faos six the acton free press nrumsday aprxl nth isss otrm town we tjunkwohbwtho uert amsj tosnr or any of 1u ate although no better folks are hero nor even yet more wise toe our good achoofe have all been built since when we were young which may explain why our towns praise is not more proudly suns of course some fellow now and then wllncome across the mat and hand to us such raw deal as leavoa us fecllna hat but such small things are not allowed to mar our fair renown for some such things are always found in every utile town but what wo mean is simply this the neighbors here are kind and reckon leus on things of earth than treasures of the mind and in the lips and downs of life wo do not find them prone to shut their doors as many do to live their lives alone der biscuits currant jelly lemon croara pie but before they were seated at the table there was the sound of wheels turning in and david was jho front window loo theroa eagerly jasmine was close behind him why she exclaimed as mr henry heavy gray team appeared draw ing great load of lumber didn order that there been mistake and since when are you running this whole ranch alias conceit laughed david can your husband havo menu hints keclpes for new mn4 nevel dhhn nwsasm idea aad pinafiuoca makes eif dance with joy if ou have never tried an apricot and pineapple combination in tapioca pud ding you certainly have missed some thing the delicate quick cooking tapi oca makes perfect background for this delightful flavor combination apitlcot and pineapple delight cup dried apricots cups apricot julco and water cup quickcooking tapioca cup granulated sugar cup brown sugar ilrmly packed v4 teaspoon salt hrw fnnh plnttnppln flnn1yrllt cup pineapple juice tablespoon lemon juice cut apricots in half cover with water and soak houm cover and simmer 15 minutes or until tender drain measure liquid and add enough water to make cups combine with apricots and remaining ingredients in greased baking dkh mixing thoroughly bake in mod crate oven 375 degrees 30 minute or until done stirring every 10 minutes and bgalu when removing from oven serve with cream serves 00 junket junket tablet tablespoon cold uater egg yolks tablespoon sugar small pinch salt pint milk teaspoon attllla flavoring dfefeolw junket tablet in one table tpoon cold waur bent entr olki slight ly add sugar aalt arid anlllii flavoring tc mllc warm to lukeuurm not hoc stirring coie untly add dljolved junket tablet stir quickly few eoonds and pour into tflaxi chill in refrli era tar jieclpo makes the servlng3 the love of david jasmine hathaway watted alon th side of the country road toward tree surrounded shack on the hld it was her home jasmines figure waaftlighfc and girlish she had glinting brown iialr grey eyes straight nose and klssable mouth that was not lacking in strength per walk was youthful with graceful spring she had been mar ried to david hathaway three yearn tomorrow was her wedding anniversary and she won th nklng of her husband david who had denjed her nothing to about around here before their marriage had not iulfllled jamtne jasmine sweet heart its his promise to her he had taken hcrj promised ydu when wbu cdu to the tworoom bachelor shack on the sentedto come to this shack with me hill as temporary arrangement and uircc ago ive been ashamed every with promise that she was to havo day vo had to keep you here but as fine house oo any in the neighbor camo eouwn reewj to deftth and liood or nearby town but ho hod said whcro would be lot no more about it after tfcree jeers they if could keep pigs so had uero still living in the two roomo the to build pen for them and that dlaco coas hod new barn the pigs new of bought was bargain and pon and the hay new mow an ad had to havo more land or give up wo ditlonul piece of land had been bought hccn comfortable hero anyway wiiis warm and with plenty of food jasmine nodded her brown head oh lhcy hod and now she remembered what huppy times they had had here too hod to havo stock and land and uuno tools or wo couldn have carried on vou understand that don you jajjnlnc7 but bweothcart you vo