Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 13 Feb 1936, p. 1

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sixtybret year no 33 acton ontario thursday february 13th 1936 eight homoprint pages five cents two exhibition games make the hockey of the week team is beaten by 103 on thuraday nijsiit clarkes of toronto and acton went to 77 tie on saturday night keith scott star defence player injured and treated in guelph hospital will be out of game tonighl clarkes team put up good game acton 10 ouelph oac on tbumday evening last the oac intermediate team from guelph were the opposition of the local intermediatr the game was not particularly bril liant display by the acbon team al though the score was decidedly one sided affair the attendance was tho usual small number at an exhibition game the ouelph aggies started some very brilliant plays but when they gob in on goat did hot seem to know just what to do with the black sphere the acton team were rather rogsd in covering up their opposition but when they made break were able to get right in on goal to get shot at bcaro in the first two periods he let couple slide past him that looked soft but in the final atangcjohntt beare the ouelph goalie was also do lng nice work in the cage slopping many that were dead on the game was decidedly clean in all stanzas only one penalty being handed out all night this going to sloan of ouelph in the first frame acton lead throughout the entire game the result never being in doubt tha college lade deserve lot of credit for the way they carried the play to the acton team at all stages of tho game the onesided score of 103 docs not give an indication of the closeness of the play acton hod more experience when around that little cage and took advant age of the opportunlties offered the ouelph goals were scored by blrkct thorpe and ycmchuck the goato for acton were run in by norm morton terry lindsay walter the teams lined up as follows ouelph bearc goal gamble and ferguson defence ycmchuck centre sloan and warner wing thorpe birkct walker burger clapp carter alternates acton greer goal gibbons and scoti defence llnduay centre marao and mooney wlngu morton terry if morton walters anderson and woods rofcrec joe kentner acton playoff games annoaneeoaeni is made by the oha that the playoff game for group fl will be played between acton and oakvme on thursday tonight and tuesday actan will go to oakvhio foe the first gmjao tonight with the retorh utui in actm on tuesday feb ruary ibth the groap winner will then go into the playdowns with the winner of other group 90000 gallons atertfmd on the fire reported to public utilities com minion last week by the superintendent report of ojkla delegate received acton and toronto tanners tie acton tanners stepped into fast com pany when uicy met the clarke team of toronto on saturday night with such players as helnuman bradsliaw jleyd and morrison on tlieir line and emerged wltii 77 tie and an injury to bcotb local defence man that will hf him aiif ftf th nvi 1ur ymwjn the crowd was the usual sjite of an ex hibition game and the toronto bus was lute in arriving xvey was in for the first try on goal in the first two minutes lindsay ticored on rebound for the locate gerrard was put off and worm morton mode uu count for acton on terrys pass it looked like another by terry but the goal wasnt allowed he had accepted pass from bus morton piper was dose but woods beat him and he did thj ama on xwys attempt murphy made nice try but failed to register piper went orf for his check on terry woods stopped some nice onw and clarkes foiled to get past him period elided 30 for acton mbfluy right nutrhcountlnii at special meeting of tlie acton public utilities commission on friday last commksloncrs harrison and ix honuen were present with chair man arnold presiding all the comnilssloticrti took the oath of allegiance to king edward vdx superintendent wilson informed the commission umt 90000 gallons of water was pumped for uie kennedy fire on wednesday night that equate one and onehalf tune uie quantity in tlie over head tank the pump at the spring wai started at three oclock to keep supply on hand in case any other fire broke out the secretary was instructed to write for new workmans comperwyiuon form chas wilson the delegate to the om ea gave very full report of the con vention held in toronto it was moved by harrkon seconded by hansen that hansen be authorised to sign cheques if the cluilrman won not present the secretary was instructed to pay the following accounts ateo the regular monthly power bill telephone