mtam two the acton free press thunaday iraaruary nth xoic she arton 3pr press pabuabad ky tbui4yat acta wtario both old ibuga of subscription katesuoo per yaar uaitwt states sbc additional single cooi 5c mew addrcaaca ahould given wm ddraaa vfeqncttad cancmxatiokswa fioa thai mat oar aub cfibcr prefer ml to ha their aubaciition atcrnilh la cake they tall to resit before expiration while aub enptiooft will not be carried in arrwaf over extended period unuu we are notified to caacl uinm the aabcrucr wiataa tbe aervice coatlamed kasalttancca should be made by teslstered letter nooy order or cheque advertising ttatksletat notice xv per line or fijat inkrtiori sc per line for eacb ubmejaeot inaertloo reader 10c per line tor each inaertloo il in black face tjpe jc per line additional notice quality la aa com uf attraction ucb hi cooftu entertain went church society erf orbkoiaation meetings ctu lee per line eaini cbarc ajc report of mcetinia held gladly iaaertod in atetnoriaaa notices uc and loc per line extra for birth marriage and ivalb noticva free free small dtti momenta ic per word uiaimua charge ajc cash alao loc extra wheat applies ion are addressed booacd isc to thia ofica diaplay advertiainti apace contracted or precaution will almough ror the according old tough every precaution will oe utcn iu the pre rseaa accept advertising in it column understanding that it will not be liable for any la any advertisement publiabed hereunder utiles at auch advertisement is requested in writing by proof oj auch advertiaemen the advertiser and returned to the free rrea buameaa osnee duly aigned by the advertiser and with auch error correctinna plainly noted in writing thereon and in tbat case any error so noted not corrected by the free preaa its liability aball not exceed auch proportion of the entire coat of auch advertisement aa the apace occupied by the noted error hears to the whole apace occupied by mscb ad uitmcti arlof dills editor tkletpuotfes editorial and busineaa gfnc 174 reatdence in better form thatvcry interesting and informative book pub lished by the ontario department of municipal affairs and giving the municipal statistics of the province has been issued in ricw and better form this year copy received with the compliments of hon david croll has been perused with great deal of interest instead of having to secure figures regarding the one municipality in several places it is now arranged for getting almost at glance an other improvement is the listing of municipalities by size rather than alphabetically and makes for an easier comparison of the various municipalities which go to make up the province the only fault that could really be found with the book is the fact that the figures relate io rhe year 1034 and are therefore not right up to the minute the detail contained in such book of course necessitates period of time to compile and accounts for this only fault always very valuable book to 6ciri possession of he 1034 municipal statistics in its new form is indeed fund of statistics that is prized the sunday school lesson foil sunday retuxltauy igul erfldr justified investment in an event such as last weeks fire the advantages of adequate fire protection and fire insurance are readily discerned the annual expenditure on fire protection may at other times seem heavy but in an instance similar to wednesday at last week it is paltry the fire brigade seemed in no way handi capped through the lack of facilities with which to cope with situation which might easily have re suited in wiping out big section of the business part of the town with the burned building star rounded by several frame structures and on one side with not more than six feet separating it from an other frame building the blaze was confined to tho one building which was doomed before the fire was discovered taken into consideration that the tem perature was well below zero and strong gale was blowing the charred pieces of wood for three blocks right over the centre of the town the efficiency of the brigade and apparatus is readily seen pressuic was all that could be desired there was no dimin ishlngofthe water availubleiirspite0fthe9000i gallons used on the fire and in the three lines of hose laid there was not an interruption from breakage fortunate one might say yes but also fortunate circumstance of being ready for such an emergency there has been steady improvement in fighting sucn fires and the advantage has been demonstrated and the expenditure justified ruler over small thingb first arthur williams was unseated asreeve of eust york when it wus shown he owed urrears of rent for over three months when he was nominated lost de cember tho constituency he represents is not in very enviable financial position and the filling of offices by men who cannot meet their own obligations is not means to bring about improvement the announcement that the ccf will use every endeavor to reelect