novor been out of my mind every time got morny put fifth of it aside for tho house and now havo enough to ga ahead ulth the kind of house think is worthy of you wanted to have mr henry bring tho first lumber up on our anniversary day just to show you how tho tiny seed of love has grown into gigan tic plant in these years david darling and thought vou hud even forgotten tho day thought you idid forgotten cvcrthlng except cattle and plgd and tools and land wont it be precious house since we re going to plan it together and it standi for your love lor me7 when jasmine spent social after noon as ho hod this afternoon with margie durkln married two ycare later than herself and living in pretentious houao with overstuffed furniture cuid many thowy lamps jasmine accepted tho hospllallty shamefacedly because of tho knowledge that she could offer noth ing in return for this entertainment more tlian anything else she wanted houoe like other women only not so shoay outside or inside as margiels jas mine had almost lost faith in tho actu ality of davids love although he had never poken harsh word to her ilut now she wanted something raao tangible titan soft wordtf she was now planning to give hercolf an anniversary tecnt in her pocktt book she had money beautiful crackling iellow bills money that david did not know site hod that she herself had jnfffly kin xnnm ht tt had prima drcnhij for lounhe in some factoric and uorkihopa curbollc acid kept for ui in cuutcrizlrk uoundj and cuts usuibied by tho orl hiuj par better to ktlp on hand bottlo of dr thonuu lclcctrio oil it juit il quick in action and doe not tractor and other tool scar the tddn or bum the hehh come from her war saving stamps and liberty bonds uncle pred had given her bonds for christmas present when she would rather havo had furs or some thing else her grandfather had given her bonds and stamps and she had tucked them away at rather unlnteres ing paper now she understood grate fully that they were thinking of time when she might noed the money she had never mentioned tho bondff or stamps to david because shu had not thought of them clionct remark of margie modi her sit up and listen and realise that these paptri presented money great dtul of it ujilch ulm could imvo by taking uiem to the bank nils after noon tjiu hud token uiem jilsmuil thrilled at uie tltought tlutt ut last ijtw uoj to imve tlio houu of li drtmu iftr brow clouded at tho rj nieuibrunce of david becauikj it uouldut bt uil house of his promise tend ptrliapo ho wouldn cart for it it uould bo too ut gee the of her he had failed jasmlau wh lin reached tin top or the hill oho tiu david in nearby ileld tink ering ulth the tractor it had habit of breaking doun ut tho nievt inconven ient thne davids liat vas off and hb liock of dark auburn lialr unes tumbl olr hl eju he tuint or fellou and in his blue joanu uie muscles of ills body ltood out in herculean ftuh tou tender feellii lppd th girl it alwij did ulun he looked at hor husband but ho rebukld it yet lie entered the tiny house the found heisiif filing david could hue nov it uas luird to the uound of heavy wheels interrupted and david again turned to the window why ho exclaimed that is ii mistake but wish to my lost breath it wttsntl for mr morton was drlvbus in on tractor and bchuul him came life zon jiarry on seeder it lsn cried jasmine jumping up and down in excitement ilasn your ifo uio right to oy word uround here its my bondit and stomps bought uiem fo ou for iui anniversary presen david it fun doing uilngs for each ouier dojffdoom kxtuaanktal weekly news letter ferinhdnr the orchard in ontario and quebec tho severe win ter of 1033 34 caused considaraob amount of damage to great many orchards resulting hi large number of trees losing portion of their tops in addition certain amount of injury to the conducting tissues resulted hi con olderablo debilitation there appears to be reason to expect acme further damage this year as result of the weakened condition of the trees lost season since the roots ore probably noj damaged it is not desirable to apply large amount of fertlllzcm