placer miners arvua contributing to the gold production and tlte intermit of hew and extensive capital has given addedimpetus to lodo mining especially numoe7ot claims on mount preegld luivo immi bonded and the erection of camps and roads prior to campaign of luteiuilw development work has begun tilt swastika kymuofj some fccholar believe the swastika merely dcoorutivu or onuunvntal do slgu liavhlg evolved irthii ue lotu petal pattern used early arcliiteclure ilomi say it wug merely talisman or cliatin to be worked in preclouij uieqils und worn as antulvt or petulant aj myultc symbol it la iald to imve bcrn iiiijc lut ed through um agiiii with tir wiur wind and ruin ttierc ure urchtolcum who hold shut iu four iujiuu or feet indicate the four cardinal ijolnu of tlie oompatktt it ikas been interpivted as hj pruaontlng flanto of tuurretl lire tile unln rtnyrointionand hghtntng mucli iocuutlon followed iu adoption us the nutliuiul riiibleni of tlw oermoli socialist purtysevrral years agp and many urtlclrs wvre wrlttin about it however its real origin and nrwt ilgnlll canoc are still uncertain nw rtnal woid of the swastika oomed from the eilruttr of archeology of sinltlksoiiiun iiiutitutiun it is the earliest known symbol or form of the cross and lt undoubtedly prehis toric tto luuno is sanskrit but tlrj aymbol itself ex luted long before tt even had name tcrestry the memory of it along with mo for good many years to come just as have remembered for fifteen years hearing tho ilombourg trio at concert given in little village insoskatchewnn in tho words of shelley music when soft vokai die vlbratf in the memory shelley must lavo been music lover or he could not have so truly described tho impression that it leaves llw concert only lasted about an hour wo were homo in good time for supper and that same night neighbor and went gaily off to on institute meeting to which wc luul been invited the night wiii line thd optimist was in good humor and wo ouradvei were all tct for gocd time and wc had it anyone having to officiate aa president month nfter mouth knaws wluit it real treat it to alt back and hear some other pooi hapleint ihesldent wrestling with prob lems uhit como up before tlio meeinj trying to orouiiu iiiehibvrs to take part lu diurmsloiis eiidtiaxorlng to pleii lverybody and using us much tact ilk oiio huiipciu to poieii to tlmt no onca fcoi ingrtshuh be hurt and thun after uie uieutlng one remember all uie uilnjj one should have wild as well os the tlilneu one whould liave left uiild or undone and ojio is tantajhtid by tho thought uiat perhaps this wasnt right or uiat wasnt right rulleve me it in many sleeples hour luive spent after meeting worrying over my sins of omission or otlierwte here is kauiplo or what ciin do last thunalay night wiw the nlghtof our own institute meeting and what did but drivrroif nhdforgctr the cream was tcf take for luneh well was in tix to go buck would mean biiiig late and tli at is little short of crime rut on the street saw friend of mine who until recently had been used to driving cur like the optimist mrs called have forgoc un my cream will you be kport and hjand got it for you know how to drive this car why yes mire ill get it so out got und off went tile optim ist with her new driver who by the way luid handed mo it parcel us tihe got out it was ouite long time peforo mrs cuiiie buck again but didnt hear why until after tlie bunting ap iw rently lhe hed tour very own gau and neither tliu ktorter or uie crunk would gut her going again after laboring awftv for near iftimw hnw slats diary by ross jpakquhar friday 3srry balk was atjalns ant emmy that sum telia has envented acknesaory to keep gfals people truing palunff out of rumbel seat but she uod ant emmy she dlddent think mutch of it sho said to ant emmy wood like to no whut mans arms is for enny ways and sho dlldent think it was good thing in let to menny masheens take the place of man enriy ways satetdaymro pick was uwking to preparing far tbe spring seed big tho preparing and picketing of hn thouoands of different samples of seed grains for icodlng at tho central ex perimental farm this coming spring is now well advanced included is num ber of unusually ipromislnjg new hybrid pa today and she sed to him 44iat the selections which will bo watched with biggest trubhlo with her husbend is that ho wont toko advise and pa replyed and sed to herjjo gess