and reni the lr acton pux paitss envelopes 1855 ctins wilson convention ex penses 1300 hepc of ontario lamps etc 13600 canadian line materials insulat ors etc 3489 highway oarage truck repairs 450 can general electric co uup plies jb 10020 superintendent wilson reportsd that two meters were destroyed in the ken nedy are and two were saved moved by cm hansen seconded by ii harrison that harrison be appointed acting chairman of the com ss ion esquesing farm home burned damage estimated at over 4000 re sulted on friday when fire gutted the large frame house owned by fred packer fifth line esqueslng near llmehouse mliis glodyti packer discovered uie lire which broke out in storeroom neigh bors who were called by telephone were unable to do tnore than liejp rjive most or the furniture nearby barn was threatened but escaped damage defence players cheek crashed of the fceeond period but foiled to regls ter woods cleared on scramble in hu territory rul brodshaw got tlie flrat otw past hhn heinuanan was close and oard beat lindsay on his try woods was down to nave on nice play by helntxmon and murphy scott got nasty bump in clicking clarke nun and wai carried from the ice with bad cut over his eye and fracture of tlk jaw murphy tied the score for clarkes when woods was down clarkes were playing tlie best game norm morton scored nice one on urother uus pass and aibbons flipped in mooncys paii and acton put on the prtasure pipr eluded gibbons on defence and scored bradsliaw went to the vacation box ond clarkes mljsl chancg wltli only woods tn boot gard was njostered with wlu scott star defence playvr plenty of rubber but uiere wai no more the acton infr mediate hockey team eore helnuonui tied it upon hill cnllided with an clarke player in solo effort wulters aok rest and the game aii saturday night he suffered uradshaw put chirked one up from jaw and bad cut owr uw scruhible in front of tlm acton net ey that put him out of the game he morruon scored another in two minutes wau taken to ouelph hospital and at and uiulsuy rcorxd for acton on tended by dr nelson and wa able to mooneys uudst to do the period at return home on tuesday the injury d5 for clurkes austaliied was bud cut over uv ey in the uilrd period anderson came on mid the cluek crushed he was un imd the llwi were ahlfted to allow for conscious when carried from uw ice tlw mhaeiiocr of scott llndtiiiy liad the the injury was sustained whan lo firat cw one cerrard got penalty coliulvd wlui unogier player liead he and acloti put on the pressure lindsay was able to out for walk ytiaurday took ajatsos rebound to tie up tlie mom and it anticipated will be recovered again oard went down to save on the surfkumtly to take part la the gain morum brolierti aiid uus sliaved him tuesday in the group final th toafti clor again norm morton wvut orf for will hav td perform without him in oak conlnued from tajw rive vilje tonight viewpof jjip ru of the kennedy klock ctri actton upper picture sliows the general view of the gutted uuudlng from main street tlie low left picture showrj closeup of the rear and side wall left standing while the picture on the lower right shows how close uuj burned building war to the next shop which was only damaged by water photos were by mr brown actonrepresented on the ymca national council which aktiemblea in hamiltori for three days thin week menaxa mason and dills chosen representa tives at tlie meeting of tho board of direc tors of acton ymca last friday evening exwarden mason and dills were chosen to reprcecnt acton mcjl on the national council of the ymcjl which will assemble in hamil ton this week at the lioyal cannaught hotel there for three day seailon mr ii ballantyne secretary of uie national council attended uie meeting acton is among tlie four new branches which will be officially welcomed tit tills annual meeting of representative from all over tlie dominion plans for tlie acton ymca were discussed and arranged and tlie planning for tlie future maintenance of the pro perty the drive for funds to equip ticlal room is making steady progress but building will not be undertaken until tlie funds are on hand the annual remittance of 50 to the national council was passed at tlie meet ing it was also decided that except on special occasions tlie yjllca will be closed at eleven oclock with lights out in the gymnasium at 1030 several detalki of policy were also discussed and liereafter all breakages will have to be met by those responsible concerning tlie acton yjjlcjl the annual report of the nutlonal council presented by mv grablll clialr man of local