the acton free press thuaedat jvmrith ims 3lj aitpit 9retttbb ftamuhod kvrr tbnracuy kt acta oatari fp ratks faaa pw tip 4v dsltl state wldltiaasl sint pu ft both ou ad avw shoau given wbcn ehmaaol ddnss is raqatctarf cajicxllaticuiswci 6na tt butt of ow ak crfbcn prefer not to their abriptlaa lntrropiti bi em tht il to remit befara cxplrmtioa wula wib will not bo emrriad in urun orer as ttt nnkft aottnd ocl nptlpa lliiraf aftji th ttbcribcr wish mad by registered utter mour order or eheqne advesttsinc ratxs legal notice tec per line or irat fataertloa te pee une for escb aabeotiueat insertion reader we per lute for each inecrtiaa if in block tece type per line additional notice qualifying as com ing attraction tch concert enlertainmentb chdrch ociatr or arganuatioa meeting etc loc per line mini an charge report of meeting held sladlr inserted roe inuemoriam notice 50c and 10c per line extra for poems birth marriage and death notices free small advert aeuenta ic per word minimum charge eje csh if booked 35c b1o toe extra when applications eie addressed to thia omea display advertising rate vary according to apace contracted for although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free press aucupu advertiaing in it column on the understanding that it will not he liible fur any error in any advertisement publisbod huremnler unlaaa proof nf aucb advertisement la requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free 1ress buimeu office duly signed by the advertiser and with audi error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereimi ami in that caae if any rrr ao noted not corrected by the free press ita liability ahall not exceed such proportion of the entire coat ui such niverlurment th apace occupied by the noted error bears to the whole apace occupied by each ad tissmen aftlof dills editor telephone editorial and us continued improvement the monthly business summary of the bank of montreal notes continuance of generally improved conditions in reference to ontario it says whole sale trade in general has been slightly better than year ago cold weather has retarded retail sales foe summer merchandise but the advent of warmer days is expected to produce marked increase in many lines summer hotels report an increased demand for reservations over last year collections show improvement and are from fair to good manufac turing production in most lines is ahead of that of last year steel mills have accelerated output and foundries are still well employed seasonal reduc tion is reported in the output of automobiles auto mobile accessories and tires furniture factories find some improvement in orders for specialties but regular lines continue dull flour millers report fair domestic demand but practically no export busi ness tanners are experiencing materially increased sales boot und shoe factories arc occupied full thb sunday school lesson fok sunday june sou time knitting hosiery woollen and textile mills con tinue well employed while artificial silk mills are operating at capacity due to unfavorable weather business has been disappointing for the dress and cloak trade agricultural implement plants arc more active paint and varnish manufacturers rcpoh the best volume of sales for rvoyears lumber prices re fairly steady with retail competition keen liberty under law temper ance lesson golden text it la eood not to eat flesh nor to drinlc wine nor to do any thing whereby thy brother atumbleth romans 21 lemon text roman 14 1331 cor 913 study jiiio cor 10 romania b14 gal 1624 la 28 ij tim spring 58 mace corinth exposition judge not one an other but htilp ono another 1315 thn therefore in 13 polnu back ui 12 which should carefully pon dcrid ah viu are tuci to render our ikcouiit to god wu sliould slop judging ahi nnnihif tvwvt fa thing und others nuy uy down kiwi tide tkaatts go nil ooln away mike nun that well lta the next train yero jtfter catchin ye just miased it wont last long fortuneteller theres dark woman following your husband visitor shell noon get tired heto postman those who honestly mean to be true contradict themselves more rarely than lhoue who try to be consistent holme barbers itch and ringworm are re lieved by tho use of douglas egyptian liniment quick certain results re llevcs uie most obstinate cases edpsrjap consolidation rather than abolition from peel county comes suggestion of merg ing the county jails of peel halton and dulferin and using the money saved for county road improve ment changes and consolidation are oftentimes good