not ix he had ben in tho llobtt of tojteiruj advise he woou cnt of ben yure huibend pa duascnt qare mutch for mrs pick sunday joe hlx mebby will go to wlrk at lootl he was telling me this morning at chlrch that he has got chance to take job as tt truck driver for mr plout witch runs tho saw mill acrost the crick so now all he has got to do is icrn to drive truck by mun day morning munday slim fcrguson dipped my marbles in glcw yesterday after nooa and ocksully spoilt them ma sed must forgive him and spose must but not till get good crack at him wont porgivetng to soon dusaent pay tcusday pa was considerably wlrrled tonlte when he 1st put his pants on to go to the lodge meeting for wile thot no must have sum buddy clscs pants on on acct he found vi in of tho pockets weilsday ant emmys cuzzen witch teaches skool over in adams county tuk trip to kew york few munths go to study coridlshuns in tho under wlrld and all ho seen waa tho sub way thlrsday arlle crunch is very very uoro at fella and he has got ids gun out and is looking for him ho cum home and fnimd xhls ulnar man jptha hnelng room with his wife the stranger had drank up tlie last sottls of beer ho hod cakk txr company liy betty liarclay cako for dinner coke for bridju lunch treat cake and colflu at night before tlio guests say uu rcvoir cake lt surely popuhir lvpular too and envied is the hault wlio can make unusual cokes slie has not followed the beaten path sin has stepped oidde and discovered now dellghb while exploring the by ways and if thexe unusual cakes ore lnerc ixnidve as well an deliciousjust ko much more surely has the hoitc scored here lt recipe for such cake magnolia cakk uegffs cullel illgur cup boiling water teaipooil vanilla extract 2j cupy pastry flour teaspoons biklni powder separate efir beat yolk until thick anil kmion color add cup of the sugar gradually beating comuuiuy add boll iny water very slowly uien vanilla ex tract sift flour und baking powder vj gather times jild into nrrt mixture ileat bggvhltu until stiff add remain lug one cup mlgar gruduully beating caniitantly fold into mixture iljike in very large ungreatd tule pan in mod erate oven nt aiify degrees for li hourii invert und let cool in pan whtn cold split into three layers spread with mint cream pilling cover top and sides thickly with marnhmallow frosting makes teninch cakv mint cokam pilling cup tugar tableiipoorui corruitarch teaspoon salt cup water egg yolks tablejtpoon butter teakponp mint extrtict green food coloring mix suuur except tablespoons cornstarcli und salt add water tdowy und cook over boiling water until very thick stlrrliig constantly add egg yolta minutes longer beat until smoolhatld butter cool add mint extract onacolpr delicate green interest controumc tulip fire throughout canada tulips suffer from the botrytkor fire disease infected bulbs show yellowish brown lesions when the brown jackets are removed hard block bodies called sclerotla ore fre quently found under and on these brown jackets ki tlie results of experiments conducted by the xmvfelan of botany oomlnlon experimental parmer show that in the control of this disease careful selec tion of the bulbs is essential diseased bulbs should not be planted crop rota con fci of great importance for tulips should not be grown on tho some soil for more than three years bulbs should be planted eight inches deep in toll thnt is deep loose and friable the tulips should be carefully inspected from the time they appear above the ground and all plants that show any evidence of disease dug out and destroyed as soon as the plants have died down leanup xliould be mode of the old foliage to prevent carrying over the disease to tint next year barax for brown heart in turnips at number of the dominion experi mental stations in eastern canada alia az tlio dominion laboratory of plant pathology at prcdcrictori cxten slvc experiments have been co thr itomilto show that this disease can be prevented by applying borax ot the rate of 10 pounds per acre to the soil before seeding tlie borax may be applied with the fertiliser or mixed with fine dry earth or any other suitable material to give it surricmt bulk for easy handling it should be in finely powdered form and may be obtained at any drug utorc fertilizer to which borax has been addj should not be used for potatoes or beans iui these crops aiu extremely sensitive to the cliemlcol spt4ntlro