administration extension and ftnance has uia following to cay tlie 30000 building legacy of the late murray was completed in the late spring and officially opened in uie tair tlienqwr3ottrrec uirs7whlciriuul beon organ ixe late in 1034 acsumed charge of uie building and after many confereiices with rcprfcsentauves or uie council decided to engage partume general secretary upon our recommen dation mr alexander maclaren of georgetown for years identified with ui ymca in various poiuuons was en gaged to give parttime leadurslilp program of acuvltles was tar ted and is being steadily increased tlie organlza tioh ki proving boon to the community some study and investigation is now going on in uie hope tliat work of ulmllar cliaracter may be started in the nearby communities of brampton oeorgetown and pergus under the dir ection of one icrethry who would serve three or four polnu scout mothers auxiliary meeis the regular meeting of the scout mothers auxiliary was iwld ut uie honte of mr and mn george mason on monday evening mrs hatsard the lrcsidcnt was in cliarge tlie tiva sueru report was given by mrs george hall and mrs perry watson called the roll mue itoney gave recitation little orpluui annie word forming content from scout mouurs auxiliary was qihtu iiiterout ing and was won by mrs george som ervllle dainty rcfmjimciits were served by uit eouultun lit clutnrv sooauikas ter georue moon uuve eiplanauons of seoutbig and ouulned plans for ute com ing summer baouu auditors present eramosa report council approves of plan to re organize township into seven subdivisions the council for the townsliip of era mosa met in uie town hall rockwood on monday ttbruary loui at 130 wlui the members all present and reeve storey in uie chair in tlie absence of uie clerk uirough lllneii george day was appointed as assistant clerk tlie oaui of allegiance to king edward vih wo administered to councillors and officials by the ileeve messrs arch mcnabb and ii fo preijcnted the auditors report as fol lows we the undersigned auditors certify uiat we liave examined uie books ac counts tax arrearc register and uie 1035 tax roll of tlk treasurer of the town ship or krpmostt for uie year ending december 31st 1035 and find uame cor rect showing receipts totalling 5233804 and expenditures totalling 5155175 leaving balance on hand of 78710 on decembe 31st 1035 we hereby cerufy the bank balance to be balance in royal bank rock wood 128023 balance in royal bank guelph 0301 total 134323 tlie above mado up as follows balance to credit of township 78719 rockwood police village balance 38041 eden mills police village bal ance 14533 outstanding cheques 5030 total 134323 wc liave examined all vouchers bilk and accounts paid by uie treasurer both iurta their actual tyun trle gall tyr and find payments to be properly made we have examined uie bond of uie treasurer and consider came catlsfac tory we find all the transactions of the municipality to liave been faithfully and accurately recorded and to be within uie powen of the municipality the balance sheet is properly drawn up and gives correct vuw of the mun icipalitys affairs in regard to verifica tion notices or tax arrears nottccf have imami sent to ail or 100 in arrears of tuxeji and the roll has oten completely checked we are pleased to report the town ship lias no debenture debt except tlw school and hydro debentures which ure liabilities or no no 10 and the police village of rockwood continued on pave five rkttt liuicait annual hiekting the annual meeting tot acuu voiunuef riw klriade wad hcm uu tnurmday evening ctuw mekwakl waa reekcul with mr john mearihur aa kwpuly chwl frvml crewmii lj cattaht of truck and klovrt ktela and wm chunolni and john xjuubcri fm lirt and kcoad lieutenania cordoa hmlin tnidwmm and wuwon trwrr imrf compleae the ofltoexa wo wrwj aij caoeted by oha seems in no hurry now has evidently forgot early rul ing of having group winners declared by february 7th we mcnuoned it loot week and it is more apparent this week uiat the only makes rulcj lo be broken let elucidate in the first place the announcement of groupings uald uiat all intermediate group winners must be decided before february 7th tlie first decision wca that in jvent of tie oakvllle and guelph would play suddendtaui game td decide winner of second place but like the old woman the ojia cliahgoil its mind or had it changed for it and allowed home and home games wluiout any parucular hurry about them eluier now it is announced uiat the final group garnet will be played on thursday and tuesday when they might easily haw been played on