but involve so many unforeseen things that they are fought shy of by governing bodies perhaps the consolidation process might be used with county councils rather than total abolition of these bodies with similar saving the present attitude seems to be ojie of concentration rather than expansion in governing bodies and institutions it is generally admitted that for country so sparsely inhabitated as canada we are overgoverned perhaps consoli dation rather than abolition would be the solution jt is at least worthy of consideration following up the suggestion from peel worthy trial it was interesting to hear at county council last week of the new type of road stabilized gravel it was even mate interesting to hear men such as reeve duncan campbell of nassagaweya and county en gineer smith express such interest in this construc tion after tour of inspection both men have had wide experience in road construction and are in position to pass judgment on types ot roads it wouldalso seem that an ideal place to try out this stabilized gravel road would be on section of the second line from acton to milton the construction work carried out on this road by the county council has been splendid the cutting of hills and the wid ening of tluj road have made it very satisfactory er fu 00 ha3 wo havo if every citizen warf like you heres poser from the glasgow herald that will apply to any place would your town be better or poorer one if every citizen was like you that is fair question to ask yourself what are you doing in the way of suggesting something for the bettering of conditions in your town so many ritirlng in firt thr jrrmt mijnrity nf ririwns an for ui aa to wlut thould tit or not lut lluit hiv no wiurunl godil word uiid wo miy vry properly luih ul ui nunnudi uw yet lovo tin rulinrf lriiiclplj of chrltiull jlfi and if our dolnif iuimllilnif ihut in lbulf it ivrftctly proper to do li nolntr to itrlivc sumw brothwr und abovv all kod him into in und ruin how can wo do if btittur hivo our liberty curliu than havu hli nill lat if va magnify our liberty to th tcriilce or our brother oul yp walk no lonr hi love trilo clultlan ulll forbear many thlnyii about uhlch hi th mwlv ho hw no compunction of conjclnce livt ho dejtroy him for whom clirlat died if clirlt ave up nbl life for them wo can certainly trivo up our petty rljthli for tlvem the demando of chris tian love are more ta tho true followers ofo than th vm at chr tlan liberty kever forwet tllat even tlon weak brotlier brother for whom chrlit died tliu jilnedom of god li not moat and drinlc but iluthteouinovi and peace and joy in tlie noly ctliat 1021 liberty io given vti but we may so use it that it lii cvu spoken of and be comes source of evil the real proof tliat we arv in tlie kingdom of ood and that the klnfidom of god in uji not content to simply do rheir daily work attend to their own business and give no thought whatever of how conditions in their own town might be improved socially from business standpoint educationally and morally how many suggestions do you offer in jheyear as tolocal improvemerrtsttiirid how they might be brought about do you ever think of how you might help start in small way some new in dustry in other words is your town the better the found ln our icrupuloujjieijj or lack of poorer or just of no account because of you living ln cattag mi drinldnit here make the people you meet from outside feel but tn our manifertine rikhtcouaoesji in that they are the most welcome guests who ever came lh luvln ta our ch 13 13 and inanifectlng it toward to town it does not cost anything to be courteous ftiiowmfch 10 ch 15 ia tad and pleasant to those who come to town even from the neighboring villages it is the fwendly spirit of cooperation and christian love that keeps the world going why not make it community spirit some one has said there isnt much to be seen in little town but what you hear makes up for it that is very true but not in the way that it was intended sometimes what you hear in the way of gossip may tickle the cars of the evil minded and stretch the imagination of those who seem to take delight in spreading false reports but it is not helpful to the well being of your town tlun living and wluifc wc should txlm at in our iiuaiing otheni sliould not bi tllit would but jirhuuieej but ulcir uoixl tuid that to their highest good ui1u luflcltion if we itclc to please nn in order to naln their tuvor for oilrmliv win not pleuse god gal 10 it fvir any fine luui right to pltmle lllniieu it wjji chrfet but