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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 15 Aug 1935, p. 2

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witraw mspjmmmff rjuam two te acton free press nnmsday adqdbt lath less publihrf kvery thuxsdsj acton oaurlo subscktptiom 1atsm per ycr la lucc united ststc sac additional single copies jc both old and addresses should given wbca chance ol addrau requested cancxixatxohswe 6m lhi moat of tur sub scribers prefer not to hrs tbdr aubacriptioo interrupted in ca tbsy uu to remit bclora explralioo while aub acriptlona will not be carried in arrears over an extended period yet tiolcss we are notified to cancel we uiuoe tha subscriber wlshaa the service coatinnej remittances ahould made by registered letter money order or cheque advertising hates legal notices isc per line or first insertion tc per line for each subsequent insertion readers 10c per line for each insertion if in black faca type per line additional notices qualifying aa com ing attractions such as concerts entertainments church society or organisation meetings etc loc per line mini mum charge sjc reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in alcmorinm notices jot and loc pec line estrs for poems uirtb iiarriage ami death notices free small advertisements ic per word minimum charge sje cash if booked 35c slso loc extra when applications are addressed to this office display advertising rates vary seconding so space contracted for although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free press accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that itwill not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of smb advertisement is requested writing by the advertiser and returned to the pree press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the free press its liability shall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of tucb advertisement the space occupied by the noted error bears the whole space occupied by such advertisement arlop dills editor gdttmiar suj stm past and present buck in the days when we were younger caravans of gipsies were quite common thing throughout the countryside rarely season nassed but few of them visited the neighborhood they brought their families and usually several horses to trade and lived in the summertime at least in the outdoors where they went in the winter we never knew only the gypsies lived that way most other folks going on holiday took the train and visited with relatives tind friends seems ns if nowadays holiday is different more folks travel as the gypsies they dont travel by liorscs and caravan but by motor car with the cara van on behind others dont carry the caravan but have place at some beautiful or otherwise place in the outdoors they become copper hued or tanned as the gypsies iftdjn other days the clothes what there are of them arc of bright colors such as delighted the gypsies there seems be to only one difference the gypsies in other days werent con sidered very highly in the community today it i4eems to be quite the reverse and its quite the thing to be the gypsies its impossible really to predici the one looks at the past and present as we told you last week were writing this editorial at beach in fact all of these articles canada much over governed in its campaign for the reduction of govern ments in canada macleans magazine points out that there are 9g senators and 245 members of the house of commons with sessional indemnity of 4000 each membership in the provincial legislatures is as follows alberta 63 british columbia 47 manitoba 55 new brunswick 48 nova scotia 30 ontario 00 prince edward island which hns population neighborliness spirit of neighborly helpfulness was to be seen during thc celebration last week when the bands from the surrounding territories assembled to assist acton band in their effort it could have been seen in another instance at the same time on monday the chief of police from both georgetown and milton were in acton to assist chief mcpherson in his onerous duties ameqlius provincial officers on days in which crowds arc in these communities chiofj mcpherson will be found reciprocating in these other centres acton band will also be found playing often in other centres adjoining and assisting neigh boring barrels the spirit is splendid and helpful to all the communities ab ilr kfrqucprc7 24 members in the legislative council and00 in the legislative assembly indemnities run from 400 in prince edward island to 2500 in quebec there are 44000 civil servants in federatempioy thousands engaged in the provincial service and also the stuffs in 4000 municipal governments about one person in fifteen of the population being on the payroll of some of these governments but says macleans it is not so much the cost of the indemnities paid our 881 legislators it is the unceasing effort of most of them to get into the estimates provision for expendi tures to be made in their own constituencies they want expensive post offices buildings wharves docks roads and goodness knows what not because such things are justified by actual need but so that they can say to the voters look what got you look at the money that has been spent here by my efforts on your behalf they never add and at your expense as for the size of our governmental setup it outd be reduced by fifty per cent ut least and more efficiency secured by elimination of dupli cation coordination of effort and reduction of the number of constituencies daylight saving time continues to be somewhat of nuisance when visiting very far from toronto were writing on standard time but have to be at the office tomorrow on daylight saving time newspaper nuisanjcc the bowmanvillc stutesman recently called atten tion to the pest that bothers every newspaper office those who seek free publicity just now tho political purtieb are adding goodly volume to the wastepaper baskets of the newspaper offices manufacturers of many commodities by variety of means will send reams ofthc stuffthat is purely advertising of their product and have thcnervu to suggest that it is of great interest to