paoe mosrr the acton free press tinmsday august loth 1833 hotlces btrtas lfsrrus mod deaths are inserted in this column witheat durn la mcmorism notices sac and aoe per line additional or poetry died cklwood on friday august oth 1935 ttt his home 830 euucrert avenue calgary alt frederick eelwood beloved hunband of daisy fielwood and loving father of ghaa fielwood andkdith selwood in hjn ut year ocals just couple more weeks of august and daylight saving time the symon building has the walls erected and the roof on it the caulest and beat shopping is dona by first reading the ads the canadian national exhibition opens week from tomorrow the acton fair prize list will be issued within the next two wcekn only two highway traffic caecs wcro on tho police court docket today if you arc looking for tho best valuvc this week consult tho ads before shop ping quito number from tho dbtrlot attended the derry day celebration in georgetown on monday election day is finally net us oc tober 14th and all other duya have been changed to suit this date if you have visitors or been uwuy or going away dont forgot to toll tut face pa ay ou are those who hoped for abort elec tion campaign are doomed to disap pointment just two monllis of it yet wellington may have five candidates in tho federal election but thus far only the liberals have chocn can didate hon hugh guthrie has been ap pointed chairman of tho board of hall way commissioner and retired from politic at ical none of tho fall fair heads worry about election day conflicting wltn their dateif since tlie election will como on monday thanksgiving day will be on thurs day october 24th which ki certainly setback to erin fair that counted on the usual date rink of bowlers from strcetsvlllj won the county challenge tropliy from acton bowlers in gumc ut tlie greens here on tuesday evening the news of acton and the district id hie lrtalm or tine vukk puts if youre lntureuted in that youll find tire vza putss excellent value at 00 per year many ontario centres are organizing rudy valleo parties for trips to tlie can adian national exhibition tlio great maestro will bo heard every afternoon and evening throughout the exhibition rycd kentner had tho mwfortuno to receive knee injuria while competing hi the games at tlie liberal picnic at oakvlllo on saturday tlie ligaments of the left leg at tlie knee were badly torn tlie demand for copies of tin riai psta lost week exliauttcd our usual supply and stock ol exttas tluit had been printed in anticipation of large sale we are glad you appreciated our account of the celebration radio broadcasting stations will be een in operation at tho canadian na tional exhibition they will be found in the electrical and engineering building one of these acccput messages for trans mbudon at no cat to tlie sender there is one chance only to too tlie military tattoo at the canadian nation trkxinuiuun ana mat oil liaiuraay ir iilghtt iguit 34tu new features will be lniuced and tliore will be an in crease hi the number of massed band tlie pageant zodin doui not get its premiere until monday night august 2oth cllve of ludu the great pictures of toduy are war picture without war barryl zanuck uho recently completed cllvo or india uitli ronald caiman hbi hat milliondollar production for 20th cen tury pictures makci this seeming paradoxical statement elected cllve because the background ioa the sweeping breodtli and dramatic bril liance of war without tlio roaring of cunnou this picture uill be tlio fea ture at tlie gregory theatre acton op saturday war on wishing wkll vails war waged by highland ministers against tlid practice of vitiiig the fum ods wuhbltf well hi cullodcii brotlulid has failed to atop crowds from keeping tlie old tradition tlie clergy declared trarsaicurn trcsromtraff ohamifplr stltlouit on result sunday crowded buses were ruu from inverness utmost every hour and there were motoring parties from oil parts of tlie north moat of the visitor hud drink at the well then followed tho old custom of dropping coin into it and silently ex preamlng wish for good luck other placed piece of cloth on the adjoining tree also ancient custom tub liberal picnic continued from pago one boys sack race bill lawrence john mcalden dosn for ladles miss esther bardoe miss lillian turner mens 100 yard dash open to county jock becker oakvlllo ian kmsllc georgetown married mens wheelbarrow race fred kentner and roy denny charles johnson and bill mcmillan prizes for tho winners of the various ovent together with consolation prises for thooo who did not do oo well were contributed by mr rlakelocfc by margin of five years john dad mcgowan 00 years old won the prize for tho oldest person at the picnic jooi macklnder like mr blakclock was celebrating birthday but his 85th ho boosts of liavlng been liberal for 67 years then there was 84yearold jerry adams colored who came to hal ton county with