this spring unless it is certain that there lias not been any damogo done with conducting tissue limited und root pressure about normal there will be probably about all uio food uio topa can take care of tho dominion ifur tlculturi recommends uiat ferullzer applications bo made early und that uicv do not exceed about one quarter of normal application torn breeding on the experimental farms some interesting work with corn being conducted on tho dominion experimental furmt concerns varietal hybrids this work lias as its object uie securing of both earlier and higher yielding iiaierln through tho uullzauon of increased vigor wlilcli lo obtained uirough the crossing of certain varieties so far crosbui have been made chiefly between early flint and late dent varlutlcs and the hybrid material obtained has in soma coetf biiowii much promise undoubtedly great deal more will bo heard of variet al roasts in future years watch tho bees carefully in early spring arruovcd gentleman went into one of thou largo and scientific restaurant th other evening ordered wellbalanced table hoti meal and dined pleasantly all went well until the waitress served des sert and naked him if ho would havo anything olse well said the man like another cup of coffee this seemed to startle the waitress who hesitated she said shed see and departed she camo bock presently with tho coffee anova pleased smile ll asked the dleutlan she reported and she said yes you could other cup have it is the enemy who keeps the sentinel watchful mad bwctchtno two colored women were ducualar prpsenl conditions one of them re marked it shush ut too bad aln it dat this lieah depression had to come jea when times is mo hard wise and experienced mothers mow when their children are troubled with worms and lose no time in applying millers worm powders the most effec uvo vermifuge that can be used it absolute in clearing the system of worms and restoring those healthy eondulacis without which thero can bo no comfort for the child or hope of robust growui it is the most trustworthy of worm ex terminators covtrol buohnltllfct in tuunirs bltoilxlls 10u maukkt ilrollen maj be considered ha the luxury closer of food products when pro vperly prepured for market when de posing of uu surplus cockerels as brollirs it is ucll to bear this in mind und market tha birds bi uie most atirocuve way it puii to please the buyer and when uicre is keeil caxiipeutlon it becomes still mure advbablt whetl catering to select private trade may speed up sales if the carcass it completely dreted and put up in on at tractive carton when cold drawn the slirlnkage will be about 40 per cent of the live weight and proportionate price must be realised to pay for uio loss hi weight and extra labor those blrdi 4aoujd be selected that iuvc made jjooj growth and are blump and well feather ed tho well feathered birds liava sj jin feathers and coilstqucntly dres bet ter starve the blrdri for at least tw lv hours but give plenty of frejfi drlnkiuf uu rfchirouiting tciit flrciu by brwinhig and bl dint ui drv sonieuniei to save urilo the illl sclld may advuabl in thu cuiu bl id tlt aheid so poorly equliined iho next day spring heralded luelf in bustaik buds scented air and blrd ing trilllnt aim ftuung eui every ido the fin thliiff jajnlno thought of wau tint it wo her third ueddhigannivlmri luid mr henry would start on the houc to day she did not have uie courage touy anyuiliig to david about uie mo icv und her pi uu lie mltht not like to be reminded that his ulfo must do whit he ltad so long ago proiiild to do once mr henry had berun uie uork and hud uie moiny he could not saj much and jusmlne hated heitelf for ulki lleetlng uiought lio might want to bor row the money for some of uia need ed improvements he ua aluayi talkbig about as she started for tovn jajiilne uv duvid hq uu far bldo of tho lie and avlnli wut btndltnr over tha trnctor mr llcnrj not at home go jos mlno ueiit doun to mirglei for lunch she uas surprtud fi not taking inoi joy in the thought of the new he did not evii mention it to mnrttk ohl rt inilnamta4mus wh tvitrcnhonti