williamswill not put that organization in any better light either men who aspire to office in any municipality should at least have some stake or holding in the community they aim to direct it need not be property holding but it would certainly make for better financial government in municipal affairs if all who aspire were required to show suffirierft financial responsibility to warrant them being careful in administration of affairs perhaps after all property holding would be the safest plan the re election of williams will not improve the standing of east york let him prove himself better qualified io small things before he aspires to administration over over great things his one talent wasnt used to very good effect tub bislno ql5wkaat10n towns and villages the publication of the municipal statistics and perusal of it prompts second editorial on towns and villages it might be termed the second in series we suppose only it isnt series these statistics show that there nre in the province sixty two municipalities designated as towns the smallest of which ojibway has an assessed population of gl it also shows that five centres designated as villages hnve population of over two thousand and the largest of these forest hill bus an assessed popuia tion of 7809 these of courbe are all based on the records of 1931 among the villages acton corneal sixth in point of population the five above have all over the two thousand population and in that point if they chose could become town it would seem that most of the centres below the two thousand figure had secured their classification thus on account of being county towns another interesting comparison in this baok of statistics is the acreage of the towns and the populaj tion actons population is given as 1809 and ucreuge as 304 or roughly about fiftli of an acre per person whitby has 3732 population and an acreage of 350 or over an acre person george town has 2203 persons and covers 1031 acre half an acre per person petrolia has over an acre in its borders tor every person ojibway the smallest town listed as such has an assessed population ofot and an acreage of 1398 acres in this town every body it would seem has twentyacre farm we wight go on at some length and really make series of articles but we wont do that but it would seem that the designation of town or village really docs not designate anything purticulur other than change ot municipal formation of the council fho contests are on dominion and provincial parliaments are in ses sion and the work of government and opposition farces has been pitted against each other one won ders sometimes why it is so unless it is the ageold delight that most people have in witnessing contest between individuals or groups as in games and sports in government debates however the government always wins so the uselessness of the contest is more apparent than in horse race where the odds are heavy for the favorite in the opening speech of hon benett it is hard to recall that just few short months ago he advocated what today he critic izes and that reciprocity agreement with the united stntes was part of the conservative platform in the election last october the program outlined in the speech from the throne touches on most of the vital points that it would seem necessary to inaugurate better conditions and yet it wdl undoubtedly be blockednt everystep reorganization of the bank of canada change to allow the government to have greater authority in the operation of the cnr inquiry in radio broad casting inquiry respecting monopolistic control of importation and distribution of anthracite customs laws relief camps unemployment and relief ques tions united states treaty nnd the british north america act are all points to be dealt with surely among these items on the program offered many of the vital questions of the day can be settled it would seem broad enough and the government has numbers enough to do all these and other things that aresurelycalculatedtobofor tho good of he dominion definite results showing real ment are awaited by the electorate improve editbriai notes liis seems to have been poor year for weather prophets they are very silent jesus heutj douutek qoltlcn text bclicve help thou mine unbelief mark lwoxi trxt ulku 1028 time midsummer d2u waco galilee exposition johtov doubls con cerning jur 1823 john wow in pruon in machenu but the news of jiynift mighty dcki iwno trutcs rvrn hli dungeon johnn dli clplrf have ucccsg to him in hbt lmorl jonmnti and they tell him tin itrank report that 11u thn ulr john haw had dcflnltr revelation that jciur was tho baptiwr with the holy spirit and cleur positive fftllhlnhlm atuu lnmb at cod and son of owl john 33 j3 l934 but john wili not perfect ik wuji human and when his active ipirit ujuj ihut up hi pruon doubut begun to come in on they ore npt to do to man of intanu activity when lie is oblig ed to kit jtlll and walt cf kin