even putied not jtlinitlf how un ivcuiihlii tlicn it li for uj to plea ourwlvi prom uili timi on then let my foodbye to our own plljure j2ut it um god puoure above all thit clirlt oufht th reproiuihiij of uieiii tliit rcprcmchid god fell on nhn paul prow tliii by an old tijtiftunt quoti tlon from mvianlc runlm pj 03 tin ljan tjtt cloijii with paulj mu niflcrnt rcaolutlon to do nnitfht tluvt malcfui hli brotlier to oifiind ttee wc have true follower of tlie lord tysiu pledgbnir hlmiulf to rofrnln and abjurs mrythlnfif for uio haltti of hu brotliera witfurc woutiwurdt 3ulim go tliou and do likevibe night gamks start in toronto bsbhux thursdiiy evening juno r7th marta tho irrond opcnlnij of torontos 103o nlsht hnnhnll acaaaa at tils fleet street stadium with ta jaia et of opening ccnnuuilcs and the game yhriilrd with rochcutcr red wings itettlna underway siiortly after city time thats ra atnnrinrd time last rociuyitcr won tho unit nignt game pluyed in toronto and ike boones aro moru than anxious to reverse thn order xloune has pulled tho maple leafs out if their recent slump and right now the toronto club is hi the thick of one of utu ifreutest races witnessed in several years around tho international league buffalo bttono resume their fued witli ili4 toronto fnt with single game saturday june 29th and then return for two games or the dominion day monday holiday afternoon tho second nufllt pmo is listed with tho buffalo club on ttiiday evening july 2nd and uitsj gival onlulo fans an cxcellciit popi iuu in uctlon under night and day condition during tlie dominion holiday wcikuid hiros ifct of toronto baseball olub honiu gamif scheduled for manle leai stidium from june 20tli and into july jiuit 2lth juno 27 plght une jujil uyth with richttvr hod vlngii siturday june 20 monday dominion day july it two uamei in tlie afternoon tmijliy july 2nd night imu with buifalo blan syracu july 5th and july uth two lkl albany july 0th qth loai two 1aniei neuork july nth 12th 13th two bsuncs baltimore july 15th lotli 17th two giim iii lo 13ui two talk the criapnesb anj flavor of kellogg8 rico krispies is bomcthingto tallc aboat children lovo to hear rice krispics crackle in milk or cream nouriahiog ancl easy to fligerit jutifthe tiling for tin uurhcry mipper tbey promote tjouml sleep grocer everywhere sell rice kriripieri in the mother gooue htory package maje ly kelloy in london ont quality guaranteed gameij listen get hungry rice krispies editorial notes it seems as if the sunshine is best appreciated after its absence of week or two likewise the rain the outdoor functions have all been rather seri ously handicapped recently by the brand of weather being givenut every weekend will have its list of casualties make sure that you are not included by using care on the highways and after reaching the destination roger babson predicts the finish of democracy like everything else that is not used in moderation it gets into disrepute and eventually into the dis the highway connection for this line for some time but without great deal of success perhaps half way solution might be made few miles trial of this stabilized gravel road on the second line is worthy trial card making every effort there will be general commendation for the prompt action of the council in its endeavor to secure another industry for tho building being vacat ed by the hewetson co this week negotiations have already been carried on with three firms in an effort to secure an industry but have not been cul minated for various reasons there is no spirit of waiting for providence to send fly committee has been appointed and reeve harrison aud council lor mason with their experience in manufacturing and business outside the immediate vicinity and dr nelson who well knows the local situation will make committee to ably cope with the present situation it is rather difficult problem they have to meet but acton is fortunate in having men in office who are in position ro best meet this situa tion the arrangement with the hewetson co wus advantageous to both jmrtief tt is to be hoped similar arrangemtnt may be consummated citizens can rest assured that their elected representatives to at least making every effort on their behalf to elye the problem looks as if was the same usual crowd of agitators is at the bottom of the on to ottawa march can ada and ontario has seen plenty of these foolish pil grimages this is ontario salad week it will be easier for everyone to cooperate in this week than the adoptababy week and the supply will