and uitirouuluy hunters thr area foi liut ir thin jo onus in mat rh it to tempcruturc of not ire ihuu dewr ei luhtutih it 1c li hup rtnt ket uu watu at un cun timperiture ovei lieul will gi kin ootid un uttr ti uppcaltinev ruluitl til inni pcrlni ntul ill uirrov aiiuu that it uqilir ip hw liuutid if to tl ii from chuk to tu iund yht in tot will yin nrrordinjr to th numb iurrt nrizjl tt rt price of chick end or wid fu con la id it iy bt mm lih tmuttd tint hi feed cant slightly under half uie total cot st pn nit prler al ulld uveri condiilons tu doln it tile hilar jeinine hid untulpiled he ij mule in tip and bu uk limh ill miii ur in pink ai pinit tut of tlu mwb duld mini into th if ic hi tn in th li mint un nil tli niin he lit 111 he iu tltl th dun ut pitj thiu hl 111 troii lr ht hut be liuin mltll th jr in hi ill nv dioiulj hand on uiu tndl ti but th cr hi il hliujra uhen at alui keeut cortdnyrtr nnrthiitor rim up nliu an luiuli iry all by ur qroun heart bi becoming menaco to the growing of turnlpj in many parts of canada it has been reported from uie maritime provinces quebec on tario and drltth columbia affected turnips ure unlit for table iee unlike many ouier dlae thvre are no igiu of th trouble evident on the top and the oullde of the bulb thcrefori it necexary to cut into the tumlp to deuct uio bjmptoms in the earlj stages broivn heirt ippeir il uater roikcd pot encrally in the centre of the bulb uainlly the mptoui are not nottceabl until uie turnip about tuo and onl half to uiree inchc in dl imittr in dvanctd ice the itl it pirt of dm hlm of the turnip wuy hou brownt li dlcoiorauon in certiln cuu alfect arts briitk doun forming cavity uhlle in others rolt rot develop uhicli mi destroy the turnip lxtui he cvpcii menl conducted under the direction of lhe dominion laboratory of pi nit 1u1 lo at lvedcrlcton at numier of lperimental stations and under coin morel il conditions on farm how un thu dlioi can be prevented by appjltir borax at the ruu of 10 pound per ncrt to the oil prior to eedbitf the boiic may be applied ulth the fertillir or mixed ulth fine dry earth or ujii ouier uituble niuterlul to ghe it sufficient bulk for cil handling borax can be pro uiivd at any drug llorl andsliouldbc in flmly poudered form lhe trlau conducted to date ihow that borax ut tho rate rec immemhd doei not affect the jield of the turnip and appir enuy no detrimental effect on croju in the folloulnr wrs trtutcd turnips may how alight jellowk dtcoloru ntter the llr leave have formed 111 ducolorutlon will duappi ur liouever in uie cour of few ucekii and may bo invinted applying tht borax tvo or thr iyi befor edintt ertlliier uhicli boru hi bem adikd uld uadliirpitauej3rjaaieailuaeun tit ict th tli ci un txtliu ntitlv uu lllett of th ch il iiirtii inf rinitlun on tti lib ll nmj 1a obi bj oininiinlr lin ih pi iu pith ic il abor oh the first bright warm day whin uie bees ore flying freely all colonics should be briefly examined to co that they still posseus vigorous queens that uio food bupplyls sufficient and uiat uie colonies ere strong enough to build up in umo for the mahi flow thjj lxamlnauon should beas brief as pos lblo for fear of chilling uio brood and thus cakenlng the colony any colonies uiat require special attention such as rcquecnlng fecdhig or unlung uiould bo buuked for such attention later according to uio dominion aplar lt all colon leu should havo at least tuonty pounds of food in tho hive at uel first examination if any colony has less than this amount it uhould ba given honey or sutar lyrup to make up the deficiency uttttlt vajttll mm bride im gutthig ice from new map dear xliuband whatc wrong with the old orje7 mrs bride tho new man saya he 11 tht us colder ice for uio tanio money ihe cllu of your telephone is just what you make it him ml oil ui li vii illl si mi jii li in mrl lit llu il at uln iv ll ill ib il ii o50 11 llo ill lt kn cm jurui wl ill il lib ill lit all hi il no ambition 111 of prliiu ullo luitl about tli 11 nnjjjln jmniliil 1villi thit jvtli ntuiy 11 ulio in ilnt iliu ure iiiuiilu ii iiil im in tlo uiln la tliut mast null lire