wednesday and friday or saturday the result is uiat group winner in uils bunch wont be declared unul february i8u1 it is wondered if uie games in uie ii had any bearing on uie selection of these dates certain team liati tiirmeirtontirlincipinmtgtoupwhlch arc very similar to tlie oakvllle lineup its about tlmu uiese group were divorced but judging by uie arrangement the oha is tlie weak sister and bows to uie ncedii of uie boys playing in uie ouier group tlie artificial ice rinks will be sure of uie final games in intermediate atf well as in ouier groups and after read ing an incident in uie oakvllle papar last wvek it would be tli best to decide to play uiern in toronto when uie choice of tee is offered appointments are made at session of county council copies of early minutes to be plated in archives duplicate copies had been kept from 1853 to 1873 council approves of change in childrens aid society and will iay half of maintenance cost council approves of plan to have ratepayers cut weeds on roadway bordering their property but defers action childrens aid society office in county building highways akk blocked at tho time of coin to pre it would seem that the roatu arc to blocked with the aiorm that the trip oakvule lonlxht would be tmpoaaible from all directions the report the niact the know plow hari been part way throurh on the eeeond une report are that the roada are filling in aa rapidly aa they nre cleared it ht one of the worst storm experl eneod in ihlri district thb year and knows no fcifn ht abating relief accounts of 56887 passed by esquesing council esquesing will cooperate in combating warble fly the borrowing bylaw passed tlie esquetdng council met on friday morning january 31st at uw call of ui reeve all members were present and the reeve presided at uw meeting tho minutes of tlie last meeting were read and confirmed the removal of enow from townsliip roads was dealt wlui it was moved by roblncon seconded by howard may umt this council do now adjourn to meet on monday february 10th at 130 or at tlie call of the reeve carried the esjutslng council held their regular monthly meeting on monday afternoon february 10th deputyreeve robinson councillors wilson howard may and edwin harrop mere present reeve george currlc presided at uie moisting tho minutes of the latit meeting were read and confirmed communications were read from tlie department of municipal affairs town ship of nassagaweya edward wlieeler department of highways and wilson jb co mr wliltelock agricultural repre ntauveoraltorrocmtyrmrriiall reeve or trafalgar and mr tiioa bird addreiwd the council regarding treat ment of stock for warble fly during the afternoon uie council and officials took the oath of allegiance to his majesty klna edward uie eighui moved by edwin harrop tcconded by wilson thattjie treasurer pay relief accounts as presented by uie relief ofloer 50887 carried concluded on page idght business and social time fealairemeetlnrwoineiivinaiituleut tlie home mr and mrd davusan lelch ulda also enjoyed the regular monthly meeting of ths womens iruiutute was jicld attl homo of mrs davidson on thursday last with the president mrs gamble in charge five minute talk on the motto war given by mrs davidson leti all make merry togwuicr mr muclarcn addrosjud uio meet ing on ymca work and hoped all societies would donate to make possible room for social gatherings in tla build ing current eventi were given by miri masaliis roll call was answered by humorous story feature of the evening was white elephant parade which was quite amus ing as uie different elophantn were un wrapped and shown as they were receiv ed by number euchre prluis were won as follows ladles mrs reetar and mrs noble genu mr stewart mr evans traviiteincistcocachui and mr noble music was kiipplbd for dancing by mrmaore and william hall ajjout sixty sat down to lunch of iandyiclies cake and tea served by the cjuuiiilttee vnry licorty vote of uuuiks was given to mr and mrs davidson for the hospitality sliown and the hteethig wan invited for anouicr year the mooting closed wltli uie obighig pur they are jolly good fallows hortii and slelglis were sent in uy mr mocutclicon for transpurtation two hurt in crash between car and truck two when truck collided headon car driven by dr ilrydon newly appointed pieel coroner on no 10 lilgh way north of brampton on sunday james davis driver of uio truck was cliarged wlui reckless driving by traffic officer ray hodgcon davis had several ribs broken and his right kilde bruised charles rowley passenger liad his head severely lacerated when thrown against