ha 19 31 many find it dlirtcult to reconcile john preuunt questioning with his former clear faith but those who know uiu human heart wltti ilt momciibi uf clear sustaining faith and lb oilier mom en li of conflict and uncertainty will lirid tills story mofit natural indeed li would never have been fabricated in th way but it bear on iu face tho evidence of iu genu burner john in his lyiur of uncertainty did the wbiest thlm any man can do under such clrcumstancts ho took his perplexities and his ques tioning to jesus hbneu itc was not clear for tho time that jesus was the coming one but he was cloar that jehus own testimony about himself was to txi accepted such doubter will not long remain doubter if thoee who today doubt that jesus was the messiah and son of ood would only go tlht to him and ask ho would oon set to rtest all their uncertainties joints question wad right to the point art thou the coming one the one whom oil the prophets from mates to malaclil liad foretold was to come an the fulflllcr of god promises and glorious plana for hki people or look we for another how much better to put the question to the direct test than to sit in tlie darkness of doubt tho thought very likely had come to john if he is indeed tlie coming one why doeaifo delay to manifest himself as king dethrone ncrod and net me free john luul never forgotten the vision he had cen tlie voice he liad heard thuj morning when jesus came out of ths water and tlie holy spirit itself bore witness to his sonshlp but long tunc had gone by since jesus baptktm and he had not yet organised any church or marshalled any army reports had come to john in hli dungeon that jisus uas spending precious time teaching in the villages even in despised samaria tills did not accord with tlie jewish ideas of the xiusslnh held by john the baptist he could not go to jesus him self but ho sent two of ids faithful dluclplcs v1lk his question at the very hour thnt the messengers arrived jesmj uai giving demonstration tlmt he was indeed the coming one by tlie mighty works he was performing for an an mer to jolin lie limply points the mes mngen to hat they see going on before their oes anj the testimonies they hear then follow theciiuilomjcj3r divine work accomplished before their evs or testified to ln their atonished uar diseiues and phupjes are cured the cyti of tlie blind are opened eu spirits ar cast out een the tliad anj raised the son of the widow of nuin had been recently raised vt 1117 and quite likely was among those about jesus on that particular day these thlngr uvre the slgni predicted of the messiah lsa 35 ii 42 gl jetus con stantly appealed to ills miracles as proof that he war the mvsslnh and son of god john 3g 14 11 15 24 he added gentle word of warning and re proof tor johii messed lie whoso eer sliull find none occadion of stumb in gl tr thli wuim re run ce old testumunt predictions concerning thmniioijmrwi ii jesus tcstlmonj to john the bap tist 2428 jemli had sent to john word cliier nnd word of reproof but when tin hhj iirtrs were out of hearing il cave to the multitude glowing ustl immj to julms worth anil inatni iv hud been halen for moment in negro mammy had family of wcu bcliavcd boys one day her mistress udted sally how do you raise your boya so well alill tell you missus answered sally ah ruisedeni wld barrel luvc id all rulso em frequcnuyl next it uio nod not pailoii impebi whom reason claud lail or atheunutlo iahui the tdns and aclni of sxlatlca and hiuumatbim should be treuted with lr ilioruat kclctrlc oil tlie oothhig and heajtng propertlw of this famous remedy huvu been demon strated for llfty yiun use it also for inflammatory pains cuts scratches bruuei and sprains either in human bcuijyt or the lower animab orange pekoe blend mil tea how to iive man jesiit wlndi up uili marvclloiu euloy by tlie ujcrwon tliat itbiong pure ly human beings tiler was none greater tluin john the uaptlst and yet th son of god wot tu much greater tlmt john waji not wortiiy even to bai ills sluksl matt 11 john y0 and tlien jcjuj add tlie astonishing suitt liilnt uiut ureut anwiu john tlie king dom of heaven which was to come wai 1a great tliat even the one wiio in but little but who is truly in the kingdom is greater uian he we today see and luar tilings which prophet of old desired to see and hear but which were witliheld from them luke 10 23 14 tlilngi ore revealed to as which hud been hidden from the beginning of the world knli col 25i7 peter 1012 the weakout believing lieurer of ihiul would undemtand things by the light of jesus death on thcjrass wldch john the baptist could never have explained greater in grace and know ledge hu certainly could not be but even tho least in the kingdom enjoys knowledge nnd privileges immeasurably beyond what any one before the in auguration of tlie kingdom ever know we ought never to disturb ouroclvcs ubout the quality reputed to lluve been our or about our own