his father in 1854 from baltimore another oldtimer was wm qulnn how over 80 accompanied by hij fouryearold grandson harold quinu catharine ann htckcs daughter of mr and mre stafford hlckcy 33 pino avenue oakvlllo was adjudged llnt in tlio uiow foroablci of tlx months and under right behind her camo evelyn anno and ellzubeui jaliu twin daugh itti of mr and mrs whliohi whultejf 20 pine avenue in tho claims for babla1 of one yuir and under the award uuj finally miule to alexander smith son of mr imd mrs smith meadow brook cnikvlllj leon rupn won second pru while mary metaggurt daughter of mr and mn georfco mctaggart wail next toward tlie cloee or the picnic mr blakelock wiu presented wltli hand wine grandfatlier clock by friends und admlreru at tlio cvenlne program the crowd tcrcttlttrgei teaiu t3itnbcairotitrtnatai rbig add re spoke in support of the llberul platform und tlio pollcled of hon mackenzie khig ho hit out imitlly at prime mhilstcr hennett and hon 11 ix stevmli and tliclr record and their proposals of dealing with tlio prob lem of the dominion hughes cleaver vdcral candidate for halton asked the farmers in liti audi ence if thy utrc satisfied to continue work from daylight to dark with prac tically no help and with nothing to show at the end of tlw year for their efforts no went up the cry from several hundred tliroatc can you go on seeing your wives and daughters deprived of tlie pleasure of vver buying new clothes or small lux uries he asked nol came tlio reply again workers in towns and villageii said mr cleaver hadbeen suffering one wage cut after another and were alwaya in fear of being dismissed or asked to work part time weve hat enough and were ab solutely fed up declared tho speaker dwelling upon the unemployment situa tion human rlghtu of all kinds have been forrotten and sadly abused the speakers were introduced by thoj blakclock and by edwin hurrop president of tlie halton liberal progrcslve association mv victor hall chairman of tlie trafalgar association presided prizes were prc from the plat form und during the evening group of vaudeville artist entertained tlie gather ing gold production in canada gold production in canada during march amounted to 249470 ounces com pared with 220340 ounca hi injbruary and 240310 ounces in march 10j1 during tlie first quarter of 1035 tlie out put totalled 717470 ounce aa compared ulth 703535 ouncj in tho correspond in period of 1034 and 724701 ounces in 1033 ontario production in march roce to 17400g ounm consisting of 70418 ounces from the klrkland lakparea 70008 ounces from the porcupine camp and 18770 ounces from other sources in february the output totalled 161153 ounces made up of 72113 ounce from klrkland lake area 71u55 ounces from the porcupine camp and 170q4 ounces from other sources quebec pro duced 34415 ounces in gold in march us against 30g10 ounces in tlio preced ing month british columbia produced 20 010 ounces compared with 25g43 ounces in february and manitoba and saskatchewan accounted for 12 2flfi ounces compared with 11 301 proper ties in nova scotia tlie yukon and al berta contributed gq3 ounces in addi tion to the new gold received at tho royal canadian mint during the month receipts of jewellery and scrap con tabl ed 3533 ounces the total gold content of the receipu during the first quarter or 1035 was 11003 ounces gold averaged 35 40 per ounce in march in canadian fundii and boce on thln valuation thee months output in canada usm worth 083 1557 in fel ruury the average price was 35 05 ier ounce and the value of the months pro duction was 0038307 tilt guaciouknkks ov divati under the prajiect or the givutist of ull fareaeim flol lut li pliyt tr make the world more kindly deuth hiui touched all relationships und tui lowesl them it lt tlie source and the miring or more than hair life gladness in fu tlier si care in motlicr love in the devotion of hihband and wife and in die txnui uf rleiieujilp tlu ru is wtet solicitude depth grasp hunuvr tluit tlie world would nover have dreamed of but for death mor rlson eramosa approves present road plan with each municipality maintain inff section independently grant to centre welling ton fair the council for tlie township or eramosa met hi tho town hall rock wood on monday evening reeve slma mclean prcsidhig and councillors albert lush storey stewart and john lllndley were also in attendance letter was rwid rrom thu township or west garainuta proposing that cacli or the two townships pay half of the cost of maintenance along the whole of tho townlme the clerk was inotruoted to advlso tin township wcut gara fraxa ttiat tlio township of eramow preferred to continue tho existing agreu tnent whereby each townshbp malntalts ili half independently grund of 20 00 was made to thn contra wellington agricultural society on tlie request of exlteevo jolm grlcv bylaw no assessing the township for the various rates was given tlio