ukj wlndslileld and was taken to peel memprlnl hospital dr nrydo derby iiaved hhn from serious injury when he was thrown against his steering wheel davis was allegedly trying to pass car at the tlmv auto crashed guard rail when hn automobile in which rev dr geo duon toronto was passenger tikidded on muln street on saturday afternoon it crashed through uie railing of the bridge and hung in rather pre carious position over uie creek none of the occupants were injured the cur was driven by mad dixon and was travel ling east at the time of uie accident tike guard rail was juiuluiuh and thu headlamps broken orf and uie front of ute car rattier badly damaged when it was put back on uie road tlie party was able to continue to toronto chief tjto iunuu invutitfated the accident lliat morning another car had gone off uie road from the other direction but was not damaged beoauae it stop ped hi tlie snow at uie side of uag road the second meeting of hal ton county council was held in milton last wed nesday the warden in the chair and all members present with the exception of mr finney nassagaweya at the morning session held in the court house minutes of the lout meet ing were read and adopted and com munlcauons read by uie clerk there being some temporary defect in uie heating system at the county build lngs uie afternoon scailon was hcldln uie farmem bulldbig known locally as the stone house council went into committee of um whole with mr jos hcwson as chair man the reports of the standing com mittees were ou follows educauon committee recommended uiat the resignation of mr wll kinson oakvllle school board be ac cepted also uiat of mr harrop milton high school board that die oakvllle high school board be paid uie cum of jhdoodo that the sum of 500 nv dollars bo itnt for membership to the county council section of uie ontario educa tional association and that mv john irving be appointed to attend uie meet ing of um assoclauon in april good roods committee this commit tee recommended payment to uie de partment of highways uie sum of 4b80g being the countys post te 20ti or provincial highway improve ment that 1500 uicmbersliip fee to the ontarlo good roods ansoclauon be for warded to same tliat bylaw to provide for expendi tures on county roads for 1030 be pascdl and two copies be sent to uie depart ment of highways as requested communication from peel county re cutting of weeds on roadside provoked some discussion tlie communlcauon requested endorsatlon of reaoluuon from peel requesting the department of highways to revise uie statutes mak ing it compulsory for each ratepayer to cut weeds on the roadway bordering bis premises members of halton county council wlille considering this uie mat effocuvo means of dealing wlui the weed problem qucsuoned wheuier it won possibk lor legislation to be pasted compelling ratepayer to cut weeds on property no hki own definite action was therefore deferred special communlcauons letter from continued on fge five coming events auuouucetuiati of alntuigii con cert or otllir kvedti uadcf thl bctliuff ar clmrgcj ccdl tr hue with tatlnlniuia cbara for kuy moounceweut of ac watcli for date and opening announce ment of uie big loe carnival of acton and district legion the ufypo will hold urielr regular meeting on wednesday february lbui ittnhebmeonmrtwlxtcculloiigh the scout mothers auxiliary will hold euchre in uio parish hall on monday evening february 34ui admission 25c young womens auxiliary or knox church are holding patriouc social in tlvp claij room of uie church on wednesday evening march lltli at 800 oclock admlstilon 25c thetjuke of devonshire chapter io de are holding muslcale and tea atr uie home of mrs ii fraser on thursday afternoon february 20ui from 330 to 000 oclock admission 35c everybody welcome nnvtslty carnival and skating party in georgetown arena lriday february 31st see potiters for particulars and prby three houril skdtliig wlui band for 25c arrange your skaung party for this night and have real time and lots of fun 333 progress li being tnade in preparing tlie local play the arizona cowboy to be presented by acton laiwu bowling and tennis club in the town hall acbon on murclt tth and 5ui llie coiit is as follows farley guult cluirles kirkiiess isiul quiltan jan ros duke blaoz alicer nr liruyns hewkiali buggs joa hurut yowkeit jack iteld bigr tok oordoji cooper or lady orhn gordon cook marguerite moore flora bayers mva petunia bugga ftancea uuiat coralle blackslieer marguterlte byder fawn afraid helen cook young tjn lahra mcmullen

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