and farrri equipment warmer days will soon announce the approach of up ring mid suggest remov ing farm equipment from winter stor ago wagoit and held machinery should tbout babies daily kingfishers ration belted kingfishers must live but thy dont believe in the principal of hrc and ictilvc when they happen upon baby fish whether in hatchery pond or in the shallows of running stream they like fish und at tho hatchcrtcq they prvy greedily upon fry and nngcrllng unleai watch is kept ao that they may bo driven off before they get chance to swoop dawn upon tho water and of course loss of young fish is bad business from fish cu utandpoint both because hatchery operations cost tho public monvy and because the more fry the birds eat the fewer fpr there are for distribution streams and lakes to help in maintaining und lncxaizng the stocks of fish for the commercial fisherman and the angler that is why the staffs of hatcheries ogratcd by the dominion di parunent of fisheries arealert to drlvo off or destroy any kingfishers or for that matter any kind of predatory birds which come foraging about hatchery pond klngntihcrs occur both east and west in canada of course and they like not only trout but baby salmon and other spiles of fish their appetites vary no doubt from time to time but some idea of the toll they take may be obtained from quotation from tho annual report made to ottawa lew weeks ago by one of the british columbia inspectors of tho department of fisheries who in re counting incidentally some of the obser vations he liad made as to conditions on otrroifns bi hlt dlstrict wrote that the bid ted kingfisher frequenting waters ln liablted by trout lt very destructive devouring at least twenty trout flngcr llngs day very smatx wat is molecule asked tlw teacher moleclue said john is some thing so small thatlt cant be seen even through microbe jiow soont that ttmk bore whenever start to talkabout irrtlttr bored well its luiiirly midnight new time enough john tald mrs finnertoij are ae going to have giurdeii tills year7 well roplkd mr fjinerton will you have time to keep after me uu wwd lt for you lis inspected to be certain tlmt nil are in working order coneral tightening up of loose bolu straightening of bent supports and hitcher nnd replacement of woniout part will ensure smooth operating tquliment und few delays bi th nuji of spring work dentist to small boy who has had ome teeth extracted never mind bobby theyll soon grow in again bobby eagerly will they bo up in time for dinner going bast dolly except sunday dauy except sunday sunday cmry do you want your daughter to be pretty heros how one girl put roses into her cheeks and rounded out thin face mothers who are anxious for their daughters to be healthy and attractive will be interested in the story of cer tain young girj who was pale run down underweight when she went to competent authority to have her blood tested sha weighed only 91 pounds the test revealed the trouble her blood was too poor in quality to keep up her strength weight and vital ity her blood was below normal in tbe number of red corpuscles and in vitally necessary haemoglobin she was instructed 10 take two of dr williams rink pills so called because they have pink sugar coating three times day for month and then return for an other olood teso thirty days biter changed happy tdrlcsrrne back she bail gained nine pound her blood tested almost nor mal in its haemoglobin content and was slightly better than normal in num ber of red corpuscles she felt trc nendous lot better and looked it shw lojbtajbl ooapja omapja tho qhioago flier that passes ihnttl here at fijfl easumtmd stops georgetown at 04 going west dally except sunday mauv dolly except sunday ajapjn daily except sunday 700pm sunday only hj9pjm stanbarbtss ha iv said that her face had rounded out and she was positively pretty charming color and soft clear skin depend almost entirely upon the blood iwrcause ihc blood carries the vitality and nutriment that builds tbe com plexion the soft clear skin of every pretty baby is proof of it and the gul tnrntionnl above is living evidence that ioo looks which bave been lost through impoverished blood can be re tained by taking the proper remedy there is no need for so many yth to endure sallow uninteresting com plexion nor to remain lisllesi hervous and easily tired out or wlicti these are symptoms of blood that is lacking in