ro qulred readingt and passed letters were read from tho granting permlsmou for the township remove tlie buik on rulluuy property at thu fourth line from thu lyovlncll weed department unuig stricter methoda of weed detructtoii und from tlie coun ty agricultural ofrice thaliklnir the council for their cooperation in the warble fly campaign accounu payable tuuofuited to 77043 and adjournment wan made to september oth at 30 soap wmulks test steel by mappin tli contour of flimsy athena once capital of entire civilized world athena wan once the capita of tho civilized world bnck of lt la tho most fnmmis of all hllla tho ruin strewn acrokll tlje aeripolls ohhurveu writer in tlio csilcago tribune vvaa ho site of tho eurly city which grow into athpna it was fortified more than thousand years before christ part of tho original wnlls still stand hero the semi mytlilral ktngh ruled it nd sat in judgment llcru under theseus tlio city on the hill united with tha vllngt9 that bad hprung up on tflio plain inlow kor whh in id tli foundatlon of thn dmorrnry tluit lx tfll making its uny westward uround tho world in 480 the aeropollk foil for tho arrol of cerxe who wna iatr ilofojititd in th nuviil buttle of halamls and he uint bark to puraln in the sanui century the hill haw sophocles isurlpldetf sorratew arla tophnnea and perlchth tiho to immor tnllty tim following century brought on tho hllgbt of philip of mncedon after ho hud paved thu way for his on alexander the great as tho town of thn great tnt ueulp torn poets and driiiuullhtm of nntlqlilty and the scut of tlu ttchoolu of phllou ophy foundfd by pluto und arlntotlo athuns subnlhted for conturtoit on the intelloctua ciiiiltul hud btored up during the golden nyy for 2mk yearn them hu owed ltu promnrlty to tlui faun nhdoved in itu early onyx it htlll rcnplng the imrvcht of tho lutunglble fuqtori on wliich tho eniiuro of the mind in built luiiming ami literature rt and oloqmmco phllotuiphy und domocrucy studenlu go there from ull ovor thn world uwo tho vltdtnr utanilh in uwo totoro tho mlijht und innjenty of tlilugu immaterial canadas daily meat ovit outoutinodalof exctu section of macluno or skyiraner beam engineers can dctexmhio quickly jujt how much twisting or bending stres will affect tlie orlgbial of tlie model the apparatus iu described hi popular mechanics by dr allerton cushmoh of tlie college of engineering at tlie uni versity of michigan consists of square box lialfway down hi which is bras sheet sealed with portlori of tlie tnctnl cut out in copy of tlio cros bcctloh of tlio article to bo tested topping the box is glaia plate inset with depth gauge film of soap solution is drawn acrons tlio cutout design and water is forced into tlie louer part of tlie box cauolng the confined air beneath tlie plato to push up tlie film and wltli tlio depth gauge tlio varying level of tlie film is measured from the glass top many readings are taken curves ca2 plotted between paints and contour map results which locate stress points easily interpreted by tlie designer of metal work gigantic globe of stone seeing without eyes blind fuh can dash and xlguag about rocky pool and never touch an obstacle any fish can travel on the darkest night upstream and avoid tha banlcu rocks fallen trees or treeroots tin bottom of the stream or other fish only recently has tlie organ of this uense been discovered you can see it if you look at any flji or the salmon rainlly nnd in many others channel ruimbff up tlie luigth or the fish on either side over this is cell containing fluid from which nerve run to tho brain they carry massage os to tlie least variation in the pressure of tho outer walur ou lt varies wltli depth and when flowing round obstacles the flshj doesnt think before acting when danger signal of varying procure is given therell no time for thought their response to the message sent to the brain is automatic just is the infrared photographic plato can take clear photograph ir tlilctt fog so fluli can see in murky water they sec by lightrays invisible to our own eyes banff national park irrrh nationa rn ycrdcttftwti the first natlonnl park established in canada and was originally named rocky mountalno park it hies an anxi or 3605 square miles of high mountain territory on tlie cast ulde or the rocky mountains among tlie chief attractions of banff are the hot sulphur springs wliich bubble from the rlde of sulphur mountain they are numbered among the most rudloactlve waters on tlie north am erican continent and have acquired worldwide reputation by reason or their curative propertlei these springs were known to tlie indlam who inhabited tlio legion for generations prior to their dis covery by the white man around 1880 there are five chkf springs at banff namely the upper springs tlie kidney springs the middle springs and tlie cave and basin springs ot tlw teehlc attrac tions of tills great park where every