luil li un uiid fi ui otlw ciikuiuuil uiul ullo tllnl iiliniit it wuj luti in tllu ulunlixin vi1c11 5h 11 uln jullivixl 111 rllt g0ij1 11 ixlvltl 11111 hollli iuxhi of tim wu1 llliwjl avolil etrtmim voro no goln tamv aakn youny aaheniuai nxluliay aj xepttedutfcxtt tm awa jfkjntni do trjio iir iiei had rt hti tiuh and li brlght tiud ull hints when lie aw tiio cclal atipptr which jusmbie hi auddwi coni puuctleui ibid hurried honiu lo eparu rrled chicken wlui brown gravy sweet pototooa crtmeneudr ooloos baking pow lltlicus of mityl nt who duxl about 10 li ud oni lud the world to ttehui umo by uu foioek isrrtander or corhith died 58 irft thbt probably to uio present era nothhig bi impossible in industry word about rice krispies from kellogg orttn tlie introduction of new product lenfitj ninny pliiisci of cunadiim jifu tlui liai been oui txpcricncc with rliioiiij uice ivrispili had ii doulilc oiijlciivc in dc llopiiii ricu ki ispics nttoci liltf iftlclilnius ccicil tli it uouui uppml to cvliy one second to help nintlicii in their isle of itt inji liiii ilicn to ttllvl sudicicnt nulk tt is llllllltllt th ft dllllluilt ijpi of lc il oiil th it ouh mi ip ci ucklu mid piip when niill 01 ciciull was rendytocat cereal has resulted in shortci hours for mothers less time tveil in tho kitohon moie moments of leisure the success of rice kiispies lias opened hlijie new illurlet foi the can idi in fuujiei the kelloiiu fuhll ct jilio uutlhml ihll stu uluc appetites ins wns tnil ojny pcoplo all ijs hl cnjiiyiiu uict kiispicy lie concniciicu seivinji tins conipjmyii dtilj licnlin ciliii ind foi tilincndous tuiuititics of jnill to say nothing of fruit iiul iionc he ivclloj conip in dso usts in my million iu1ilk of coin und uhc it cci ycai inudmn mdufr also liliicfits lioiisiiiuk of pl op uc kept husily cmplojtil in the in nuif tltin and niiiketnf ox kclloj guicils in pleased that riee ki ispies ie added tempting new leiidyto jutthtljltu thi cim idiailtalile und imvcrdclirflited millions of motlicis jind cliikheii we me paitieulatly lmpp dint tins is helped thousands of people to have bettti ns und to enjoy life more d4jh9 business directory dr mcniven offle and ttatiatnoo ooraer hobm atedo and klein btreet dr nelson pfayslen and svrgcao bectm therapy vfeon loal phone no bag ml hafiold nash farmer soueltar notvy poblw coorpuwer fet biix 8treft aotoi out hour 30 to 13 oo noon loop to oo saturtuy 13 00 oclock ter nneth langdon barrtucr soucltaf notery plmh office acton oeargtpwm over seynack cj main btreat pot appointment phone acton ooargvtown ba offlc hours acton toeadsy tharwlmy 15 to jo nv xi ings on request dektal buchanan denial smjetan ottloo in ltubman bkwat rfnsni imtfl by appointment gu for kztrmctlona closed wednesday afternoon pbon 141 pearen kvenlal bvrzeoa euooessor to tto dr phone 3s uiu street vetekina dr bruyns veterinary sorreoo all callt receive prompt altmtlodi tcnnd hetesonahle puoke 135 actom ozftario office mill street harrop vsc phone tay or nlaht hceldenc bower avenue aefcon all ooiht proijiptly answered jieaioaahle miscpllxaneous trancis nunan itoblnder account books of all kinds tnd to order periodicals of every descrlpiloa car fully hound ftuluitf neatly and promptly done wyndham streft quelph oot general in ul klciau in ttife fire health and accident automoliue and all general lined of fiiaunuico also1 plate glakii fldelilytjondta aimuiits pension boiiaeetc uadinq colnanits lchhht kacblhtika frederick wright ihaua 1d2ji main sflutt acxon the public health ultns alttluqul stii fo comkl ullli till itlhmo 1i1amii ic1 wot ur ilicrbykl that htesu mu aetim ui rulrud leu lh with to lean iilii lurr drna yurda water tlkrcl outbultdlnn and other prernlnej und reliiivo uiertrrom all dirt manure und othtr ftuhstance which triky en tluiiuer tho public health and to have tha hteino cample ted by tha ninth day or may next on which day the sanitary inspector will commence general in spection all citizen ore earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly dear and thoroughly dhunttocted ttttuaom been of the ininlclnallry acton apta 4th ibm 404