vitality dr williams pink pills will restore slrenjhi and pc and toueup pood looks too knuirily effective for peodle all aces lullshc box 50c at your uearcit drug store 38h time tables nadjan nati0walrailways at acton wt travel mm 40 pally daily except saturday 114a ajn dally 245 iun saturday only 315 pjn daily 515 pm dally 715 pjn dally 1115 pjn saturdaya sundays and holidays only 1g5 ojja dally except sunday 700 am dally 05 son dally 1245 pjn dally 4s0 pjn dolly 640 pjn dally 000 pjuv loiitf my friend suddenly realised she wan trytnif to start uio enhie oir tlio itiog 4itov uiklvii the optimist wasnt wqual to tliatl during uu mcetljur announced uiat aire hzwuiiui biliuadmonstrtttlon oufculyklutveh uut havent not it tald mrs tave lt to you good krlff said to myuiir what wajilkere on that plate was it any thing liquid old hlirii il upuide down or have they cut up wlmtewr lt wxi for our luneh inwardly was in panic uutwurtlly hope was calm and collect td an ejild thhik your parcel at ul kltchii mrs iive lt to our lloiteah well dont know tn what condition my friend found lwr quick luneji but wh lt uppeured in public it was per fee alls uvll that eiuv well mi tliey vty tlt rekntly haw mvr re uuou akiiuf turuier urtleulurs idiout hiwklnif iul without frame so will try to be more ixjilklt get your canvas und workhut muuruiu htudy jtmr iwt tern and if there uiiy central desitri do ilrwt kr your uround work uurt from the iidddv and work uenifji and ucrass louti wards with tlie canvas on your kiiie pr tlio ubl whichever you qnd more convenient when yotirvuuh tlie begiimhim of uic border fctop turn yuur work urouiul and urt working from uu middle ugoln touurds llui other end tluu dune start your bonier the free press offers you patterson speolausi tn eye ktamrntn ortboptlo treattnenbi rrecrtptw 108 wyndham st next to loblaw jtiowe 3108 qualfty aooanwy serrloa jiiiiiiiiukiiaiti savage co watches diamonds ivrvlui lialm ui unrivalled for pro illotlltjr yeliilnlne loveuneas toncu uud lejuvenates uio uln makes it exouulte ly uoft textured muktu luuids tlawieksly te liyi ttndrellovoirouirhiuisor by woathjr coiidltloni indbipjtnsubld to every dainty woman cool und refresh ing delicately fragrant mimical in rmill never leaves vtuuite or ntlekl nei ivrslun ilnljn is tlie one toilet remitilli for tlie woman who carea tor charm iuui elegance working froin the huide to the ouer rde you can no ull uround your ruif with ouuh row orwork one end ut thie uiufilnu the end of uaeh row if you lntendcuppliitf your loops clip eoeh row it ti flnlsdied left my bordvr until it done and then rabd suph bluur ui my thumb it was ura for two weeks ufurl my ruus have bjjm niiuh from alii itoeklnus but saw ru the other duy with unwt cmnpllciud tiulyn doiuf in uxkji and lt too wuj made wltliolit frume now hope have ouido my dhectloili clear enough to fullowwl if not jilst dixi iul tcune and sludl be ulad to unwer any guoutlous hi regard to riigi or any otlier nmtter hi whldi an bo of lulp to uy raiers nnd aliall bo very glad of oil opportunity to ut til chuur uiuch wltli you wj what could to more complete than conv bination offer that gives you choice of your favourite magazines sends you your local newspaper andgivesyourelf andfamily onjoymeht and entertainment throughout tho whole yearwhy hot tale advantage of this romarkahle6fforrrrrttrbtmrroalsavlngiir money to you7 out guarantee you tiibl wonderful offer is available lo old und ncwlsubacrihtratollilajiewaniijacrwimuar fanuyjuus fuuulracntofall maifainu sub bcriptlonu and you huve positive ukjuruncu uiat uiiu jenerouu offer in exactly uu repre sented if you uro at present subscriber to any of uieao maazinea your timo will bo oytonded mail this coupon today stiecrnmajbazines usf k0 vkuom to atotaib vaupr liberty magazine szittuei 200 pictorial review 00 canadian magazine 00 national homo monthly 100 canadian horticul ture home maga zine 100 puaiit clip lint oj afuuuiue altar checking publications desired yill out coupon carivjtly gentlemen enclose please cend mo tho three maiazinel checked willi yeura mibscrlpiion to your nowypaper name stiteet oh hh tocethtr with this newspaper all foft this low pic town and province save money mail today the acton free press acton ontario pulntistt wih aiiraei tiewbo im new business of thag old that yn ila oh oar driec ta prinilng the acton free press if you expect to sell you must advertise