vlstu is ccenlc lake louise la probably the best known while tile gteat colum bia glacier is perhaps tlie mout outstand ing banff park ut known to millions of people who have visited lt or passed through lt ut one time or another to those who find inspiration enjoyment tejrt arid he aiorarnid5itiiounialntu ot mountains ure beautiful and ull ure din ferent btt thtro are thoiluinds of peojile wlio revisit bantf year after year to whom the words bantf and moun tains are synonymous uraces 14st5pytemplo ludla rlviilu kgypt ho fur tho mir aculous conceriiwl tho building of tho pyrumldu provuleh enough won dor but tboy wore dohpito thotr sli up stone by utone bnys tlio montreal herald india on the other hand can go ono better by boasting in tnnjore templo which wyes to it height of 210 feet consisting of 14 storloa and upon which rests gigantic globo of utone weighing some 80 tonk tho globe is made of solid granite und much upocu latlou has boon going on for yoara bh to how lt got there yu tho case of tho pyrnmldo tlio theory iu given tlmt tho mana wqh slowly mlued ay tho building grow in height in tho can of tha tomplo lu tanjoro bowovor it is bellovod that tho atone brought from quurrlou from miles awity wan convoyed by hiouna of an incllnod piano nnd 12 ycara of strenuous labor wore needed to uccom pllnh tho tnu origin of croquet croqunt which wiih ono of thn most popular of gsmetf ns early oh sovonty flvo years ago nnd which ih utlll playod in many sections of tho coun try haa its origin in an old french pastime culled pnlllo imillle it origlnntod in southern franco during tho thirteenth century nnd wni intro duced into wnglnnd during tho reign of tho stimrta palllo ninlllo became vory popular lutor tho khuio wna modernized in franco into croquet na kuown for the pant throe quartern of century england quickly took up tho revised game and shortly nftor that it boenmo popular pastime in america beef haa replaced pork as tho most popular meat on canadian tables thcic lias been sharp decline in tho con sumption or pork in canada in rocent years and moderate increase in tho consumption or beef in 1013 tlio per capita consumption or pork in tho do minion was 83 17 pounds in 032 it rot to 8561 pounds but lu 1034 if was down to 60 30 pounds while beef advanced from 5770 pounds per licaei of popula tion 1031 to go go in 1034 ono rcauon for tho chango is uiab tho price of beef in tlio years under review was for tlio most part less than pork another is tho demand for canadian bacon and tuuns in the british isles where canadian pig products liavo carri ed reputation second to none tills achievement is due to largo extent to tho aggressive policy adopted by thn caiiudlau department of agriculture to promote improved production methods among hog rulsem such innovations as the introduction of regulations gov erning tho grading marketing and uala of bacon wiltshire cut ror export grad ing or hog carcasse and tlio importa tion or ultruarutocratlc pig stock for breeding purpose havu iwen largely re simmibu tor tlio gratifying results ob tained under the provisions of the mi at and canned 1vmkii act only sound and wholeome meat fit for human con sumption li allowed to bo ijilpped from one province to another or to countries outside or canada and the handling of meats und other products nmt conform to stringent tuiltary reftulrements cunndlaiu may bo cliujlflcd as sub stantial meat cnluw for theper ciplta consumption of beef pork and iamb was 14130 pounds in 1034 in 1033 it wan down to 13go0 the high point wai 140 go pound in 1033 apanorama ofpuaiuik anh motrntatpt new road map issued by uie alberta government reveals hi addition to lino highway facilities tlie varied attrac tions alberta offers to tourists and con tains wealth of information invaluable to vlsltom most westerly of canadas prairie provinces alberto hau entered upon new era in tourist traffic wltli tho es tablishment of new mam highway iystem this road system of more than 2000 mller unking up as it does all tlio main mountain resorts with tlio chief clthu and towns and tlie more attrac tive rural holiday spots makes albertas vacation grounds an open book to tlie motor touruit from any part of the con tinent in alberta mountain and prairie meet and tlie tourist is afforded an op portunity to blend tlio delightful pralrlo rxenery with tlie striking grandeur or tho rockleu the ridge or tlio rocky mountains running northwest from glacier park in montana is tlio boun dary line wliich separates tho southern parts of the provinces of alberta and brltbji columbia tlie eastern slope or the rockies furnishes tlio watershed from which spring the rivers that water tlio whole of tlio western canada prairies this waterohed is prauictcd by vast foreit reserve running almost tlio entire length of the mountain area of alberta and here found the hunts mans paradise bltf ganu aplenty abounding while in tlie