our readers news certainly ad vertising is nqws to our readers but it should not bj disguised the public is just as good at reading through the disguise as the editor and just as iu dignautut having anything put over them as news paper man the bowmanvillc editor sums it up thus we dont like to be mean or just plain crabby about this but job himself would have plenty ot trouble to control his emotions had he to put up with this lacket of free publicity just imagine walking into store where youve never spent dime in your life picking up nice hat book or pair of boots and walkinftut of nnnmil miqcje people dont the sunday school lesson for sunday august i8u1 do those things win en suggests thai in th bu world there are lot of people who are not normal minded or who think the editor is not just change we were talking yesterday to one of the business men on the beach and asked if it wasnt pretty good crowd for sunday we were informed it was not nearly as large as the sunday previous when the crowd was estimated at about 20000 small city lot of these folks come from toronto and other large centres there was feeling at one time that folks needed holiday away from the crowd rest ful place folks here have dance halls bowling alleys riding horses and bicycles they seem to require to be amused every hour of the day the motor car traffic is on weekends similar to city traffic the conveniences of the city ortown life aie as readily obtained as at home the morning and evening papers have just as regujar and punctual delivery as can be had elsewhere and no fewer than three papers arc circulated containing news of the beach one daily and two weeklies published in nearby towns it is little different than town or city life only the sole industry is catering to the de mands of those holidaying and doing differently than at home after all that seems to be the summing up of holiday something different if our back were as sore from working as it is now from sunburn we would think we were overworked and badly trent ed but we grin with the rest and think we have had change public enemies very interesting phase of our connection with police court work is the feeling expressed by so many of those who are summoned for offences against the highway traffic act that they are being fined merely to secure revenue for the municipality or the govern ment they seem to lose sight of the fact that the fine imposed is intended for reprimand and pun ishment administered in the hope that they will not again commit tho offence and thus make the high ways surer and prevent the accidents that are becom ing altogether too frequent these days we believe oltirrrs tnriny iire nnr diirnn nf milinganymnj charges than are necessary to keep the roads free from accidents we dont believe the traffic laws provide any more provisions or restrictions than are necessary tor the safety of the public fine should be warning not to repeat the offence an in dividual who is driving motor vehicle and is con tinually appealing in police court is menace to all others using the highways and pedestrians mts fine is warning arid we would suggest that the highways would be safer if the individual who is constantly appearing in police court would be considered so un desirable on the highways as to have his permit cancelled first for limited period and if he or she continues to appear in court to eventually have the permit cancelled permanently queer how the annual struggle for baseball supremacy has to be fought out by acton and george town every year ileie is sample of letters frequently received in the ollices of weekly newspapers please send few copies of the paper containing the obituary of my aunt also publish the enclosed clipping of my niece and wish you would mention in your local column if it doesnt cost anything that have two hull calves for sale as my subscription out please stop the paper as times are too hard to waste money on newspapers uailt1ia homemaker golden tttxl jeaus lovctl martha olid her lilstcr and lazarus john 11 lesson text juiko 10 3842 john ll 1728 ikudy also psalm 116 john 11 144 lulto 34 35 time 20 place bctlmuw expusluxtii martim and mary and their atutudo toward jouiw 3842 tool everyone in thoso days was ca ready to receive jesua into their home at wan muruia iilie was richly repaid uujii tuid moro richly repaid afterwards mary took her place at ills feet as learner there is ho other place so good to learn us at jcciis fcel it matters littlu ut the feet of what great ujeolog hirw wo liavo studied it we luive not ato uaiii ut tho uct of jausi uu hjtvc nut lturod much in the eleventh chapter of john wu umll utfuln urn mary at jeuj feet in luppuciitlon john 31 it ls not likely that jie would ver have foundhrwny to feet in tho unit of her deep arrow liad ahu not before tliat hour found her way to jiu ft for uachlmr then in john 111 we ihuli llnd her onc mjuln ut jous feet for adoration martha did not hear the word ui mary did for tjn was too mucft tuktli up with their uorkintf and worrying for ofeui tlmt they miss the privilege of heurhitf jtjiu murthu wo occupied von jvuy mary war occupi ed with jcir murthu woj occupied with many things mury was occupied not with thlnui but with person and only onfc rtdtson martlw was conteijueriuy dljucud tv 40iev man but mury wx at rct many to day are dutracud about much tzv ui fchti laatoisd bul at brr re in the lord uinranr jjv iwih ed the icrvice but there was pride in it too tho much service was uhncccs jiry jeius did not dcjh tho great dinner martha will bustling about to prepare wliat jtua desired jut then was communion but wo aro not to understand utat mary never ncnml though muruui lilnta that in hfcr vexa tion indeed ut that very minute mary was mlnlitcrintf more to real joy than was martha marthas words dis play irritation nt jeus an well asflt mary dojt thou not care she iveat edly uked we too iom times get croji with our lord when distracted with our much serving martha accused mary of sclibriiness and revealed her own jeus dld not rcbuko martha but oh how tenderly mortlui waa anxious tend troubled about many thine ant our lord would have ur