not be as easily exhausted the 20000000 bond issue of ontario was dis posed of which would seem to prove that some people or institutions with money still believe in the safety of investments in the province speaking at niagara falls recently dr amos squire surgeon at sing sing prison sug gested four ways in which crime might be reducod deport the alien criminals give the boy who has made bis first mistake another chance back theboy scout and girl guides and more attention by parents to their own children belncr filled with joy in the holy glioit many of uiojj whom have known who were moat scrupulous re trardlmr what they drinlc havo given leact proof of being in the kingdom by the tt of uiis verse tlie object of our pursuit uj to be tho things which make for ptuce tlie things whereby we may buud one another up how many df our pet hobbles we mut lay on the shelf if we obey gods command in they do not mako for deoco and they do not build up but wa are co fond of them and delight to draw them out on cvry occasion it is better however to obey god isiace and growth ore far more important in tlie church than ukilfui lialrsplitting tlu true christian principle of total abstinence is found ln 21 it applied to the ques tion of the use of intoxicating uquors it also applies to great many other things it will go fur toward settling many questions that arc troubling christiana as to whether they uiould do tills or that it is not merely question as to whether the thing is wrong in itself or whother you will be hurt yourself by it but thereal ques tion wul any one be injured mode to stumble by my doing tt cannot have meat or drink or uny other lndul bcnce as loer of my fellowmen and follower of jeiais chrkt if thereby jl destroy the work of god know that all meats nre clean but know that many cannot eat thm with clear corcjciencc and they are eil for that man if any one ek will be injured by my indulgence no matter how tn jlwi utti 1m hurmleui jt may be to me will not do it that settles tlie moderate drink queiion tlie tobacco question the dance queution tliecard playing ques tion the theatrogotng question and thousand other quustions it is well to luve faith but it is well also to have the loie that lias faith to itself and and does not injure others by the exer cise of its own faith happy indeed tlie man who condemneth not hlm lelf ln tliat uung which he approveth but tf man doca tliat about which not only tliers condemn him tmt about which his own conscience has doubts then lie ij condemned indeed wlmt eer is not of faith sin tills is broad and parching definition of sin you may keep laying to jouruelf do not beilew tills tiling urong great many good people do tt but if ou jounalf have doubts in jour mind about it tf you are not absolutely clear it the will of god then it sin in you the qtatloji not afe you perfectly jire the thing wrong tlie question ti are jou perfectly ture it is right wlvn in uny doubt as to whether any uctlon will pleou god dont do it iii please not yuukwlf but your nlghbor to iii building up 013 wliat it uluiui of nit aning and iiltf uetum there in ihb pusage our itrmgth is not given uti unit we may glory ovrr our uoiker hnthreil or jord it our uit but hut ue my terve thviil quijtlji for true believer in salad week 1oum11ss waut tj limciouri ffuib nj land v4ubt4 ourt li ul km 3atouly onuio sld wwal dlrvf oirf ktipporl ou ktov kv urg icku of wtonll uud indinb dupiyd fiili dmiiy miracle hip 19c 32ox 51c di golj corn st 23c franbford swcci white corn no tin oc corn 19e gddn pilcu 2t7o qust allotted sandwich sonlishl soap bar 5c tolll soao lux caltcs aylntcr otolct blend co pound 29c dindee tea it 39c ovaltine tin 38e s8c 9fg peas qust auortx biscuits it 27c lobster 29c b1ik pears tr 15c lombfd plums 15c tomatoes 25c flour cthollt gmy old cheese 24lb bag 76c 19c theyll jell with certoi 29c jar rings do 19c siu liu matches b0k 20c carrolls the pembroke standardobserver wonders if the kinds printer tfot his 3000 salary increase because he engineered the printing of the voters lists at the government printing bureau whatever be the pre ll lmtuouui it ilu me text there doe iiot seem to be any valid excuse for wl luuu1 lml1 or inc li do not kelfiilaitnk txh salary boost thc days blll tlilxulaultf olllt bl lhl cllrli lemons lc large size full of juice doi oranges 19c sweet and juicy dozen bananas goijjkn itipe doz tomatoes 23c hot house lb potatoes gc new no is fi lbs ci3 lettuce icehkim had head sc ea cabbage si freedeliveryphonel58 mill street one acton onta