mountain streams and lakea there li great iport for tlie fishing enthusiast more than 0000 square miles have been set aside as national parks in the alberta rockies juveniie baseball continuedfrom pag one bert leal ham ezard and andrews umpires crewe and itedsliaw oak vlue scoro il acton 000 201 000 milton 011 320 20 15 10 tlie following are tho players on tho teams acton iutrlck 2b leatluun once lb woocui ss iunbert cf lb ryder 3b guthrie if bayllsa rf el liott williams cf harvey lambert cf milton pattrron ss sproat if briuih lb andrews galloway of marsh liaird aproat 3b mc nabb rf lylr 2b ikaouk standino pc milton 12 vlio acton olil oalcvillr 12 uronu 12 ia oou tlie wlnneri of tonights game go to collhigwood on saturday and coliing wom play tin ir return game next wed nesday wiilii wtu young und hi my prime thought lt great to luive dime and so it gives mo quite pain to find myself that way again royal guelph golden harvest of fine features now til friday she 11 itiiklt haguauivs amazing adventure sat mon tues shirley temple in cxirly top wednesday next shanghai nkw hit wrni loretta young charles uoyeu this week at ielliqtrs clearing lineri of surrlmer coodrt on display here are few of them ahhu lauiri tha fftlr hhlred mnldon annld laurie who hna boon immortalirod in tho ro mnntlc song bearing hor name wan not erojitur of imagination but ono of whoso nncostry hoaornhlo men tion la mado in scottish history her father wan sir robert lnurlo bnro uot ef dumfrloaahlro annlo who wna born in 10h2 grow to be tho moht beau tiful dumfrlmihlnn huly of hor time and attructod tho nttentloii or tho lyr ical poet wllllnni doughm she ro joetod him as suitor however rphiilt ing in tils writing the song tluit lios mudu her churnm iminnrlul pheaaaut fast runner wnro it not for tho pheaiiuntu ablk lty to hide from ltu pursuer would probably bo at the point of extinction today in compensation for its bulk and luinborlug light nnture lius given the importation pair of legs which hoar it to safety lp twinkling phemiunt enn run nlongulile trotting borne without extending lueir semi uuthorltteu who luive follouod tho bird in itn automobile doclnro jluit lt is cupubh of uttnlnlng running tquxid of mlleu nn hour dkiotrilhattoua fiu tlitf colotilos the principal dennnilnutlnnu in the coloideh wore he church of england the iullioruii congiegutlmml nr noil confnriniat and later tho bupilat and mftlmrtiut us well ita the ittunaii oath olle the illlileu principally in use were the king jumioh version of the lugllsh lllldf the lutherun translation of the ticrinun bible end the omuil trauslu tluu uf the 0htlc or french luble miuj achk who has suffering from fimit troubhs is utrll tihe uil crvd corn und bunion sulvetf fur sori itnl at brown drug store dmarwrfaa mtiy mtnnli hurroimded ui it lu ty tin iiu on utmirly ull uldti liouiiiark pnutuuiiim wealth of lahtndu and uiilnmihin vcr dunveiud iwbuu und winwlclud point and tnmiunldt lti it ih fair and or tile hind coniimmed of the uiiiihih tii lantl aiut kuihu uiul the pouluuulu of jutland the ixooit of the pacific xrountnlns higher than mount uveret hhge plateaux twice thu width of america and great deeps that drop more than six miles downwardi these are charac terlstlei of newfound continent this hitherto unknown territory stretches beneith tlie cur face of tho north pacific it wis discovered by echoes from the depth finder in the ramano the ramapo hau been on survey of the pacific ocean bottom it found that the submerged territory is not morcd by steep depths in iti separa tion rrom north america in tact ap rrmrrhtr the iubmerged continent but the west coast or asia shows series or tremen dous dcepi rrom north to south in the wecit portion or the continent is mammoth mountain rldgvj with tawerlij peaks which ore known to pacific mann ers as idands banks and reefs summer troxjseks ice puij one lot rough crepe skirts ueht shades 249 one lot silk knit slips wlillo with tac trim to clear at 89c ono lot voile dresses regular to si co for 129 on lut white pique skirts to clear at 89 mens ties ueht dark shaileu ittlt 00 to kar ut 69c oiu lot cibis prin pyjamas lait per iwxlr oc one lot celenese dresses 10u1 klldrj only 195 tooke shirts collar attuhod tleg vnlues to 05 or sirt 14 to iv 139 store open tuesday friday saturday evenings grocery department soap chits tor zbc neilsons cocoa lb tin tor zoc heinz pickling vinegar joc gallon kellogg cereals nice icrispii pkrs zdc all bran large package ic corn rlaices nj pkg jh mtimlne cheer ilruiuwlek sugar crlp coffee sardines corn fiakes lb for ozc tim for puk zuc excelsior or lily white flour la lb ba dzf 1hhhmmmmhmhmmmmmmhmhhmmh phone 38 free deliver hmmmumhuhhuhmmhit august sale la dress we fit every type of figure reduced aav ay below regular price come and see them we know the price will make you buy pure silk chiffon fuix fashioned hose only ddc li pnir j1u rachl1n acton