anxious about noth iiik phil there was but one thuik needful that li to know the lord illmwlf john 17 cl pa 27 73 35 cor mary had chtvcn the one needful thlntf and the good port she had chofxn should not be tak en from her no matter how much martha might desire it if we choose jesus himself we iliall never lose uhat wv choose john fan 20 itomans 35 39 peter 45 martha had opened her door to jeuis but mary had opcnel her heart to jciui jcvus loved them both john 11 martha remembered th cravinci of her lord hunger but forgot the cravings of ills loe yet tho memory of thli woman who opened her door to jeius at time when almxt every other door war closed against ii tin remains fragnint in the memory of ly ueera she lead her shortcomings truly but her nimeuiu live an ions as th beautiful incidents that relate to the home at betliany arv recounted il the lessons jems sought to teach 1728 clooc study of this story or martha and mary ceems to lead to the conclu sion that tin ie under the imrfaca that jesus wanted to teach were woman with tak and no vlslbn is drudfie woman with vlnton and no task li vliionarj the li ion and the task must be combined to cct the best results the practical woman necdod and alio tho woman with llon but better et let the practical woman nn telrm nnrl tlin il imi the bep1yv formers ton emigrated to australia to make his fortune shortly after ar rival he wrote home to his father am getting on well wllh uw boss over hero thats feather in my cap afew months later the farmer re ceived another letter from his son ca ing am courting wo bosss daughter thats another ftathcr in my cap few monlhtl later tho fanner re ceived from the son in australia which read have imu the sack from my joo send pusagc money tor mc to return home the farmer replied to his son aa fol iouh iut the feu tilers under your arms and fly home we atiltilk thcysay uiat radium olaayu glv tiig off ports of itself utid yet it never gets any less it is so thats tho sort of itntf they ought to muku money of time had tested tdr thomas kc lectrlc oil hos been on the market up wards of fifty years and in that time it hu proved ablcsjntf to thousandi it is hi high favor throughout canada and its excellence lias carried ili fame beond the mos if it wire double the price it would be cheap liniment distant us well iut the neir future and spoke of the kingdom of henveu uj spreading over the whole earth it may huvu been that mary in marthas houe when she heard him tell or these large plans and vlions of the future was fusclnuted and carried uway by them and tlie time passing quickly forgot about lite house did not iwjar and miss ing tlie vlaon chided her sister in marllia and mary at tho deatli and iki iw uc see tliau cacli oiw has leayrlea whit euch one needed to rltfhdy interpret the task and tha vision doing well mrs smith has our eon started at his haircuttlns job yet mrs evans mrs evans yes he started yester day an when hed finished tho flrsl gcnnclmani head the gcnnclman said good evans no doubt said one golfer to another whafa that fellow with tho broken club making such fuss about new member isnt he yes should imagine hell twcarlng himself in just right from tho farmers point of view om bsro la partlcuur farman about wittrn fair thli gref utdbttioa urg itougfa mad important anougb to includa tjsuits by canadas uaidlog wetifachirft mid to jlv frmn aical uot chawc to saw prizs4nslng aihlbih in awry brancb of gricultura cowyac lkt nd not mlu any of tb things hm6 rk to mo holiday is mora anfoyabu than ona or two day at tba wattam fair famar and thai fanlllat will find so vary much to intaratt tham axhlblta agricultural dltplayt farm machlnsry manufac tuf aut show horsa races and night hona show midway hundrods of totafstlng and unique attractions western fair london ontario proton 9th tq 14th 1q35 w1 cadesky oitomettust will uk in acton om monday aiig 26th anyone kuffermf from eyestrain defective vision or llcmdache should not miss the opportunity of consulting tills eyesight specialist appontments may be made with mr brown druggist conau oflic hoar bl tm cpuiu tomato juice io 14c for greater value week ary upman take on the practical some popular proerb are uronc it salt that ou must notcount jour chlcltem before thvy are hutchqd but the fariu cr ufe ulio dots not count look after the egiti and the retting hens hur chicken before they are hatclwd ubl hae no chickuis again it said that ou must not build rustles in the air but the uomun uho dtni not look aiiead uml plnn uhat lie uants to be and do 111 never amount to tin thing the urchluct seed in vision the great build ing he is going to draw and to erct before he touches pencil to paper to make hl plans iuluin uiw as in vision tlie electric light and uirn hi hunud around until he math it prac tical it lit lted or michael angem that he anted block of marble at one time to make itntue he went to the quarries to llnd it half way titer he luw bltf block of marble which had been rejected because of an gularity and certain dereebj ih had tt sent to his studio against tho protests ot the master of the mmrrk who suld tltut itwiia no tjond hut angclo auw in it us in vllon tiie up lull did titutue of tlie davidondof tha art wutdra of the world here he had vblnn uml las combined nmclusloii when jeru was on curth lit was very practlcul in ills teachings or tlie sermon on llio mount und in ills doing of good works in the luullug of tlie sick but he uuo guv gnut picture in vuimi of tiie futurv of wliut he expected hu kingdom to uccoiiiplliil le looked to the sonnvs favorite cookies jo 9c shaker wl salt pu 5c heinz tomato ketchup large bottle il jolly good prepared mustard 13ttt large jar qc shortening 12c baking powder 17c grimsby sweet pickle relish any brand evaporated milk 37oz jar 23 qjwsjtgl t6 tins 25 frankford new peas quick suds that last chipso sieve no tin large package qc urtiam hrand ammonia 11c carrolls limited aasassasassasafasaas staked 17c omatoes iwlt apples jrtlt lemons tor 10c oranges medium 35c dozen ontario cooking vmano vooking mi onions mill street one iss acton ontario

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