prominence with tile public even for those who have been mom fortunate in tlie uyes of the world nccoinplliiimcnt isonly relative nor is there any truth attained which anyone dare look on us fluid lair we ure nil limited in varying degrees and wuji we little know our own limita tions our duty is to work without turn ing our eye to tlie right or to tho tuft from the ideals which alone can light up our paths it is not any duality attained that can ever be ours whnt is oun can be no more than tho best quality of which we are capable put into tlie effort towards tlie attainment of what we have set before ourselvci the eifort towurdji it one which we dully find ourselves called upon to make anew we have to think of how to live before wo can learn how to die ood li not ouldde us but is within our brcuslj an almighty ever present dlcty this li nrlnciplc we do well to make our own an early as we can in life and to keep always before our eyti lord haldane wl mothers who know tlie virtues of mother graves worm fexcrmlnator al ways have it at liand because it proves its value lires autumn just us tho closing hours of sum invrs day are often the mast beautiful and mut restful ko the closing year of loiitf and busy ufo may yield uio deeputt content mid provide uio most sutlfjmi churm all the beauty of the world li not in tlie springtime nor in the hot and siutry duj of summer autumn li often richest hi color and whiter has beauty unknown to all the other nuoas life like the tltotij and each sea son luu lli own particular charm heiico to look forward with fear and distress to tlie coming winter to imagine ujuxfc old age can yield us nothing but pain and anguish li to reveal timid and unlierolc spirit and to make even tho brlnhlest days dark with farcbodinks that probably will never come true ilet is sweet only to the tired if wo wvre never tired wo should never know tlie delight of ro in xing our limbs and laying our heads on pillow of down after hard days work or jong tramp over hill and dale who has not said as he has thrown himself into his easy chair tills is good tills delightful tlib is bletsedness deep and satisfy ing hasliness li the faithful but unlmppy parent of misfortune falter pie pumpkin ttfy fin aun 9c sllv rluxm buuj 0oum ymlltv nj wy bn uns bo uu lx 19 ayu no iv iim sic eagle brand umwaatanad blueberries no sum 19c aylmer uiuwaaunad pie cherries t2o tint 19c and ccn tlie chap who mhb for ood old fashioned wmtir hasnt liad ureal deal of coimnent may ilw chosen for the is said to be the montli likely to he coronation of kinj edward viii depression is when yon are down hole without ladder says the dallas news and boom is when you are up in the air without wins attoi ncygcneral roebuck is still inquirinj about dehnrrce of the departments antislot machine policy it will take more than enquiry to put these machines off the market the new dominion government refused to be bluffed by the textile company who laid off workers supposedly on uecount of ho jupuucsu treaty when un inquiry wus uunouueed for the industry the em ployees went buck to work by fl maplt leaf pure lard th firsl of the season new orange marmalade our freli shipment of grothtrv soda biscuits libbyi pork beans stoney creeu red raspberries no 2h tim zl no un 15 chrfsties biscuits box each ritz and cr1sbrown both or 25d carrollt freih ground coffees economy lb 21c flavoroma lb 33c luhutloui toiut soap lux lc1 11c lillli hr niltiht mfin like reed jhakn witli tin wind hut juus liicl thrm dblnlj from their mliuls anj ueli crltle uimmlit jolm wa no waerlng and untatir chirieti nt ithi was lie man eking hi own gl irj and comfort gorgtou lj ipptrelled and ihlng dell eutely lie wa prophet man dlr lly unmlloned and lirplrid ouj uuthoritutufl declaring god mind to men rt hike 71 hi but llr win even more than tliat he uo hlnwlf the ubjett of old teiliumiil prophecy one of whom the ureut prophet of olden tlid spoken mid ii of luke 1517 71 john ho wis the one cluun from whole humtn race to the iws tlme l11 the tenuer before tlie sim of ood to prepare tlie way before him john tile duptlst lilted tlie loftleit office ever filled by un rheumatism ilelmatlf3m ncutkam lftmbjioo quickly tallevod by tum irvktmibt lirownb orue store rumacapsi kfdt cnjnn rhffsf auiui slicad 01 hilvid peaches 27c the piictlcal bi ol ivory 4r 25c foi quicl sudi chipso la 18c to polil slvi silvo13c22c vhipmwaevih heinz xomatotehup cawauah mat4 isb 35c 7oz pl9 25 chase and sanborns tender la leaf laings valehtine kisses 25 ktilu chocolalecosud biscuits bridge daintiltst6 frys breakfast cocoa 19 carrolls good grocers since 1893 tomatoes firm ripe bi 25c spinach grtstn curly uil crbtp ror 17c oranges navel swtsct and juity niccsim yl medium y1 lnrko of larru uic dozen onions sound and dry bs or 10c potatoes 25c good cookers lttucei 5c grapefruit 725 heads marxh seedier nicesize hike delivery phone 158 mill street phone 158 acton ontafi